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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. I'm embroidering that on a corporate T-shirt for you.
  2. Obama should use some of that money to plant more moss so we can have more oil.
  3. Without mentioning the persecution of Galileo, you have NOTHING, lame crazy man.
  4. Ah yes, this is a different version of the avatar I had for years, a Hubble telescope photo of the Helix nebula. I love the way it looks like an eye in space.

  5. You mean my new avatar, or the golden mean stars picture on my profile page? Thanks either way!

  6. All the best reasons to keep it illegal merely help the people who make the most money from it now. The secondary reasons are all speculative, like what drug dealers will do to combat the loss of profit, or that obesity may increase because more people will have the munchies. That it will become too available is the one angle that holds any strength with me. Existing laws keep homemade wine and beer from getting out of hand but I think home growers would be capable of much production levels, and having your product grown outside means security from underage users would be a concern. I know there are existing laws to cover most of this but it could be a problem, having teens hop your fence instead of raid their folks' liquor cabinet.
  7. It would be easiest to classify MJ the same way alcohol is classified. Develop a blood level verification, and let existing laws for alcohol govern MJ use and sales. Absolutely not. I'm saying that arguing that opponents are hypocrites because alcohol is legal and MJ is not is logical, but has the least chance of being effective in changing opponents minds. Opponents will not see themselves as being hypocritical. Hypocrisy is hard for ANYONE to spot in themselves, so it is almost always ineffective. It's just human nature. OK. I don't know what valid parts Mr Skeptic left out but I'm glad you agree that non-THC hemp should be legalized in the US since it poses no drug threat. Then I think you misunderstood my point. See below. I'm only talking about people who would be eligible to have medical MJ prescribed to them. My point exactly. I think I phrased it badly the first time. I know people undergoing chemotherapy who would benefit from taking medical MJ but don't because, even though they might obtain it legally, it has the stigma of being an illegal, controversial drug most others. While I admit to some facetiousness, I find it hard to look at a list of cons for legalizing MJ that isn't ridiculous for the most part. I'm not an advocate for decriminalization so I could get high legally. I don't consider it to be as bad as alcohol as an intoxicant. I think people in jail only for possession or for dealing in MJ don't belong there as felons and represent a huge drain on my taxes. I think a lot of people misunderstand MJ and dismiss it as a "criminal drug" in much the same way they think of much more dangerous drugs. Actually, what I said was I'd like medical MJ to happen at the same time it was declassified as a felony, not legalized entirely. We're really on the same page here, baby steps, check it out slowly, see how much of an impact it will have on society. But drop it to a misdemeanor so our prisons aren't filled with folks just looking for a little happy.
  8. That would be decided by the market. Depending on how legal it became, we are talking about a weed that anyone can grow, virtually anywhere. How much does homemade wine and beer cost? The hypocrisy angle is the weakest one to me, and the one that has the least chance of changing opinions. Hypocrites don't see their actions as being hypocritical, and alcohol-only imbibers usually see everything else as only "drugs". Is this a sarcastic "right"? Because growing non-THC hemp to save trees from being paper, and to cut the amount of pesticides used to grow weaker, more costly cotton fibers, and to produce hemp oil as an internal combustion fuel, has always been one of the strongest arguments to me for legalization. Right now, a lot of markets are maintaining higher profits unfairly because they aren't being challenged by this currently illegal competitor. And why is non-THC hemp illegal? All the arguments about it's being mistaken have been debunked. Many people who would benefit from it's affects won't take it because of the stigma associated with it being illegal for everyone else. I agree. The list of cons for legalizing MJ are ridiculous. This is probably the best compromise. If making medical MJ available everywhere went hand in hand with removing it as a felony offense so we could get some otherwise decent folks out of jail, I WOULD STAND BEHIND THAT 100%. (funny, hit the caps lock by mistake but I'm going to leave it anyway)
  9. There's nothing wrong with angry, unless it leads you into a personal attack. No more name calling, please. I made the comment, "pulling a gun in anything but a life-threatening situation is just begging for a life-threatening situation" as a clarification of Moontanman's point, "most aggressive assholes will hesitate to hassle someone they think can shoot them". I didn't want it to stand as a response to abskebabs query about being hassled by kids, since I place quite a distance between "hassled" and "severely threatened". I didn't mean to imply any wrecklessness with my comment. I purposely didn't quote Moontanman for this very reason. The statement I made was a general one, but apparently didn't come off as such.
  10. I thread per question please, I removed the duplicate thread in Homework Help.
  11. First, what is "pretty young"? 17? 13? 10? Second, what is a "pack of bin bags"? The references I found on line referred to some kind of shoulder tote like a purse, but I have no idea what a pack of them looks like, or why it would be a threatening projectile. Third, I like the idea of very loudly declaring that singling one person out for torment doesn't work when EVERYBODY is sick to death of punk juvenile, terrorist-like behavior. I'll bet you'd have several people at your side real quickly. And last, pulling a gun in anything but a life-threatening situation is just begging for a life-threatening situation.
  12. Can this be confirmed? I would like to know the reason before I start complaining about it. Two irrational actions don't make a rational one.
  13. Hypocrites, by definition, rarely see their actions as hypocritical. It's just not the angle to take for change, and I think this is what Obama is trying to teach us. Shouting across the aisle is no longer a viable option.
  14. Great point. I've partaken in the past but don't now and you're right, the most pragmatic arguments come from the economic and criminal angle, rather than the "it's no worse than alcohol" proponents.
  15. Come on, we don't need any "that's stupid" comments. I welcome opposition comments for what they are: a chance to hone your own arguments and see exactly what it is about MJ that people object to. I agree that Obama can't be the one to start this. It has to come from a logical, rational public who marginalize the "let's get high" angle and focus on the merits of economic competition in various markets, reducing crime, increasing revenue through taxation and reducing prison population by removing the least offensive inmates. One concern is that existing laws aren't sufficient to cover MJ use. How much could you smoke and still drive a car legally, and how would it be measured, like blood alcohol content is measured?
  16. Phi for All

    I'm back!

    You'd have to pay the Phi for All the things you did before all could be forgotten.
  17. Moderator's Note: Do NOT stray into a discussion about religion or religious beliefs. Those are pointless and are against the rules.
  18. Phi for All

    I'm back!

    I didn't think you'd have the GutZ to come back here after what you did.
  19. I now pronounce this thread closed. Too many people forever holding their piece. Someone kiss the bride.
  20. Golly, the nude model/firefighter/stripper act is tough to follow. Operative word act. [skeptic mode auto]
  21. Same reason you've never seen a certain model of car till someone points one out, then you start seeing them all over. We remember patterns. But you know what's weird? 11:11 11:11 11:11
  22. I hate the fact that Obama just trivialized the comments of so many of his online supporters. I didn't read a whole lot of those comments, so I'm guessing they were less than coherent in many cases. What needs to happen is a focused, meaningful, incremental approach that doesn't paint the picture of a nation walking around high all the time, that cuts right to the heart of the matter: less black market crime, fewer families in jail for catching a buzz (or helping others catch one) and the economic bonus of reclassifying non-narcotic hemp. I can understand the political image pressure, but I think that can be overcome by an incremental approach. It's the political interest pressure that I'm really concerned Obama is bowing down to.
  23. Perhaps something in your sandwich is either offensive to one of the senses librarians care most about too uber yummy and makes them jealous enough to banish you or there is something politically incorrect about peanut butter, sausage and bacon I suggest you try cucumber and cream cheese. This seems like a choice no librarian would find objectionable, especially if you offer them a bite.
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