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Everything posted by Realitycheck

  1. It's a "miracle" to commonly focus on a unified purpose/style/etc., over the course of thousands of years? Was this unity in motive supposed to spread from OT to NT? If it's such a miracle, how come it took so long for everyone to get with the program? How is choosing the difference between right and wrong such a miracle? Law and order vs. death and chaos, doesn't sound like such an amazing, inspiring revelation to me, but to each his own. What about the infinitely more mistakes that people made? Convenient, how they all got left out of the story.
  2. You're talking about an incredibly large amount of information flowing from an equally large amount of sources. You're talking about an incredibly large amount of information flowing from an equally large amount of sources. The latest IBM supercomputer, meant to answer any question you throw at it doesn't even come close. You're talking about an incredibly large amount of information flowing from an equally large amount of sources. The latest IBM supercomputer, meant to answer any question you throw at it doesn't even come close.
  3. no offense, but this sounds so absolutely backwards. How will you control the content levels? Your bloodstream isn't exactly the same type of environment as your intestines. How do these bacteria compare with these blood cells in terms of the diameter required to travel through capillaries? What guarantees that they don't get all mucked up in cholesterol-like plaques? What guarantees that they will flow freely through the blood? Sounds like a custom-made ticket to chronic malaise, at best. Err, I didn't finish reading through all your restrictions, but it's starting to sound like quite the designer germ. I hear that gastro-bypass or shortening is a pretty sure thing especially in conjunction with liposuction, and if it is a medical problem, they can't deny you treatment. You should go to a teaching school and get discounted rates. It's not exactly rocket science.
  4. We know that it was hotter and denser and now it is cooler and more thinned out and it is spreading apart faster than it was before, leading us to believe that a contraction is not likely since there is no known mechanism for it..
  5. "98% of the 10^28 atoms in the body are replaced in the body every year." Dossey. Space, Time, and Medicine. October, 1982. Actually, pretty hard to believe considering the permancy of tattoos and the inefficiency of replacing all that bone.
  6. Interesting how +1+-1=0, but +1*-1=-1. Kind of raises a discrepancy in your entire scheme. If 1+1=2 and -1*-1=+1, well that just blows everything out of the water. Two negatives make a positive? What will those wacky mathematicians think up next?
  7. Then ... what's the square root of -1?
  8. How can you prove that gravity is a flow force of the aether, and mass is a vector rotation of that flow force? What is aether? That's what some people said was up in the sky 300 years ago, then we went to the moon and found that there was nothing there. If you want to extend that to the weight of dark matter pressing on galaxies, fine, but it is hardly the same. You don't need to use math as long you can explain it in more extensive, proven terms, not just rattling off stuff with no support whatsoever. Just because you make some unfounded, unsupported statement doesn't make it true. That's what they do at Marvel Comics.
  9. What kind of peer-reviewed research do they have to support this technology, I wonder (a headband that optimizes the bodies electromagnetic spectrum, or something like that.) Interesting how they use Alex Rodriguez and Dwight Howard as sponsors.
  10. Capitalism is the most efficient form of economy. Socialism is typically rife with poor quality of products since there is limited competition with state-run production channels. With no profit motive, there is less drive to excel. People are often inherently lazy. If government-run businesses are limited to things like utilities, I have no problem with that. On the flip side, I believe the govt. has a responsibility to provide a limited amount of support to its people in areas that are not easily foreseen, such as Medicare, or in areas where it makes sense to consolidate efforts, like Social Security. @ Rick Perry, who stated that SS should be state-run, what happens if people move several times in their lives? Then they would receive an assortment of little checks from different states, completely uncoordinated in effect?
  11. I just found this in a Fox News article, but it states that scientists have observed some particles exceeding the established speed of light in a vacuum when they are travelling through a medium, such as water or oil. While neutrinos are notorious for evading contact with much of anything, even through thousands of miles of bedrock, one would think that that is a reason why they shouldn't even be affected.
  12. It could be a supernova, maybe nobody else noticed it.
  13. How can gravity or any of these other forces predate matter? Matter has been there since the Big Bang, to the extent that gravity has.
