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Everything posted by Bluenoise

  1. Yeah I was considering that, but I'll save that as a last resort. There's no affinity tag, the nature of our proteins funtion doesn't really allow for one. (It's small, linear and interacts along its whole length) I'm just a bit woried with all the modifications I've made to the protein that it wont refold and agrigate instead. but if all else fails I'll definatley give that a shot. Thanks.
  2. Oh no worries man, I appreciate any suggestion I can get! The input is definatley needed.
  3. Really, if you're going to post your homework in the biology form instead of in the homework form where it belongs could you at least try to disguise it so it doesn't blatantly look like homework. There should really be a rule preventing this.... 2/3 of the posts at the top of this form are homework questions, and they're obviously for the most part copied straight off the assignments without a word changed. Like if you show so little effort in doing your own work why should someone else do it for you?
  4. If you read my initial post you'll see I've already done that in my protein purification step. Still have DNA.
  5. It's been tried without much sucess. Also we'd still need to get the nucleotides out after that. If we're right about our protein wrapping around DNA than that would sheild it from DNase anyways. Plus our sample of protein is pretty large and concentrated. The idea of contaminating it with another protein is very unappealing. *edit* Hmmm I'm thinking I'll might be able to try percipitating it with protamine sulphate. Anyone know if this can cause problems with proteins? *edit #2* Looks like protamine sulphate really only percipitates basic or large protein complexes. Seeing as how mine is ultra small and acidic this may work...
  6. Well yeah I'd lover to be able to do that but... ...to centrifuge out the DNA I need a way to first cause it to percipitate out of the solution, you can't centrifuge out DNA in solution. Alcohol wont work since that would contaminate my protein with alcohol. So if anyone knows some knifty dna percipitation compound that I could then remove easily. Like maybe a salf that I could dialyse out.
  7. It's pretty rediculous. They have it pretty sweet though. They have a manopoly on something that people are forced to buy if they want to continue with education. So they just charge the most that they can possible charge and get away with. Yeah I think I'm going to take the general test as well soon. I'm probably going to need it unfortunatley.
  8. Right I did the biochem subject test. Basically this is what I believe happened. A buch of guys at Stanford were sitting around thinking geeze we need a way to make alot of money fast we need a scam. Hey! lots of people think we're really smart so why don't we put together a test to test if people are smart and make it mandator for admittance to higher level education. That way we can force them to pay us for basically nothing, because they have no other choice if they want to suceed. We'll just claim that we're the smart autority and take it from there. Oh did I forget to mention that it's an additional $20 per school if you want to request a copy of your results sent to a school?
  9. Okay so I'm studying this lil calcium binding protein. And being a crazy canadian I've decided to make a who bunch of highly mutated versions and see what effect it has on this proteins function. But it seems when you make these mutants this protein gets really friggin hard to purify from DNA. I suspect it's wrapping around the DNA helices. Now the problem is I really need to get rid of this DNA so that when I do my assays there's no question of interferance from the DNA, (it's not likely to happen but I can't take the chance) so I can write my paper. So if anyone know this really good trick for getting rid of DNA I'd really appreciate it. Oh btw this is a pretty hardy little protein it can easily be boiled to 80 C without any degradation. I've already run done an ammonium persulfate cut and ion exchance on an FPLC. But I can't seem to get rid of this freaken DNA. I do have quite a large volume of protein so I have some room to experiment with different methods. I'm considering doing some size exclusion chromatorgraphy. But I think it would be best to try some chemical methods first.
  10. I'd suggest getting a humidifier. Ever notice how this static thing is usually a winter problem?
  11. Just wait if you want to take the GRE. It comes with no classes, it can't be used as a credit. You basically pay $150 to sit in a room with 50 other people for 3 hours and fill in ovals. What a scam.
  12. This is what you want. (might be interesting for those non-novices as well) http://www.hhmi.org/lectures/ Do they have anything but short clips?
  13. How much do you want to be a doctor has never recomened dialysis for psoriasis? lol
  14. Debian doesn't have the proper drivers for my laptops hardware when I tried. Anyways installation wasn't what I ment. Once you've installed windows there's nothing left to do. (it can be depressing) Once you've installed linux. Well that's just the beggining if you get my drift. If I had the time I'd play with it, but life calls me in other directions for now.
