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Everything posted by Marshalscienceguy

  1. A lie is a false statement to a person or group made by another person or group who knows it is not the whole truth, intentionally. Also under this logic we should tell everyone what we are thinking or doing all the time or else we must be lying. That and according to what you posted in the above link it says lies are deceptive but simply being deceptive does not make it a lie. So simply deceiving people does not make you a liar. So being secretive is not the same as being a liar and if you believe that do you also believe we have no right to privacy?
  2. In some cases lying is necessary. However if you are like me a lot of times you might avoid lying by redirecting and avoiding certain questions all together. Which is not truly lying just choosing to withhold certain information.
  3. They made killing animals some how more ethical. If all they grew was muscle I cant see how its hurting an animal. I think this is better than breeding cows, pigs, horses and than brutally slaughtering them. I am sure the animal activists would be all for it as well. This is brilliant.
  4. I think its simply a metaphor. I don't think the stories where meant to be taken literally but are simply fables to teach us morals.
  5. Psychology is indeed a real science and it can be proven in certain situations. Psychology is used by lawyers to win a case and its used to interrogate criminals. If you say its not real you are stating manipulation is not real either. Manipulation is a real thing and if someone is good enough they can do this without you realizing it. Manipulation has been used by politicians and dictators all over the world. One example would be Hitler. He united his people by giving them one common enemy. When you are all facing the same enemy you all become friends. So he fueled the hate, the war and lead his whole country on the idea "THE JEWS DID IT!" that is psychology. However many patients will complain about doctors who simply abuse their position or just don't seem to be doing enough to help. Some psychiatrist speak with a patient for five minutes and write up a prescription for some drug. One might argue that this does not seem like a long enough time to give a full and proper diagnoses for a mental issue. As well as this people argue that some of these illnesses are fabricated such as ADD/ADHD. Some of the things which are considered disorders seem to mimic typical behavior. ADD/ADHD says that children who are unfocused and hyper have it but some grow out of it. This is debatable for the fact most children are hyper and unfocused and that is why we teach them discipline. So is a child being hyper a sign of a mental disorder or simply the fact they are kids? The argument comes up is it the parents fault or is it natures fault? All that aside if we agree these mental illnesses as real or not psychology is a thing even if they have truly abused it to fabricate disorders. You can see patterns in human behavior if you pay attention. Most People act a way for a reason. Even the most illogical person in the world might have some motive for their actions. Even if what they are doing is horribly misguided. Even if we said no mental disorder existed we still have behavior. Psychology is the study of human behavior and so with or without mental illnesses we can still study how a person behaves. We can also do this to bend a situation to our will. We can study how a group acts when influenced by something. We can see how a country acts when influenced by something. However I don't think most people need to do intense research to know psychology. Since its the study of behavior and we learn how to behave from the time we are very young. We are forced to learn this from the day we are born. We are forced to try and fit in. We are forced to do what we believe is acceptable. We all care about what someone is going to say. Most re-frame from what they believe may gain negative attention. This too is why we make stereotypes. Stereotype is noticing the similarities within certain groups and projecting it over an entire people. Which is not 100 percent accurate. However people often assume it must be for the reason a hand full of people in that group has done it.
  6. We can create life but are still limited by the laws of reality. A god creates reality and can control and change the laws to their will. If we did truly figure out a way to change the laws of nature we would be gods and we will at this point have reached the most powerful point.
  7. You should make a hollow mask like from the anime bleach.
  8. Apple products from what I know are not suppose to have virus problems. I believe that was one of the sale pitches too. If you want Microsoft protection I can list some. Norton is useless though. I have had Norton and my computer got taken over by Trojans. Norton is worthless. Now if you have window 7 I would say get "Microsoft security sweep" and if you have windows 8 it comes with "Windows defender" on it but you might have to switch it on. "Windows defender" is the windows 8 version of "Microsoft security essentials".
  9. Arrogant people believe they are right and brilliant despite how intelligent they really are. A truly intelligent person is probably not going to brag about it. Since a person who is truly intelligent knows they do not know everything in the world and they always have more they can learn and discover. An arrogant person thinks they know everything and there will never be anything left in the world to learn. Since they KNOW EVERYTHING at least according to what they think. An arrogant person has limited intelligence a humble person has endless possibilities.
