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Everything posted by Daecon

  1. I suspect that national differences are probably caused by culture, diet, and upbringing. "Race" is irrelevant.
  2. Of course, but there are people around today who are obsessive about "racial purity" and such nonsense. One such case that springs to mind is a white supremacist who found out he was 14% sub-Saharan African. That was great.
  3. What about "mixed race" people? I'm sure that eventually all of our distant descendants will be mixed race to some degree. What then?
  4. Why do the people with religious agendas always think that it's a contest between Christianity vs. Science? It's not. If you somehow "disprove" science, Christianity doesn't win by default. You still need to disprove all of the other religions as well. And even then you still need to prove Christianity. It's a contest between Christianity vs Judaism vs Islam vs Hinduism vs Sikhism vs Buddhism vs etc. etc. Win that contest first, then you can go on to challenge science.
  5. Test what, exactly? What method are you referring to? I hope this has nothing to do with striped sticks.
  6. Daecon


    From what I gather, most of the New Zealand public don't want it either, but the politicians do...
  7. Because physics doesn't work that way.
  8. No, it's not possible.
  9. That's unfortunately true, even in places where there is free healthcare the surgeons, nurses, and doctors still need to eat and pay bills.
  10. Light does dominate the Universe, but after nearly 14 billion years, the light has cooled down to a temperature of about 2.7 Kelvin and is mostly in the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  11. Well that's always going to be an issue in places where medicine is treated as a profit-driven business instead of an essential service.
  12. Ooh, ooh, I know! It depends on what their IQ score is, right? Those with high IQs are "real" Scotsmen-- uh, I mean "real" white people, and those with lower IQ scores aren't really white due to their non-white IQs... uh, I mean, their non-white ancestry. That's how it works, right?
  13. I'd have thought it was unnecessary surgery that was frowned upon, not cosmetic surgery specifically. It may just be that there is a larger proportion of cosmetic surgery that is unnecessary compared to other types of surgery.
  14. No, papers trying to correlate "race" with intelligence are the pseudoscience.
  15. It also points out that J. Philippe Rushton is a racist hack.
  16. Here's another link: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Racialism
  17. How, exactly, are they defining "race"?
  18. A 4 dimensional square/cube would be a tesseract. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract
  19. There's no indication than any new matter is being created, space is expanding and the distance between already-present bodies is increasing, but no new stuff is being made. You may also be interested in learning about the Ekpyrotic model and brane theory.
  20. There's always the implication of allowing homosexuals to become heterosexual, but never of allowing heterosexuals to become homosexual. Why is that?
  21. With elves, the pointed ears need not give any survival benefit, perhaps they could function as an indicator of general health and sexual attractiveness?
  22. If that stuff had any merit, it wouldn't be posted on Facebook and YouTube. It would be announced on the evening news for a week straight, and have movies made about it. The discoverers would be instant celebrities and be on every talk show there is.
  23. What subject is it homework for?
  24. If you can treat yourself to a nice night out at a swanky restaurant, why should you be required to bring someone else along, just because?
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