  15. Why not combine them and go the bioinformatics rought?
  16. Has this been proven to happen? There are alot of things that are possible but that are so rediculously improbably that they never happen and never will.
  17. You're proffs are right. Vitamin C is abscorbic acid. I've seen those same rediculous claims that it's a complex. And they stem from a complete lack of understanding about how vitamins work, and anything related to metabolism. They mainly come from naturalist nuts who think that anything man made has to be bad for you and everything natural has to be good. There is no logic to thier claims.
  18. Sure I guess you could lol. I just said that since that's what I'm used to having around, never actually used a polarimeter... This is pretty funny actually. Actually to tell you the truth if the question is worded natural and artificial Vitamin C, than you can't tell the difference except for impurities. Since the non-natural isomer isn't vitamin C!! Even if produced artificially. It maybe ascorbic acid, but vitamin C only refers to the isomer used in the body. I guess it's just a trick question.
  19. Yeah I get the same styrofoam thing, and really badly. I'm usually a very calm quiet person but that sounds will make me spontanously yell at someone crunching it. Chalkboards don't bother me at all though strange enough. But the teeth on sidewalk thing does. Like in american history X where he makes the kid put his teeth on the sidewalk, even typing this is making me cringe. I get a simular thing with the idea of someone getting a finger cut off. The idea of decapitation or loosing an arm/leg doesn't phase me, but the idea of loosing a finger sets me off for some reason. I know this finger thing is a pretty extreem example but taken in the context of decapatation it doesn't make much sense why the lesser of the two would illicit such a response. Maybe I just can't comprehend the worse one so it doesn't seem very real???
  20. It's one of those things that are pretty much safe to do for a healthy person. In moderation of course, I don't think I need to point out that any drug is bad in quantity. However under certain circumstances it may cause a complication for someone with an underlying condition. (even one that they may not be aware of)
  21. Hey some of us got drunk at 15 and turned out just fine!! *Disclaimer* not that I'd recomend it either way of course. To each his own. Anyways initially in most fields the information is fairly overwhelming. Seems like a bottomless bit, and meeting someone who has an answer to most every question is pretty intimidating. I know in my field (Biochemistry) I was doing little than accumulating info for the first years. I definatley understood it, but it was hard to see how it all fits together and is usefull, and it was hard to imagine that there was a limit to the information. Then eventually you pass a threshold of information where everything kinda "clicks" and it all fall together. It's almost like you wake up one day and are able to comeup with an explaination for pretty much anything related to the field, even stuff you've heard nothing about. Well that's how it was for me. There is a logic to these things science is what is it for a reason. It's not just random memorisation like history. Once you get familiar with these patterns, it's not hard to pull solid predictions out of your ass. Really everyone starts off knowing nothing, and those that know alot are defiantley far ahead of you in understanding. But persist and you'll catch up and most everyone ends up on the same level. It's like the standard learning curve. Keep it up, work hard, and most importantly be more interested in it than anyone else, and I'm sure you can be smarter than anyone else here.
  22. I think you have the wrong forum. You should try asking this in the computer science forum.
  23. This reminds me of a technique where you can fingerprint paper based on scanning the way in which the fibers interact. Are you sure that he's writing on the surface? Maybe he just scans the surface associates the message with the scan and then is able to retrieve the message by rescanning the surface. The only way to actually truely hind the message and find it is to know where it's hidden. actually this is probably the LSA that you're talking about, or simular. Don't assume that just because he says that he's writing on the surface that he actually changed something on the surface. It might be a ploy. Besides that the only other possibility is if the device actually deposites some sort of coating on the surface. Maybe something that's reflective to only a certain uv band. But then again if anyone got ahold of the device it wouldn't be a secret anymore. So most likley he is just using LSA to recall an associated message.
  24. I've tried linux a few times. But it's always ended up taking away to much of my time. Like it's great n all, but unless you really need the benefits provided from it (or have alot of free time on your hands) it might not be worth the effort.
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