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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. Really? You can't in a couple of sentences describe the concept of your engine? I think I can describe any current engine in a couple of sentences to give the gist of the concept.
  2. I assume the silence was due to the pseudoscience nature of your paper, I do not know for sure because you haven't presented anything in this post that explains anything. Why not show how your idea explains the speed of light in the next post?
  3. I like that he writes in a larger font in hopes that we will now understand. It is like speaking to someone in a foreign language and when they do not understand, you just try speaking louder. Kinda cracks me up.
  4. It kinda sounds like your trying to get hits on your website.
  5. It seems to me that cause and effect are based on events, if there was no time there would be no events, so, no cause and effect.
  6. Why? It seems like you are saying we need a definite answer to the question is a quantum particle really a wave or a particle. If that is the question I'm afraid you simply won't ever be satisfied with the answer, because it is neither.
  7. Why would you do any of this? Is there any point? Is there any bottom line to this at all?
  8. Looks to me that the point of this thread is for you to play around with numerology. Anyone can put random numbers together to get a result they want, it doesn't mean anything.
  9. ? A photon can have any wavelength.
  10. Why would I want watch some childish rant on youtube, I can see the same thing right in this thread.
  11. Bufofrog

    NRA dissolvement

    The policies of the NRA does not even necessarily reflect the opinions of their members. About 70% of NRA members say background checks should be strengthened. The big point here, though, is that the NRA executives were stealing money from their members to enrich themselves.
  12. If you can make your version of a sonic flow meter cheaper, more portable, more relable or more accurate you will have something. Good luck with your project!
  13. How about this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultrasonic_flow_meter
  14. Bufofrog


    I've encountered this guy in other forums, all he does is post this type of meaningless goofy stuff.
  15. Animals don't care about their genes. Our bodies don't care about their genes. I think it is fair to say we act on our feelings and desires. This post has nothing to do with a soul that I can see.
  16. As Markus said the first thing you have to do is define a soul. Basing the idea of soul on the religion I am most familiar with, nothing in your OP indicates a soul exists. You essentially said feelings and emotions arise from the soul. I would say feelings and emotions raise from the brain. The soul is an unnecessary addition. What experiment could be done to indicate a soul may exists?
  17. I saw this technology 40 years ago, not the machine learning but sonic flow detectors with feedback to a throttle valve.
  18. You've got it exactly backwards. The onus is on you to convince us, it is your idea trying to overturn current robust theories.
  19. Bufofrog


    Well at least that is coherent!
  20. Most of the radioactive material come from the neutron flux of the reactor converting the reactors materials into radioactive isotopes. Such as nickel to cobalt-60. The reactor core and associated fission products have almost certainly been removed off site.
  21. Bufofrog


    Hi frogger. Why do you insist on posting this silliness?
  22. I don't get that at all. What does c+ to c- mean? What mathematical operation allows you to place c squared on the other side of the equal sign and change it to "c+ to c-", whatever that is. The speed of light is coalescence that happens at the speed of light of slower? How does that make any sense? The speed of light can happen at less than the speed of light??? What do you mean particles become waves? What kids of particles? What is c+?
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