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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Nope, the one that teaches peace and understanding. Are you an Islamic terrorist?
  2. Sometimes the joke goes between our legs, not over our heads (JUST an analogy). Don't forget the difference between the manipulator and the manipulatee.
  3. (sigh) I didn't think you understood, but hope springs eternal (you know, the green arrow) That's some tortured thinking are you OK?
  4. What caused that perception? It must have been quite easy to perceive to drive them to such depraved violence. Indeed, but in order for that manipulation to be effective, they must share that perception, all-be-it a less obvious perception. Of course not, you need to brush up on your comprehension skills. I'm saying that some people that are being oppressed are Islamic; the other 99% of the people who are also Islamic, don't drink, say their prayers and are charitable, because they use the book properly; it's hardly fair to claim they are responsible for those who are so repressed and desperate for change, that they torture it's meaning to suit their needs.
  5. Guess what happened to Nietzsche's thinking.
  6. Then, thank you; just a thought, the old green arrow is another, better, way to show your appreciation.
  7. Is there a problem, or should I say thank you?
  8. No, Islam extremism is caused by injustice and oppression. So: " You find terrorism caused by the result of Islam extremism" FTFY
  9. I thought I had, maybe I'm wasting your time (not my intention), but what progress have your answers achieved?
  10. Unfortunately your wasting your energy, because: God knows better
  11. . https://www.facebook.com/LBC/videos/10154580627641558/ The internet provides an international audience, but fear is the goal of all terrorists, because fear creates hate and when the two combine, logic and reason are just dirty words.
  12. http://terrorism.about.com/od/causes/a/causes_terror.htm
  13. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/omar-alnatour/muslims-are-not-terrorist_b_8718000.html
  14. Just angry, we all get angry now and then, now do you see the difference between anger and hate? You can be angry and tolerant, you can't be hateful and tolerant.
  15. Yes I'm right, but not for these reasons. You're right, but yet again for very different reasons
  16. A spoiled child suffers as much as an abused child: for instance Moses was raised by a rich family, much like Buddha, and much like Buddha he buggered off for a while, only to return with wisdom. Ask yourselves this; given the miraculous and well celebrated birth, why did he disappear for 32ish years? I suspect he was from a broken home, virgin birth be bolloxed, she got knocked up and lucked out because Joseph fancied her. So they buggered off because of the local gossip, or a roman census if you insist. Step dad Jo didn't like Jesus very much and mum needed him enough to turn a blind eye, Jesus spends the next twentyish years wallowing in self pity, then he happens to meet 'John the baptist' who said something that sparked his understanding, but only 40 days in the dessert sparked his enlightenment.
  17. No... It's nothing like that, it's hatred, venting a frustration is fleeting even in the extreme, like riots; only deep seated hatred can inspire war.
  18. Phi for All, on 04 Dec 2016 - 6:05 PM, said: I think it means both are here and now, and illustrates how, at a deeper level when we're honest with ourselves, and we ALL know what level I'm talking about. Only when we can forgive ourselves shall we know peace, the location is immaterial. From this thread: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/96081-share-your-belief/page-5
  19. Inequality is most obvious, when a powerful community throwing it's weight around and meets an equal we get conventional war, if it's a weak community we get terrorism or, when we like them, guerrilla warfare or freedom fighters.
  20. OK then, you can do nothing about it. The only way to stop intolerance is tolerance; you win friends with bread and a smile, not a scowl and a bullet.
  21. Amongst others like mass/density of the walls or hours of sunlight/temperature...
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