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Everything posted by Incendia

  1. Okay...Topic theme: Suggestions for the future, predictions of the future and hopes for the future. Ideas: 1. (Near[ish?] future) Currently there is a bee shortage. Bees are awesome and necessary. Farms [growing crops] need them. My idea is to combine apiaries with farms/orchards. This would provide farms with another means of income. They would also have their fields pollinated. These apiaries would be situated near or in the fields that need pollination. I doubt all farms would do this. I wouldn't like all farms to do this either. I just don't see why agriculture and apiculture have yet to combine. This would provide more reason to keep bees alive. 2. Greenhouses. We use them. We also kinda need them but there just isn't enough space for them. A person somewhere [don't remember who] suggest a vertical greenhouse. He went as far as turning them into farms inside skyscrapers that could be situated inside cities themselves. This just isn't feasible right now. Currently they are only in designing stage so I suggest a more simple vertical greenhouse designed that could be easily built in the near future. It would be unlikely to contain animals. It is rather similar to ones that exist now. Instead of multiple stories this would just be 2 or 3. Below are some [very] simple diagrams: So basically a normal greenhouse with 2 floors and some stairs letting you go up. The 2nd floor would most probably be held up with supporting metal poles. Level 1 would most likely hold the stronger greenhouse/house plants. [As the second floor would block out some of the light.] Level 1 may need some sort of system of mirrors to direct light inside or some system of light might need to be used. Perhaps it won't need any means of helping light reach it. Level 2's floor would be transparent anyway so the plants up there would be the only things stopping light getting below. 3. Something like the European Union but for the entire planet. Predictions: The IBM smarter city. [ibm.com/thesmartercity/uk] Hopes: Global climate is stopped and doesn't kill us. Endangered animals are saved. People in countries with high birth rates lower them...this planet is too full of humans. I can't go anywhere without seeing a human. No more war.
  2. Cypress...I thought I told you to acknowledge my post...Yes I did...Why didn't you do that?...I was sure you would have something to say after reading those 3 web-pages completely. You must acknowledge everything before posting. If you do not have time now, wait until you do have time then post otherwise people will get angry and shout at you for ignoring their posts. Your will also end up being bombarded with repeated information and and comments asking if you actually understand what you are talking about.
  3. Next few months?! Your think they are going to post their plans for the next few months?! They probably don't even know the specifics yet. Information like this is usually only released a week or two before the programme is shown.
  4. Lemur, Photons don't have gravitation... I would like to know what would cause photons to bind together to cause elementary particles. It is an important question you will have to answer. If you don't you will have critics asking why we don't see particles forming around us all the time. Also photons always move at the speed of light. The speed of light is always constant. How does your theory get around this fact? Does it scrap it completely? If it does then you will have to explain what would cause light to slow down.
  5. ...lets see...shall I use my powers of invisibility for good or evil? ...Cypress, acknowledged my post. I've given ye what ye want now stop being off-topic. This topic was made for you to post proof of macro-evolution taking place. Not to argue against evolution. If you want to argue against evolution please make a new topic. Your wanted to say that evolution doesn't happen because there is no entropy, yes? I advise you read these webpages: http://blindinglight.wordpress.com/2007/05/15/genetic-entropy/ You will probably be interested. http://www.asa3.org/ASA/education/origins/thermo.htm This web-page explains why evolution does not violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics but also discusses evolution and entropy. I strongly advise you read this entire web-page. http://www.fisica.net/epistemologia/STYER_Entropy_and_Evolution.pdf I advise you read this too. I know that you aren't talking about thermodynamics but I still advise you to read them [in their entirety.] ...One more thing: INFORMATION ENTROPY DOES NOT APPLY TO EVOLUTION! [Caps makes it so...] Information is NOT a real thing. It is an invention of the mind. Info' Entropy applies to info' and info' alone. http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_entropy I absolutely insist you read this!
  6. I believe it is happening but for the sceptics: If humans are NOT the cause: Skeptics: congrats you were right...guess we didn't have to do anything... Human caused climate change believers[HCCCB]: Well we were wrong but...at least we have a self sustaining society with more efficient technology...not all bad. If humans are the cause: Skeptics: Ha your dead...wait...i'm dead...you killed me! HCCCB: Ha! Take that skeptics...imagine how many people could have died because natural disasters and stuff if we had listened to you...Earth could have ended up like Venus. You said we should waste our time and take the effort...We laugh at you...Now go pedal some more...The light bulbs are getting dimmer again and I want to watch TV.
  7. Evolution does have entropy...but info' entropy isn't it as PHYSICAL THINGS THAT ACTUALLY EXIST DON'T HAVE ANY REAL INFORMATION IN THEM AS INFORMATION IS AN INVENTION OF THE MIND! Evolution has entropy in the form of genetic entropy. The genetic entropy effects evolution but allows it to happen. http://blindinglight.wordpress.com/2007/05/15/genetic-entropy/ Are you happy now? No one was saying entropy did not apply to evolution...just that info' entropy did not apply to evolution.
