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  1. More than 4 months ago, I had a debate with Bascule on peak oil. I have finally learned that hundreds of scientists for 50 years have develeloped the abiotic oil theory. The fossil fuel theory cannot be proven and peak oil is a scam.
  2. For some reason, the edit button from post #79 is gone:
  3. Won't rainwater seep through and contaminate our underground water?
  4. The radioative stuff? It's safe compared to coal mining or driving but it's not safe compared to fusion.
  5. As long as EPA, USDA, and FDA evaluate those GM crops, then it's fine to release it to the environment. I'm not saying it's impossible. It's possible as long as they are varified. I'm also pointing out that the effects of unvarified GM crops are real.
  6. Why does it have to be a science site? "Richard Lacey: Professor of Food Safety, Leeds University" You don't trust him?
  7. History have shown us some death which held genetically modified foods responsible. http://www.cqs.com/50harm.htm
  8. "But even assuming that to be true, the potential is limited. To produce enough nuclear power to equal the power we currently get from fossil fuels, you would have to build 10,000 of the largest possible nuclear power plants. That’s a huge, probably nonviable initiative, and at that burn rate, our known reserves of uranium would last only for 10 or 20 years." http://pr.caltech.edu/periodicals/CaltechNews/articles/v38/oil.html Source is reliable because it's the "California Institute of Technology".
  9. Nuclear fusion have some difficulties producing electricity. "It is relatively easy to start nuclear fusion reactions, which generate lots of energy (cf. nuclear weapons). However, the energy input needed in achieving the necessary temperature and electromagnetic confinement for controlled and sustained fusion is much too vast to maintain a significant energy gain." And for fission, "The long-term radioactive waste storage problems of nuclear power have not been solved". Uranium supplies are not too concerned because "a majority of this uranium would have to somehow be cost effectively extracted from seawater" just like hydrogen. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_fuels
  10. I believe him. Source: http://www.livescience.com/environment/ap_051125_greenhouse_gas.html http://www.livescience.com/environment/051124_rising_seas.html Not sure why but I always seem to find sources so quickly.
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