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Everything posted by Incendia

  1. Hello...Would we be able to detect a planet on that had an orbit at the same speed as Earth but was was always blocked from view by the sun? Also...We have sent satellites to the further reaches of our solar system. I think it could be a a good idea to make one that orbits around the sun instead of the Earth in the opposite direction to Earth at a speed that would take it a long time [1/2/3/4 Earth years...preferable 1 EY] to revolve around the sun. Every time it passed the Earth we could remotely download the data it has collected and send people up to upgrade/repair it. We could also have robonauts on it to operate it or automatically maintenance it when it is behind the sun. [unlikely though] Why it could be a good idea: Currently we can only see what our satellites can see and what is visible from Earth. As we cannot see through the sun we can only things on our side of the sun. Things on the other side however we cannot see. This mean we could miss activity such as comets passing our system once every thousand years or strange solar activity just because our planet is on the wrong side of the sun to see them. Sure we can simulate things...but simulations aren't as good as observation. The satellite could have two telescopes on it. One pointing to the outer solar system and outside it the other to the inner solar system. [Or several satellites could be sent out at once like a small cluster of 2/3/4 of them.] We are capable of doing this. The satellite doesn't have to be state of the art with the newest and best things on it. It only has to be enough to give us the information to create the first panoramic image of our solar system.
  2. What are their differences? Is one more efficient than the other? Do they produce different products?
  3. I recently learned of a thing called Leghaemoglobin...How does it compare with Haemoglobin? Leghaemoglobin <Wikipedia explaination>: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leghemoglobin
  4. Though urine is safe to drink I doubt it comes with benefits...In-fact I think it would be bad for you...you're putting your bodily waste products back into your body when you drink urine...your waste comes out for a reason...
  5. Incendia

    An Idea

    Well you could help me think of what the effects of gravity pulling on space-time would be. Unrelated to topic: Hey...I'm a Meson now...Wait...Does that mean I annihilate myself? AAAAAaaaaa......!
  6. As I have mentioned in a different post: They could be hidden inside quarks<and leptons>...Quarks<and leptons> do have gravity... Taken from wikipedia:
  7. ...It would still be pointless to attach real value to money...
  8. ...What if they're inside quarks?<Or inside electrons...>
  9. Your words are 'FAIL' my good sir,...do you even understand General Relativity or Quantum Mechanics? Problems: 1. You swore at me and everyone else who read this nonsense...that is unwise. 2. I don't think you understand GR or QM otherwise you would see how foolish you sound and how much this looks like nonsense...I think you should have done more research into QM and GR before posting such nonsensical things. Try getting a physicist to explain both theories to you. I dare you to ask for all the detail, and equations without simplifying them. 3. You have no evidence. 4. This should be in speculations as you haven't proved it. 5. That's not a formula. 6. What you said is that two unrelated theories are the same thing. 7. There is no 7 because I'm a nice person who doesn't like hurting peoples feelings...
  10. Your question doesn't really make sense...Accuracy is how close to your target you shot the object. Nothing to do with the object. Though objects with less air resistance will go further. (As long as you aim well)
  11. Yes...Yes we are animals... If the human mind could make it's own reality then why am I here? Your worlds don't make sense pioneer...
  12. Whoops sorry...didn't see that... Did you like my set of changes?
  13. Hello...The NewYork Times released this awesome thingy: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/11/13/weekinreview/deficits-graphic.html It gives you a list of options to tick or not. The options are ways to cut the deficit. The tool is not US only so anyone can use it. If you manage to fix the deficit a message appears telling you so. There is also a graph showing how much you have fixed so far. The message telling you, you have fixed the deficit has a link to your set of options. These are my choices: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/11/13/weekinreview/deficits-graphic.html?choices=c20vrb2m ...If I could I would have added the option of adding a universal healthcare system similar to those in Europe saving another 1 to 2 billion dollars per year and the option of removing pennies from US currency and the option of make the creation of quarters cost 5 cents or less as opposed the the current 9 cent cost. <Quarters being only worth 5 cents...>...But that isn't really relevant... So go now...see if you can fix the deficit like I did...PS. Yes you can still select more options and change them etc. after the message pops up telling you that have fixed the deficit just in-case you think you could do better...
  14. That's not really the point...The idea is that it should be your name...
  15. Your real life signature has to be your name...
  16. Your signature can be whatever you want. Though fancy signatures do seem to be some sort of forum tradition. [On most forums...not just this one.]
  17. You think America has bad economic problems? Think you could easily fix them? Try see if you could fix them here: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/11/13/weekinreview/deficits-graphic.html

  18. These 4 videos seem relevant: -------------Watch the following two in order---------------- 1. 2.
  19. Incendia

    An Idea

    I think that is...[What I was saying is that gravity is universal regardless of time which means gravity is unaffected by slower time. The same may be true for other forces...] I like to think that gravitons are hidden inside quarks. [Quarks have mass and therefore gravity.] And I don't know either. I didn't know GRT predicts that it travels a c. but I don't see how that is relevant. 1. and 2. were just attempts to apply the original idea to planets and their motion. If it's wrong then let someone else try to explain why mass = curved space-time = gravity. Why does it sound wrong? [My argument against that: General Relativity Theory sounded wrong when people first heard it.] Note(s): Perhaps there is no time...Made time is the effect of increased space. [Things have more space to travel through giving the illusion of events passing more slowly and the illusion of time.] ...I'm still not sure if I support this note yet... ...You can bust holes in my idea if you want but please don't make them big holes...If my idea is a person. Use the piercing arrows before you start throwing sticky grenades. Preferable you could make it stronger first by suggesting ways that make it sound more right and less wrong...
  20. Hello probable human. I want to know where virus came from.
  21. A USA quarter costs 9 cents to makes but it is only worth 5 cents.

  22. I think it pays for it...Gov earns profit. More money to people. People spend more money than usual. More profit. Less tax. More more that people spend. Even higher profit. Even lower taxes... Its a cycle. Shame...I like this idea...One way gov can make this program cheaper without building buildings is getting a partnership with an existing chain of supermarkets...Half profit to gov. Half to the store. Store wins due to some sort incentive such as a small amount of funding or a higher cut of profit or lower taxes than the other stores...
  23. I don't see the point...By the why...a US penny costs more to make then it is worth...just thought I should throw that out whilst you are talking about money...It could by fixed by replacing the zinc in US pennies with steel but US pennies are useless anyway because you can't use them. [Places where Americans use coins don't accept pennies...] Also nickels cost 9 cents to make but are worth 5 cents so there is money being wasted there too. This should explain: If you want America to change it's currency you might want to start by removing those coins from existence...
  24. Hello, is it safe to wake this up? I'm interested [because I had a similar idea back in 2008...]
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