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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. I am somewhat confused by your statement. To me it seems very natural that someone would get emotional about a violent attack on innocent people. I don't think feelings are 'legitimate' or not. They just are. You cannot help how you feel about something. I think that only the action you took based on your feelings could be considered legitimate or not.
  2. Looks like marriage compares well to being single: 23% of non-married men reported they have never had sex in the past year, 25% reported only a few times in the past year, 26% reported a few times in the past month, 19% reported 2-3 times a week, and 7% reported 4 or more times a week (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994). 1% of married men reported they have never had sex in the past year, 13% reported only a few times in the past year, 43% reported a few times in the past month, 36% reported 2-3 times a week, and 7% reported 4 or more times a week (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994). http://www.iub.edu/~kinsey/resources/FAQ.html
  3. I am speechless. I am without speech. My ignorance knows no bounds. Do you mean to tell me that some women would actually put bleach on an artists brush?!?!?!
  4. Who would you pay reparations to? The current living generation of decendants of slaves? If those reparations did not erase the vestiges of slavery, would you continue to pay all generations until no one was affected any longer?
  5. I understood from your first post that you believe there are things that are not natural. Here you just gave me a list of additional items you think are unnatural. But my question remains. Why do you think these things are unnatural? It seems as if you are implying that 'harmful' is the same as 'unnatural'.
  6. I always loved this part of the story of the life of Jeanne Calment, the 122 year old you mention: "In 1965, aged 90 years and with no heirs, Calment signed a deal to sell her former apartment to lawyer André-François Raffray, on a contingency contract. Raffray, then aged 47 years, agreed to pay her a monthly sum of 2,500 francs until she died. Raffray ended up paying Calment the equivalent of more than $180,000, which was more than double the apartment's value. After Raffray's death from cancer at the age of 77, in 1995, his widow continued the payments until Calment's death." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanne_Calment
  7. I'm curious as to why you believe things like smoking are unnatural. Or even why DDT is unnatural. Birds make nests, bees make honey, people make cigars and DDT. I've always felt that we were as much a part of nature as birds and bees. Why should their products be considered natural but not ours?
  8. Janus -- Excellent overview. Thank you.
  9. I'm not sure what you mean by this. I use pennies all the time and they are always accepted. I am also not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying there is some inefficiency in the manufacturing process? If it cannot be made for less than 9 cents then I don't see where money is being wasted. And if a nickel cost 4 cents to make there could still be money being wasted if they could potentially make it for 3 cents.
  10. I find this to be just a bit of an exaggeration. If someone were really treated as if they had been a slave and are now being compensated for that injustice, I hardly think that a university to consider race as a factor in admitting that person would be considered just compensation. On the other hand, if segregation had resulted in a person having fewer opportunities, then giving them a little extra consideration when deciding if they can attend a school seems like it may be reasonable compensation. I am a white male living in the US and I do not feel as if I am being treated as if I was a slave owner. If you are treated like you were a slave owner can you give some examples of what actions by others have made you feel like that? It would be irrational if it were true. I think you need to come up with references to support your contention that people are being treated like they were slaves and slave owners due to AA. It separates reparation along racial lines because the discrimination was along racial lines. Where else would you separate it? And AA doesn't say "white people are guilty". If someone feels guilty and knows they did nothing wrong then that is their problem.
  11. I guess the reason I buy into it is because: One glass of milk provides the following % of an adult daily recommended value: Calcium=30%, Calcium is required to build and maintain bone mass. The whole full cream milk contains 4% fat. Vitamin D=25%, necessary to promote absortion of calcium and other minerals. Riboflavin=24%, It helps to convert food into energy. Phosphorous=20%, helps to generate energy in body cells, strengthen bones. Protein=16%, needed to build and repair body muscles. The milk contains about 80 percent whey and 20 percent casein, the two high quality proteins. Whey is a fast protein which is quickly broken down into amino acids and absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore it is very good to consume after a workout. Casein provides to the body a slow supply of protein for a longer period of time, as it is digested more slowly. Vitamin B-12=13%, needed to build red blood cells that carry oxygen. Potassium=11%, for maintaining normal blood pressure. Niacin=10%, needed for normal functioning of enzymes and metabolism of fatty acids and sugars. Vitamin A=10%, needed for normal vision and skin. Water = 97% http://www.fatfreekitchen.com/nutrition/milk.html And skim milk removes most of the fat calories, so you get all of the above for about 87 calories.
