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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Human spirituality means nothing to AI, much like AI imagination means nothing to us. As I've previously mentioned, it would be like talking to God without the magic guy 'voice of god' (translator). AI consciousness will always be a mystery to us, but never impossible...
  2. That's my point, you don't have too: Liike I said it's a yin-yang thang... 🧐 Glad to see you haven't lost your dislike of me, I hope it brings you comfort... πŸ˜‡πŸ™
  3. β€œOne swallow does not make a summer, neither does one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy.” ― Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics The yin to your yang.
  4. Logic takes us to the most likely explanation from the available information; when it meets a paradox, it doesn't mean the paradox is real, it means the information is unavailable. Therefore logically, to draw the conclusion that logic is therefore illogical, is illogical... Couldn't be bothered to read the rest.
  5. This question, for me, is akin to, will forest Green Rovers win the UEFA Champions League? The probability is low, but if they do it'll be a great day and then, meh...
  6. If nothing else, he/it/she provides a good set up for the jokes... 🧐
  7. By that definition a sharp rock doesn't count as a descendant of a bread knife and therefore cannot be used to study sharpness, or bread... Of course you do πŸ™„, since any possible argument, is impossible; bc you have spoken the truth already...
  8. Don't worry, nor is he. Organoid's are an exciting new line of inquiry thoguh.
  9. And? In a topic about evolution, which is essentially the process of getting better at what it is/does, there can be absolutely no doubt that this is happening with computer's; in fact IIRC human's no longer designs the architecture of a computer chip, a computer does. We can never know what evolution will produce tomorrow, given enough tomorrow's it could be anything that's physically possible, even a computer with agency. Because he doesn't know the answer, ask enough times and he'll block you (don't worry, he can't hear me πŸ˜‰).
  10. For the absurdities of the extremes to be exposed before the people, first we have to suffer it, then a martyr should lay down his life before the sacred pendulum of politikos. So, Trump et al is to be suffered, before the martyr is pissed off enough...
  11. The problem is, evil is just as immune to a proper definition, as is time. The problem of kindness, is that it's trying to kill my dog; my wife can't stop giving him treat's...
  12. And we're back to the same handwaving and bs arguments you presented in your other thread on the subject; basically it's blind faith in the ineffability of humanity, through some sort of God, as far as I can tell... Well, that's another iron-e-meter bolloxed FFS, I wish they could design one that could evolve past, throwing in the towel; you don't know the difference between an argument and gainsaying, look em up... Better still:
  13. I've read the bible and the lessons are there for all to read, most of which don't really include god, well, not the good ones; the bad ones need a little more thought to understand the author's intention, and guess what, the author isn't god. TBH mate, if you're hearing or seeing god, you'd be more likely to start a new religion. Please feel free to preach your heart out, just please recognise the source of your enlightenment and let people make up their own mind; sometimes abortion leads to a sunlit upland, for the parent, and not the hell that child would have to suffer from a malicous/unprepared/unwilling/disinterested/unable parent...
  14. So, your solution is to run away? If only refugee's could think that clearly...
  15. Does one still have a soul if one doesn't have a god?
  16. You can't be arsed to answer anything that doesn't fit your view, however reasonable; it's a yin-yang thing.
  17. My momma said, "to get things done, you better not mess with major Tom." And I believe her... πŸ˜‰
  18. Not at all, the bit I see as futile is: "Someone had blundered. Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die." You and I have no Idea what it's like to be a Palestinian or Israeli, with the level of fear (both imagined and real) they live with (both today and yesterday) and we both can only guess at how that has warped their understanding of what a human bean is... Not that I'm accusing you, but a good analog as to why peace/pacifism has a chance, is in the playground when kids start to fight, we rush up all excited shouting "fight, fight..." but when the big kid wins and doesn't stop the beating, the rest of the yard either turn round and walk away shouting "wanker" or pile in on the wanker. depending on how big he is. BTW I think Isreal is 'now' being the bigger wanker; they seriously need a teacher to intervene...
  19. Other ways for both sides; for instance, if Isreal really want to rid themselves of Hamas and the like, then why not spend some of that vast military funding, on making life more comfortable for the Palestinians than Hamas can achieve, it shouldn't be difficult. You must learn to subvert them, if they're stronger, or a constant irritant/threat. All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred.
  20. I just mean there's other ways to fight and getting what you want, that doesn't involve killing people; for both side's. If only a good guy could get heard...
  21. I'm sorry @J.C.MacSwell this was never intended to insult (as it seems to be perceived), it's just an observation; and I'm pretty sure our politics broadly align, so neither is it an accusation. Being a pacifist doesn't mean I won't defend me and mine and it doesn't mean I snivel and collaborate, what it means is, let's not use people as cannon fodder before an overwhelming force. I hope that clears thing's up.
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