  10. Does someone who starts fights and gets crowds riled up and blames an innocent victim count as a troll? What would that be categorized as? None of these methods seemed to have worked when I tried it. I think people become trolls out of insecurity or immaturity. We have funny trolls that just post jokes and we have the malicious trolls who egg people on for their own sick satisfaction. Everything is always easier when you are sitting behind a screen.
  11. I thought Atheism was going against this type of thing. Wouldn't making a church for Atheism make them like any other religion? Sounds ironic.
  12. I believe we would reach the level of gods at that point.
  13. A scientist found a scientific explanation for souls but I don't see anything else disproving Evolution and those such things wrong. http://youtu.be/Xeh001ptDgo
  14. Yup, those who are ignorance do not see the issues in life. Those who are not aware enough to figure this stuff out are very happy.
  15. I have noticed something. Many Christians in fact believe in science, biology, and evolution. Yet still believe that there is god, hell and heaven. We also have those who claim to be creationists and they usually go around saying that evolution is a lie, science is a lie, that the mountains and the animals appeared out of thin air. Some people believe God created the big bang but not that evolution and everything else is false. So is there a difference between being religious and being a creationist? Does being Christian or religious make you automatically a creationist? Even in most arguments people assume that if you have a religion you do not believe in science but that is not really always true.
  16. Yes I think they are born. people are born with a certain nature to them. Some people are more logical than others and some are more touchy feely. Philosophers are not often understood by normal people since normal people do not have the correct mind set to understand them. We have had people like this in all generations. In the past we have had people who thought outside the box and tried to figure out the ways of the world. Though most of society does not care. Most people take what you give them at face value. They will not examine or study things any further.
  17. If you are asking how stupid would be defined on IQ chart I think it would be this. It would be too high to be mentally retarded but lower than the average. In my eyes a stupid person is someone without any common sense. That has to do with maturity though. Maturity is tricky to determine since there is different areas in which you might be mature. You can be physically mature but not very intelligent or wise. An immature person gives into all and any peer pressure and do not ever think anything through, a mature person thinks of all possible results of their actions, and wont give into peer pressure as easily. This is why teens often get into so much trouble since they are not mature enough.
  18. I really do not see the issue with this term. People also seem to get very upset at the term "Dude". I think its better to ask the person since some people will be upset where as other do not care. People also get upset if you call them stuff like "Sugar, sweety, darling, sweetheart, honey". Though some people just tend to talk this sort of way. I think a lot of times this type of behaviour is based on the area. I would never get angry at someone for referring to me with one of these terms. Unless of course that person was only using the term to be condescending.
  19. I believe if its for higher offenders yes. Such as Rapists, killers, pedophiles. There is people who have been in and out on multiple times based on the same offense. If you let a person out of prison and each time they attack a new person clearly they are not changing and they are not going to. If its for something like drug sales, and buying drugs, or stealing no I do not think it should be. Some people just don't change and there is no use is saving someone who is not going to try and cares nothing for the victims they hurt. However I believe in cases of self defense killing should be dismissed if it can be proved as such.
  20. A lot of the stories in the bible are meant to teach us lessons. However Adam and eve is suppose to be the beginning of time according to Christians. However what if you look at it a different way and apply it to your own life. Adam and eve were given everything and were innocent. They were taken care of god till that one faithful day. After that they had to work for everything themselves but god still existed. This sounds familiar doesn't it? We are children given everything we need or are suppose to till we hit 18 or whatever year is adult hood in your country. At which point are tossed into the world ready or not are must do everything for ourselves. Adults drink, drive and have sex and at that point the devil can persuade them to do bad. Children are in fact very protected form the world. Even if they are not will not understand ill in the world till a certain age. What if the apple was a transition and it is a metaphor for entering adult hood?
  21. The theory of evolution says that creatures evolve overtime. It does so since certain more beneficial traits will survive over traits that are not. If you have 12 black cats: 7 black and 5 white and suddenly there is a large period of nothing but snow the white cats will survive and black cats will die out. Breeding is the same concept as evolution. We breed animals with certain traits to have certain features and they change over a period of time thanks to selective breeding. So is this not proof evolution exists?
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