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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Are you suggesting the snowflakes conspire to cause an avalanche?
  2. That's like saying a stone must know how to be a mountain.
  3. Seems to me, that they can't be answered: "through the notion of intelligence".
  4. Why would you imagine a chaffinch has no cage, don't you?
  5. I don't think any creature could possibly be aware of the scale of the universe, certainly not on the conscious level; it's the best guess, which links back to iNow's Ted talk.
  6. The poor exists in every society, what are YOU going to do about it? Don't ask what can society do for me. https://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksDirector
  7. X = Who knows, the race to the moon was born of competition, so you can safely place it at some point in the future. Y = again, who knows, so again it's up to you're imagination. Z = Who cares? Radiation as we know it, is not capable of doing what you require from that distance (if we're safe from the suns radiation), but a virus might be, if it could be transmitted from the moon to Earth. Sci-fi doesn't require facts to be plausible, it requires, like all fiction, a reasonable narrative...
  8. I'm not sure that's even possible, but it does depend on the definition; are we talking self awareness?
  9. I guess the rule against offering medical advice has hit the buffers, on this thread.
  10. You've never met my gran then... Jokes aside, surely a wise person asks why, before dismissing.
  11. Stop doing this, it's not healthy. If you want to be healthy, eat what you want to eat (so long as it's not, basically, pure sugar or over processed) if you cook it and do some exercise; stats aren't needed because health is as much mental as physical; stats can only describe the physical.
  12. Surely a wise man/woman would say "I'll put the kettle on, come in and tell me all about it."
  13. I have a fundamental issue with this statement, how are you defining intelligence? I can't find any of the studies that support the following: two documentaries, 'Black Fish' and 'Ocean giants (IIRC)' suggests a whales emotional intelligence far exceeds ours, due to the relative size of that region of the brain, which is much bigger than ours.
  14. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink...
  15. God doesn't have to exist for a wise man to use it as a metaphor, for teaching.
  16. What if the wise use god?
  17. It's easy to prophesy that, whats happened in history, will essentially, repeat given enough time; that doesn't make them magical or spiritual.
  18. I think you're getting the wrong end of the stick, it's not about control, it's not about avoiding emotions and it's definitely not about always being happy, or in a good mood, that's impossible. Don't run away from your emotions, accept them; what choice do you have, besides it's a lot less work. The only mindfulness you need is to understand yourself well enough to forgive the same faults in others.
  19. Jesus Christ!!! run away, run away...
  20. Because some very clever people, a lot of them on this forum, suggests it can; why do you assume it can't?
  21. What if we consider the devil to be a metaphor, for those we can't forgive or understand?
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