  8. ...of coarse they don't...photons don't have mass...they are energy. Electrons do have mass...
  9. It does not contain any information. Definition of information: Facts provided or learned about something or someone. DNA is a molecule that contains genes. Genes are made of nucleobases which are also chemicals. Therefore DNA is simply a chemical.
  10. ...I prefer the original definition of the TOE... I like the idea but... Don't photons always move in straight lines and at the speed of light? Surely this would cause problems for your idea. How do these photons connect? Why don't the constantly colliding photons around us form particles? We don't we see matter just appearing in space?
  11. Haemoglobin does not require any system to attach to O, CO or CO2. I am asking you to compare the two substances. Can you please just do that. The other systems are irrelevant... just pretend the work anyway.
  12. ...stop supporting that...join us...join uusss...one of us...one of us...join the evolution side...we have cookies shaped like dinosaurs... ...hey cypress...Did you ignore my post again?
  13. Genetic info' = not real info Genes are combinations nucleobases. Nucleobases are chemicals. Genes are therefore simply chemicals. As genes make DNA then DNA is just a complex molecule. DNA = chemical not info Gene = Chemical not info Information is facts and words and stuff.
  14. I don't believe in either and they are both dark. The questions apply to both. Dark matter = the missing mass... We wouldn't need it if the universe had a mass imbalance with the majority of it on the other side. Thank-you for answering my questions...that is all...
  15. Don't write[or speak or think] nonsense. DNA do not contain any information. That are simply molecules. Like an other. They do not use information to replicate. The replicate because they react with other chemicals. If it reacts with the right chemicals it replicates. Life happened...then mutated then adapted then evolved and so on and so on until time=now and you are now reading this. ...why do the rules tell me not to shout at you for using religion?
  16. ...but DNA isn't information cypress...DNA is a molecule...just like all the other molecules...unique only in the fact that it replicates and adapts. Your argument is still irrelevant to the discussion. This topic is not fore evolution but for the thing in the first post...just like in all the other topics. If you want to discuss info' entropy and evolution make a new topic.
  17. What? Why did you post that? You haven't quoted anyone here...unless you quoted your own actual speech words.
  18. ... obviously not... I edited my post...I advise you re-read it...
  19. I'm not convinced by your argument against mine and as Mr Skeptic said info' entropy is for communication. Not for other things.[You have a bad reputation...i'm not believing you before someone trustworthy confirms you are right.] Your conversation is still irrelevant...Cease discussion please. Create a new thread for your argument against evolution. ack, you posted before me. Still...I don't see how a theory that simply says eventually genetic mutation and adaptation and natural selection and the death of the unlucky individuals leads to new species over great expanses of time is subject to to laws of physics. The only way a law of physics could prevent evolution is to prevent mutation. And we know that happens. [There evolution true.]
  20. ...wut? ...How is EM relative? What hypothesis? I think you posted this on the wrong topic...
  21. You should specify Tv programs in the title... Programs on: -Wallace and Gromit: World of Invention -It's only a theory Probably a few others. You can find them on iplayer. The categories option lets you find factual programs and then lets you only show science and nature programs. I makes it easier to find them. I have a Nintendo Wii and I have found the iplayer channel so very useful. I can watch science and nature programs without having to wait for a load of terrible programs to end first or worrying about satellite connection problems.
  22. Evolution is not a 'thing' subject to laws. It is the build up of genetic mutation leading to the rise of new species from old ones. Therefore physics does not apply as there is nothing for it to apply onto. Evolution is like a law of physics applying to nature. Except it isn't physics. A law of nature.
  23. Hello reader, I personally do not believe in this dark matter and dark energy stuff. It is only the excepted idea as it has been forced upon us. No alternatives have been given as far as I know. I think it is a merely a mathematical convenience and see no real reason to believe it exists. I believe that something yet undiscovered that is the real DM/DE. No alternatives are ever discussed. If there are any will people please tell me about them below. If there are not will the people here please begin to think of possible alternatives. We constantly find new planets and stars. This could mean that a lot of this 'missing mass' is actually there. Maybe even all of it is there. Perhaps blackholes contain it all. I don't know. I just don't believe in a mysterious, thing that makes up almost all of the mass in the universe, that we cannot see. We haven't seen the entire universe. Perhaps one side has a little more of the mass than the other. Though I do not believe it exists I do want to learn about it in the event some is actually found. What evidence is there? What are the alternatives? Main question: Why is there only one form of dark matter? There is anti-hydrogen...why no dark-hydrogen or a dark matter equivalent? Why are there not theoretical dark matter elements?
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