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Everything posted by Bluenoise

  1. Is there a possibility that the vacume may put the flame away after the initial spark in such a manner that it would not be able to sustain the heat necessary to ignite the rest of the match head?
  2. Okay either you have no idea what a double helix is or you've been smoking some pretty crazy shit.
  3. Okay first of all "Junk DNA" is not junk entirley junk. This is a currently outdated term that was used to explain the existence of DNA that we could not assign a fixed function for due to our limited understand of genetics. Recent insights are showing that "junk DNA" has a strong regulatory role. It produces small amounts of small RNA's that are important in Gene regulation as well as it's general structure having an important regulatory aspect. Not to mention providing a way for genes to duplicate as well as a resevoir for new genes to arise from. While the main force for the proliferation of these sequences may have been parasitic gene elements this does not mean that the sequences don't serve a purpose.
  4. Lions mane Jellyfish can get even bigger. Up to 2.5 meters in diameter.
  5. typically from 5 - 7 I think. It varies quite a bit depending on conditions.
  6. Actually you could probably clone the luciferase gene into some sort of vegetable or fruit and eat that. I know it glows pretty nicely when cloned into tabacoo.
  7. Well you could mix luciferase (the glowing protein from fire flies) with ATP and eat that. Should be fairly non toxic. Though luciferase is pretty expensive stuff, and you'd have a hard time storing and working with it without denaturing it.
  8. Nice story. But I highly doubt life formed on a falling asteroid. I'm guessing life probably took longer than half an hour to form... It was most likley a long gradual process. There are alot of good books on the process that you may like to read. I'd suggest learning some chemistry and biology before trying to tackle the subject yourself, you're not likely to make much progress if you don't understand how life works...
  9. Bluenoise


    Damn man I'm amazed you can do it!!! I can't even beleive to tell you how ****ing lonely I get if I don't atleast have a prospect once in a while. It drives me insane. And I'm not talking about sex. Just need someone to fill the void. Props to that. You must be made of steel or something.
  10. Bluenoise


    You know there is a middle ground between being the type of guy who wants to go out with everygirl he sees and being the type of guy who refuses to go out with anyone. You say that you turn down girls who ask you out? And you say you don't want to be the kind of guy to hurt their feelings?? I'm sorry but that's really hypocritical. Do you know how badly it hurts to be rejected like that? It takes alot of courage to ask someone out, and getting shot down by someone that wont even give you a chance hurts like hell. Especially if they're not seeing anyone else. I don't think I'd ever have the heart to turn down a girl if I wasn't attached already. Like it's pretty much curtosy to at least give them a chance. No one is hurt if the first date doesn't go well. Usually both people realise it, and well that's that end of story. That's what datings for, to get to know the person so you can decided if you want to take it further. It's not like you're signing your soul over to them. Honestly I don't think I've ever actually asked anyone out on a date, I guess I'm a bit of a coward that way. And I have alot of respect for people with corage to do so. They just seem to happen some how... Usually starts with some reason to see them and things go from there. I'm not very formal or straight to the point, but some how I get dates. Trust me if you really want to be a good guy you have to aleast give them a chance. I know most poeple don't show it, but getting crushed by someone who wont even give you a chance hurts like hell. No matter how politley or nicely the person rejecting them does it. Also you don't want to be completely inexperienced when you meet the person you want to be with. There is etiquite to these things, your lack of experience may turn that person off.
  11. Bluenoise


    Herme3 I suggest going on a date. You seem pretty opinionated for someone who has No experience in the topic. I think this is by far your biggest problem. You can live in your head if you want, but it's all just bullshit till you have some practical experience. live, learn and love.
  12. Bluenoise


    Well I guess that's one persons bleak oppinion.
  13. wow talk about a waste of a life.
  14. I suspect it depends on what they're trying to accomplish.
  15. Sure you can discuss it but the US is far to conservative for it to ever happen.
  16. Fiber glass? Why fiber glass? It looks nothing like weed. You'd be able to spot it instantly. You'd be able to taste it. Just the smallest amount of resin and the smoke would probably taste so nasty. It makes no sense. People rarley ever put anything in weed. Maybe some water to wet it. The stuff is so dirt cheep anyways.
  17. ^^^ I'm of the same mind. I have an ipod mini, and while it's okay. I'd trade it in for an iriver now. Probably would have gotten one initially, but I didn't really do my research
  18. Thants why you have to stick to doing things that you're still not allowed to do Just think of turning 18 as moving onto a new level of breaking the law. Plus the punishment gets alot harsher for many things making it far more exciting. Disclaimer : (I take no responsibility for whatever trouble this causes you)
  19. nah still another year till he can smoke ciggarettes where he is.
  20. I'd go for the Iriver. They really make quality stuff. I currently have an ipod and I'm just waiting for the day it stops working on me. :/
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