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About GutZ

  • Birthday 10/05/1983

Profile Information

  • Location
    Hamilton, Ontario
  • College Major/Degree
    Metal Casting Technician
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Physics I guess


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Organism (8/13)



  1. OMG I love berserk!

  2. My apologies. I won't do it anymore. It's ridiculous though that some starts a conversation with an insult. Hi my name is "whatever" You guys are morons, *insert topic* No offense to the staff but people are place lies and insults continuously, where to the point where half the discussion is about expressing fallacies and topics being 6 pages of nothing. I make one or two remarks that are out of line and I am the one being pointed out? I don't come here to read this sort of crap. I can get that anywhere else. I left reddit for that specific reason. It's just people boosting their own egos. There is more proper discussion going on at the MMA forums I frequent, and that's just sad. Out of respect to you guys I promise I won't resort to that sort of thing anymore *scouts honour* but when I or other people stop posting here, it won't be much of a mystery as to why, since there is no pay off for make respectful posts. I change my mind I am jsut going to find another place! It's been fun. I just don't have the patience for it anymore, that's my downfall but meh... You guys should though really make a new logo, it should boost sign up!
  3. It's a good thing you provided past trivial accomplishments that have really nothing to do with any of us. At least now you can add making a fool out of yourself as a current accomplishment.
  4. Pangloss: That's an interesting point. I think the Obama administration has taken a good first step by making websites that give specific information to the public directly. I was a very skeptical person of the administration at first and I still am but how this administration has handled the issues lately has been impressive. It's too bad they can't create peer review panels for government lol. I think to these recent partisan wars have really opened my mind to what I do as well. I have no idea why I fall for it sometimes. I don't think I have been totally realistic. Maybe it just becomes easier to do. "It's the republicans fault". Little comments here and there escape you. When you see it in such an overwhelming matter you really see the effect it has and how damaging it can be. I hope this will be the case for a lot of people. navigator: You have no faith at all in the government at all do you? lol. Why? In regards to the health care..with a gloomy economy how long do you think it is appropriate to wait?
  5. I would say you are put an unrealistic expectation on Obama to state exactly to amazing detail as how the stimulus package will work out. The man can't read the future.
  6. I sort of like that as well, I find my mind likes to drift off and go to outlandish places, after reading some of my own posts I usually get confused as to what my original intent was, and realize how far off I went from it. Especially with learn. I finding that I try to get the whole picture at once. That's almost impossible, so I am trying now to learn how to break apart elements into chunks and dealing with that. I think what I am going to start doing is train my mind to find out what specific idea I want to present and than work on them individually, step by step. For learning I hope to test that as well. It sometimes feels like I am playing a broken record and whatever I learn a bit but my mind seems to trying to fit all that information right away in a big picture and it makes no sense. I am trying now to let go of that way of thinking and just work from the ground up. I've never been a strong proponent for medication. I would suggest more to find where the conflict is and solve it and if there is some biological aspect that restricts you than go for it. I think I have improved slightly since, because of trying to slow down and focus forcefully where it's becoming more natural, and I think that is the key. I don't know if you see my writing errors but I think that is part of my issue, I take multiple ideas and when I choose one the others sort of linger around and show up as interruptions or half and half thoughts. like: "I think I have improved slightly since, because of trying to slow down and focus forcefully" I will get there eventually!
  7. Given the recent discussion about plans failing or working (L vs R), Do you guys think if Obama's plans work out, that the whole left vs right thing will die down as well? This whole conversion from Bush to Obama has really kicked up the parties drive to make everything politic. I am pretty sure if Obama bought a dog, there would be a political story attached. Say a white poodle, would be seen as "Obama brings white slave to white house!" joke of course. Also have we sort of brought this upon ourselves with the vindictive behaviours (Atleast I can say I attributed to it) with the attacks on Bush. Even though I do find there is slight difference because his action have been brought to light as being wrong, and I think outrage was somewhat justified. I just see that we are slightly forcing politicians to be too much of a politician, which is far from how I usually viewed them. I am starting to see that politicians are a product of their base. That