  14. Calm down. While I'm not disputing the definition of Liberalism, per se, Classical Liberalism is all but extinct and bears hardly any resemblance to the Liberalism mainly practiced today, that of Social Liberalists. And just because a Republican ran the White House doesn't mean anything if the Democrats ran either of the houses.
  15. Along with plenty of other gems at "Experts Find Jewish-Arab Genetic Link", Judy Siegel, Jerusalem Post, Nov. 6, 2000. http://www.khazaria.com/genetics/abstracts-jews.html But this is kind of getting off topic.
  16. This is bordering logical fallacy. Why would Jews lose their ability to live so long? DNA doesn't just up and walk away on a massive scale across an entire family of hundreds and thousands. We can trace Jewish ancestry back thousands of years based on their DNA today. You think they all just miraculously lost this superlongevity gene with all of the children that they bore? Or are they all living in hiding, Illuminati vampires flying under the radar? If they could live to be 900 years old, this would be an evolutionary advantage. They wouldn't just go extinct. They would be smarter, wiser, more experienced, able to beat the curve. But no, we are all the same.
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Liberalism back at you
  18. Liberalism equals big government, more taxes, more control. Conservatism equals smaller government, less taxes, less control.
  19. Depends on your understanding of how a primitive protocell would work. If the first cell had a few million base pairs in its DNA, (like for a million different functions, characteristics, and defense systems) I would agree then, but we're talking eat, drink, maintain an outer wall, and divide/replicate. That's not exactly a long list of programming code. We're talking about a few hundred lines of programming code, compared to millions today. Baby steps. And if you knew that the basic building blocks of organic materials naturally assemble by themselves in the most primitive of conditions, then you should see how the formation of life isn't necessarily so farfetched since the world has a lot of square millimeters to work with over the course of billions of years, second by second.
  20. The neutron star has a gravitational effect very close to that of a black hole. The black hole just takes it a step further, increased gravity which prevents most radiation from escaping, cessation of atomic activity, it might even reach absolute zero. It's just that stuff zinging around the disk at high speed that creates Hawking radiation.
  21. Same story, different market. I mean, at this rate, why invest in anything if China is always going to be there, undercutting anything and everything? A number of companies received stimulus funding to help propel blossoming, more efficient solar technology among other green projects, only to be undercut by the Chinese, driving 5 of these solar companies into bankruptcy already, the biggest one to the tune of half a billion dollars. Of course, you can always say that research wasn't adequate enough to take into account the ever-present, looming, but hidden sweat-shop threat. I've been doing a little reading lately on the Chinese economic threat posed by such mismatches in economic development and what I read wasn't too encouraging. As China develops and becomes more wealthy, don't necessarily expect their monetary valuation to move into our favor. With a burgeoning Chinese market, they can afford to pay for a quality product that still undercuts our prices by 40%? So how do we address this mismatch in order to even the tables and compete? The headlines right now are that the funding was plowed through hurriedly right after the Bush administration had turned them down, but the Green revolution wasn't exactly part of Bush's gameplan anyway, so there's no guarantee it would have caught on anyway without a pronounced nudge into the Green age. The latest excuse is that we just need to improve the technology, but won't they just copy that to some degree? This is an old complaint/problem. What can we do?
  22. There are irregularities in the orbit, but is not major and not real noticeable. Plus, inertia has a smoothing effect on the orbit. No, the sun's effect on spacetime is kind of independent of the orbit of the earth. If the sun were in between you and an object you were observing or near that plane, it could have a very minute effect on what you were seeing.
  23. When I was a boy, I went to church every Sunday with family, but my parents never went because my mother refused to go. I developed anger at Judaism for writing all of these tall tales and trying to pass it as fact, but I generally have a lot of respect for them in person. I can't say as much about the Geneva Convention. The world has been too polarized for a long time and sacrificing things to God is really the one thing which haunts Jews the most, I bet.
  24. The orbit is defined as the net result of two opposing phenomena, gravity, which pulls the earth towards the sun, and centrifugal force, which pulls the earth outward as it orbits.
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