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Kevin Mulisa Isaya

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Everything posted by Kevin Mulisa Isaya

  1. floods in Kentucky I wonder if the obvious engineering commonsense reaction will pertain.
  2. I don’t this if this will help , and am not sure if it is going to succeed
  3. No need of being in doubt, because when you are alive death Is not there, and then where there is death ,means you are not there(alive) You can't feel anything
  4. Already begun since Trump elected to be President, Civil war is now of whites in USA against blacks
  5. HIV was a project of developed countries against those of Africa and Asia, The intention of HIV developer was to make developing countries suffer from aids, and forgotten that one day the globe world will be interacting , and then spread HIV aid to creators , haha ,they become aware of this when HIV is uncontrollable phenomenon anymore, let us suffer all
  6. Black America origin is Africa, mostly west Africa, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria and other parts of africa, and this happened when they transferred to America to work in plantations then, They are strong since then, because of nature of Africans
  7. May be you teach biology, the only option you have is to become a biology teacher Yes this will be a good option to him
  8. The integers are countable (by definition) but they do not possess the property that between every pair of integers there exists another integer Kevin Isaya
  9. the bergs will periodically roll to adjust as the ice below surface melts quicker then the ice above the water line. Having tow lines pulled over or under the burg could be quite exciting for the crews involved and would likely lead to their disconnection by breakage or intervention that would then result in considerable delays for reattachment, and putting crews up close to reattach the lines would be almost criminally irresponsible if you could find anyone brave enough to get that close to an unstable massive block of ice of those proportions. Kevin Mulisa Issaya
  10. A nuclear reactor is basically hot metal with some coolant taking the heat away. A lot of the bulk is with materials and equipment to contain and use the nuclear material safely I agree with stinky
  11. Even Trump, migrated from elsewhere, even if not trump, but his wife comes from Russia,
  12. Don't think so, because in nature also we consider human among it
  13. Killing is Killing no matter you kill animal or Human being, last Week The government of Tanzania burnt over 2000 chicken imported illegally , this issue was not received in positive response to many people who argue on how someone can just burn living things,
  14. God's existence is a secret, but can you prove to us, in which ways you prove existence of God
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