base is slowly fading with the BS. Are we ever going to be getting out of this cycle? If Obama fails it's going to chaos. Are we really dependant on one man to create good change? The more I think about Obama has to have the toughest job in the world right now. Someone at CERN could make a blackhole that would devour our galaxy, and we would be fighting Obama's plan lol. Will there be a time when parties can agree to disagree and sit in the same room without all the drama and BS? I am not saying we have to guilt accept our oppositions opinions, nothing wrong with a solid arguement, but I kinda feel like, we are all missing the point or something. (nothing strongly for a specific topic, but generally around the idea I plaster all over the place. Trying to give no limitations if that is allowed, I like free discussions they can go bad but they can go good too)
  8. OK FINE! ACCEPTED! NOTED! WRITTEN DOWN! MARKED IN STONE. What does that have to do with the ability to properly discuss issues based on the merits of the proposal? That's the issue! there is no argument at all to against the bill. The fact that there are left extremist defending the bill with stupid tactic doesn't address that when the opposition to the bill has NO argument and reverts to tactics such as described by the OP doesn't change the fact that this tactic is NOTcreating stimulation or progressive dialogue over said issue i,e, health care reform.
  9. Navigator, you have an alternative idea to health care reform? If this bill is so horrible and disasterous, how come people are resorting to these tactics. I hear a lot "That won't work" but no why it won't work except for that the government magically can't do healthcare properly, with no real reason other than that they are government. On top of that there is NO alternative presented besides..."Free market!" It's not an argument. So how again is this method to opposing the bill presented which I doubt anyone has a great hold on to begin with will benefit form this course of action? What's so efficient by doing this. Forget parties, two sides, one object presented from one side created to make a better system. What works better proper communications or facts? or political tactics that have nothing to do with it? It's cool you presented the side of left and it's mistakes but beyond that....You still have a war of disinformation to handle. That's the essence of this thread.
  10. dichotomy, I don't know if you notice...but you are full of shit lol, and I think you know it. You are picking apart unreasonable SINGLE examples of proof and making it seem as if it discredits the moon landing as a whole or at least places it in an unknowable "for sure 100%" category...FINE. Then after people get frustrated at other peoples inability to take scientific, logical, and rational approach, REPEATEDLY using the same method, you condemn them but not the other people? If you want to look at assumption why do you dismay that if there is indeed a suggestive nature to the technology used than, why the Russians would just let it go? How much money and effort did they spend in the space race? Why would they based on inconclusive evidence just accept that USA beat them. how do you account for that line of logic, because what you are suggesting is that at best is that a shuttle made it to the moon. What evidence do you have that there were no people on that flight? You are clearly not in anyway taking the proper road scientifically. you can question all you want but you are not taking the path you think you are taking. I don't see how 99% chance of something being correct is in anyway worse than the 1% if you accept that you can never be 100% certain of anything. It's ridiculous and I am certain if you allow yourself to be unbiased you would see it as well, but I think you get more entertainment this way. I suggest everyone just stop replying to this non sense. (after me of course )
  11. yes , probably

  12. hey did kenpachi really say that? i mean your signature..

  13. My history sucks but there was time when saying something about your leaders could warrant something close to captial punishment. I am just trying to illustrated the flipping from one extreme to another like government or societies interpretation of civil disobedience. It should be virtuous to act properly and coherently, the deliberate teaching of people to do the opposite is unacceptable, and should not be safe guarded under the disguise of freedom of speech.
  14. How is what Inow presented not factual and based on opinion? Has yelling and screaming become accepted as good argument? I thought that was mostly for 3-10 year old. We need to stop defending people who do not act properly. Sure it's counter productive to label, but when your opposition acts like a child the discussion is already at a stand still. This is bad, I think people are underestimating the seriousness of allowing this to happen. Our society is degrading in the opposite direction. !00 years ago this sort of behaviour would of been shunned and most likely criminal. I accept that freedom of speech is important or we limit ourselves and open windows for abuse as been shown in the past, but somehow we allowing to go to a point where freedom of speech is destructive. It's being flipped to the other side. This is abusing freedom of speech plain and simple. It seriously needs to stop.
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