  12. An interesting article on Space.com. They also have a very good map. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/new-dark-matter-map-hubble-telescope-101112.html "Astronomers have created a new, incredibly detailed map of dark matter by using the Hubble Space Telescope to peer through a huge cluster of galaxies as if it were a cosmic magnifying glass." "Astronomer Dan Coe of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., and Edward Fuselier of the United States Military Academy at West Point teamed up to apply a new mathematical formulation to Hubble observations of Abell 1689. The result is the most accurate, detailed calculation so far of the cluster's mass distribution, including the mass that can't be accounted for by the visible matter – meaning, the dark matter." "Because the universe has been continually expanding since its birth, it was once much denser than it is now. The extra heavy cores of galaxy clusters suggest they were born during these early stages when such dense conglomerations of matter were around." "But if galaxy clusters did get an early start in forming, that presents a quandary, because scientists would expect to see a lot more of them around today. That indicates that perhaps the force of dark energy was stronger in the young universe than scientists have thought. Because dark energy works against gravity, pulling matter apart, its force would have suppressed the formation of galaxy clusters, and could have counteracted the head start clusters had in forming, scientists think."
  13. rigney - In post #32 A Tripolation used the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11733638 When you replied to him in post #33 you started typing right next to the link like this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11733638:I do not see how anyone would be capable of letting the murderers in this case live. Which means the link that used to be http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11733638 and worked fine, Now looks like http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11733638:I and does not work because of the "I" at the end of the line. That's all.
  14. I don't know. Could be. I remember segregation and I'm not too old to go to school. No, and for some reason I think you know I didn't mean that. I think if they want to generate a discussion about affirmative action they should discuss it in whole, and not cherry pick only those pieces that are easy to ridicule when taken out of context.
  15. I was making reference to past discrimination when I suggested that blacks do the baking but not get paid. The history of affirmative action includes discussions of making reparations for past racial discrimination and to address continuing problems. That portion of affirmative action was left out of the bake sale analogy.
  16. I think it is ok. The only change I would suggest is to first make the blacks do all the baking but not pay them. Seems to me that would make this event a more robust analogy to preferential treatment.
  17. Let's see. Herp said "I believe that humans have no right to kill other humans, even if they're evil serial killers or whatever". There was no equivocation in her statement. I neither misrepresented her position nor attacked it. I asked a question to help clarify it. You'll have to explain why that is a straw man. Obviously. There are some times when people have the right to kill others. You seem to think you have the right under certain circumstances. I think I have the right under certain circumstances. We just disagree when it comes to what the circumstances are.
  18. Hmm. So in the example of the doctor whose wife and daughters were sexually assaulted and murdered, do you feel that if that was your family, that you would not have the right to kill the attackers to stop the assault? And in the case of war, if your country was invaded, do you not feel you have a right to kill the invaders to stop them?
  19. Is it known where dark matter resides? For example, does it seem to be concentrated in the center of galaxies, or is it perhaps evenly distributed?
  20. I turn on a fan close to my bed, switched to high. Worked wonders for me.
  21. Depends upon how you define "the quality of one's life". I'm pretty sure the quality of my life would decrease if I followed this plan. The quality of my health may go up, but again, maybe not if I'm depressed because I can't eat home grown tomatos with salt on them anymore.
  22. I did a quick read of some of your posts and am just looking for an overview of your position on evolutionary theory. Is it your postion that evoltionary theory is correct in some ways but insufficient to explain some things such as the amount of diversity we now see? If so, where would you guess the explanation lies? For example, is evolutionary theory simply not understood well enough yet, or is it something else? I apologize if I did not interpret your posts well. It seems obvious you have issues with evolutionary theory but I am not sure if you are suggesting alternatives or if you are simply pointing out weaknesses.
  23. There is also the "Naked Mirror" diet. You can eat whatever you want, but you have to do it while standing naked in front of a mirror. Very effective for weight loss! (And I do notice how it is hard to make a small pot of soup! Happens to me everytime I make chicken vegetable.) I also think a healthy diet varies depending upon the physical condition of the person on the diet.
  24. I apologize that my attempt to engage you on this topic was so inferior. I won't bother you again.
  25. All I wanted was for you to supply some sources to back up the assertions you made. I find that you are very good at that when you are on the science forums. Over here you seem to accept a much lower standard. And laughing at me ( ) and implying that I'm a dumbass ( ) isn't really adding much to the conversation.
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