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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Perhaps we need an Archeology sub-forum for Computer Science? Would you call your dream machine the Necromputer?
  2. This is my fear, actually. By targeting mileage instead of emissions, the legislation mollifies the consumer but leaves a wide open door to additives and quick-fixes that may improve mileage but still emit previous-level toxins or worse. The market could quickly jump in with products that help fulfill the letter of the law while ignoring the spirit of the law.
  3. So better mileage automatically means fewer emissions? I didn't see any emissions standards other than mileage in this article. I really wish there was a zero emissions target date with this legislation that would move the industry towards electric.
  4. I'm deeply sorry for your loss, ydoaPs.
  5. When imagination isn't exercised, the creative muscles shrink and there's a buildup of boredom. Go play.
  6. Wings are spicy meatballs of fire when ready, set, go west, young man about town council.
  7. This is the 50th anniversary of when Chubby Checker signed with Cameo-Parkway Records. He didn't actually write The Twist, but his version was accompanied by the stylistic dance that revolutionized the modern world of music. Geeks everywhere no longer had to worry about stepping on girl's toes since Checker made it possible to dance apart. Of course, we missed out on a lot of holding a girl close when Chubby came between us.
  8. Do you think the bomb going off in such close proximity to the magnetic anomaly was what happened the first time, or did Juliette's sacrifice truly change things for the island?
  9. I'll have to check that out. I'm going to use half a cup of Italian dressing, a half cup of Terriyaki sauce, some garlic and ginger and a little dried mustard as a marinade for this good-looking London Broil I picked up for a song yesterday. I'm still undecided on whether to add honey or brown sugar though. That sucker is gonna soak for at least a full day before I grill it.
  10. Besides moving to a Spanish-speaking country, what's the best way to brush up on my Spanish? Are there any Spanish language CDs you would recommend?
  11. That's odd. There's a thread with this same name in the Moderator's forum. Trumpety, gassy noises.
  12. For what? Define cheap. Do you have a budget?
  13. If you're using it strictly to get a broad picture so you can narrow down your research, and you're not going to use direct citations from Wikipedia, what's the harm in starting there? How will your educators know, or do you also want to use Wikipedia as a source? I've wondered myself if there wasn't some kind of memo circulated by the NEA about Wikis not being accurate. My 10 year old wasn't allowed to use Wikipedia for her 4th grade report on Christopher Columbus.
  14. The wife and I are going to see it in IMAX this afternoon. I'm not dressing up but I'm a trekkie. I will never understand why people like to know all about a movie before they see it. If I know I'm going to watch a movie, I stop watching trailers for it, I don't go to web sites looking for behind the scenes info, and I definitely don't ask others who have seen it what they think. I want to be surprised, I want to see it fresh, and it takes me out of the whole experience when I get to a part I've seen a bunch of times in clips.
  15. I like that extra touch, it shows you're thinking beyond the money itself and acting like an upright, concerned citizen. Something a bank should appreciate.
  16. Starting over is pointless if you aren't going to read the refutations made. Since you've been warned about this before, I'm issuing a trolling infraction. I know you will most likely think it's just because your stance goes against accepted science, but it really is because you make statements which are adequately refuted, then repeat them later, proving that you are not reading the refutations. This just keeps threads moving in circles, and teaches us only that you are hidebound and close-minded.
  17. Take the note back to the bank, bring your receipt for your earlier transaction, tell them about it and hope they take it in stride. If they don't, I would mention your long association with the bank, remind them of your stellar record, and again ask for a replacement note. If they still don't, ask for the next level supervisor and repeat the process. Go to the director if necessary. As a last recourse, tell them you will try to get your £20 from the local newspaper who will pay for good stories like banks who pass counterfeit money.
  18. This would look good on the back of a red Star Trek uniform. Don't forget about consequential damage. Low amperage may not kill you, but high voltage could cause you to trip going down the stairs, or make your muscles jerk the wheel while driving, or cause your humorless girlfriend to stab you in the throat after you "test" your device on her. Just exercise a reasonable amount of caution and an abundant amount of good sense.
  19. Give us some background, please. How old are you? How long has this been going on? Have you tested this by eating ONLY asparagus or do you typically eat it as part of a meal? Have you tested this by eating smaller amounts or larger amounts than normal? Are you Pluto2 over at Sciforums? Is this part of your post from there? I realized there is something wrong with me. It's my meat addiction. I never feel satiated without eating meat two or three times a day. My father often gets angry at me for eating so much meat. And when I eat other things like hazelnuts, peanuts and asparagus I almost immediately feel tired after that and get nausea and vomiting.
  20. Flense the doorknob pocket methodically. People without pedal digits shouldn't have to suffer bigotry as well.
  21. I'm glad to see you're softening a bit on this particular microorganism, Green Xenon. When pasting your description here, you left out some of the vitriolic language you used at other sites, such as: "S.epidermidis is a sadistic gram-positive pathogen...." "S.epidermidis is the most flesh-ripping gram-positive pathogen...." "S.epidermidis is a cruel gram-positive pathogen...." Are you becoming fonder as the Google hits become greater?
  22. Why do you find the post insulting? Doesn't a viral internet campaign satisfy at least some of the conditions of a "man-made" epidemic? Why so sensitive?
  23. They counter each other constantly to maintain proper blood glucose levels.
  24. Too much effort and expense. You become the victim of the problem AND the solution. I really dislike it when people make *their* problems *my* problems. It shows a complete disrespect. As a pet owner who carries plastic bags so my problem doesn't stay on your lawn when me and my dog walk by, I object to anyone who would put a "neighbor" through such a hassle. If you could post a video of that on YouTube, it would be #1 for a month (or at least, and more appropriately, #2) The cheapest and most effective solution. Despicable? Not in the moral sense, since morally the cat isn't harmed, you aren't harmed, and the neighbors aren't harmed. But they may despise you because, as you said, you are taking away their magic crap pixies. Or rather you are arranging for the crap pixies to start costing them money. Please doo.
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