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Everything posted by Airbrush

  1. LIKE: water skiing, snow skiing, snow boarding, kite boarding, canoeing, white-water rafting, big-wave surfing (these are all things I have never done, nor will I ever do, but they look cool!!) DISLIKE: horse racing, dog fighting, cock fighting DON'T CARE: mountain climbing (especially Everest!)
  2. At the start of this YouTube video of the Baghdadi raid it shows a dozen or more people with a dog and then a dozen bombs explode all around and among them. This video is never explained. That dog should be dead. What exactly happened? It looks to me like the US soldiers and their dog were hit by a dozen bombs within a few seconds. Friendly fire? They should be mostly dead or injured by shrapnel. Anyone know what happened here?
  3. What makes you think he was not constantly on the run, or carrying his gun everywhere, or wearing a suicide vest under his clothes? The last photo of him shows his AK leaning on the wall within reach. I heard in the news he wore his suicide vest constantly. What makes you think he was not a manipulative genius? How else do you get a bunch of rebels, murderous thugs, to dedicate themselves to you and die for you?
  4. Recently Trump attended a Mixed Martial Arts fight. He got mostly cheers but a minority booed. "Flanked by key Republican lawmakers and his sons, Eric and Don Jr., Trump stood up and waved from his seat just feet from the octagon, drawing cheers from the 20,000-strong crowd." https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/03/trump-attends-mixed-martial-arts-fight-in-new-york.html This sport (like boxing or pro wrestling) is for people who love to see pain inflicted on someone. It doesn't matter who suffers, just so suffering happens for their pleasure. Trump is most happy when someone is being punished. And what is his sport of participation? GOLF, which is as much exercise as playing a video game, what a coward.
  5. Below is from the first article I found when I googled "do fish feel pain?" "It is impossible to definitively know whether another creature’s subjective experience is like our own. But that is beside the point. We do not know whether cats, dogs, lab animals, chickens, and cattle feel pain the way we do, yet we still afford them increasingly humane treatment and legal protections because they have demonstrated an ability to suffer. In the past 15 years, Braithwaite and other fish biologists around the world have produced substantial evidence that, just like mammals and birds, fish also experience conscious pain. “More and more people are willing to accept the facts,” Braithwaite says. “Fish do feel pain. It’s likely different from what humans feel, but it is still a kind of pain.” Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/fish-feel-pain-180967764/#BIJXE4pPVX5xXby7.99 Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12! http://bit.ly/1cGUiGv Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter
  6. I tried fishing only a few times as a kid. At age 10 we went grunion hunting at night. I caught 2 big grunion by hand, one in each hand, and they struggled so hard to escape that I felt bad, and I would never forget their strong will to live. I hated what I did. When my mom cooked the fish I caught, it didn't seem worth the effort. Fishing with a hook was difficult removing the hook from its' mouth. An older kid kept asking me to remove the hook from the mouth of the fish he caught, because it was unpleasant to him. It was unpleasant to me also, but I did it for him because he was 3 years older. I hated that, and now I dislike fishing. And yet fish is a staple in my diet. If society went to hell and my life depended on hunting and fishing to survive, maybe I would do it. But it is sooo much easier to just buy it in the market. How is our society changing? In the old days animal slaughter was an integral part of most everybody's life. Not so much now. You can live a long healthy life without ever hunting or fishing.
  7. Is carving up the dead animal a fun part of hunting? It is hard for me to imagine since I've never been around animal slaughter, and I only loved the animals I knew, my dogs and cats. Do you know of any hunters that shoot animals to kill for the fun of it, and just leave them to be scavenged? Ok, back to some other sports. So a few more sports I would add to my 3 lists (LIKE, DISLIKE, DON'T CARE): LIKE: gymnastics, diving, swimming, dancing DON'T LIKE: bronco or bull riding, hunting, fishing, trapping animals DON'T CARE: lacrosse, rugby, billiards, sky diving, mountain or rock climbing
  8. All you can say is that his death was a cowardly death, to avoid the dangerous and unpleasant future he faced. His life was constantly on the run, slinging an AK47, with a suicide vest 24/7, wearing heavy robes in hot climate, for how many years? He must have been some charming Charlie-Manson-type, a smooth-talking, manipulative genius, to get so many brutal thugs to dedicate their lives to you, and follow you in battle. That is a whole lot of dangerous and unpleasant living. He was also a cleric, descended from Mohammed. So few clerics can replace him. He was THE Caliph for his faith on this earth. His cause was righteous in his mind and worthy of extreme behavior. Their ends justifies their means. By taking 2 children to their death with him when he exploded, was that to deliver them into paradise with him? Was he a true believer in the promise of paradise for dying in battle in such a manner?
  9. Trump calling Baghdadi a "coward" was simply Trump projecting his own, well-known, and obvious cowardice. Trump always lived in a bubble of privilege, sheltered from all "dangerous or unpleasant things." He avoided Vietnam. Everyday of his life he rolled out of his bed of roses, in his golden tower, to do whatever the hell he wanted. His life was a blurred series of orgasms. Never anything dangerous or unpleasant. What Baghdadi did during his public life as Caliphate, and taking 2 children with him, was always despicable, self-serving, and evil. You may also call it cowardly, because he did that to avoid an unpleasant future. It doesn't make sense taking those 2 children, what was to be gained by that? Terrorists are not rational.
  10. In my dictionary "coward" is defined as "a person who lacks the courage to do dangerous or unpleasant things" For Baghdadi to bring 2 children into a dead-end cave and blow himself up is not cowardly. He was doing dangerous and unpleasant things EVERY DAY. Now I figured out Trump's repeated remark that Baghdadi fled "whimpering, crying, and screaming." Trump facing impeachment is figuratively "whimpering, crying, and screaming" every day in his tweets (blunt language with all caps with many exclamation points is screaming, always being the victim is whimpering and crying). He is projecting his own anxiety about impeachment on Baghdadi.
  11. A drag race is short enough to not become boring. Long car races such as Nascar become boring to me quickly. It just resembles the "thrill" driving on the freeway, in heavy traffic, but going fast. Same with track and field. The long distances races are boring to me, but sprints, hurdles, pole vault, high jump are not boring at all. The exception is long jump, I don't care much for the long jump because even a very long jump does not LOOK very long. I'm in agreement with all of this. These are some of the negatives of organized sports, and it is important these negatives be mentioned. We should work at stopping them. And yet I do love some sports, I dislike some, and don't care too much about some others. Any hunters out there? I understand that hunting animals is a sport. It is hard to understand how it can be fun to wait in a blind for a deer to blow away with a rifle and scope. I guess they love to eat deer. Is carving up its' corpse part of the fun?
  12. Any sports fans out there? Anyone think there are some dumb sports out there? As a sports fan I start following NFL football about mid-season. I make a list of the few teams with the best records, and I follow them the remainder of the season. There are other sports I like, such as NBA basketball, soccer, track and field, surfing, etc. There are some sports I don't understand, and tend to think they are dumb, such as WWE (Pro Wrestling), boxing, mixed martial arts (where they are allowed to really beat and kick each other), auto racing (except for drag racing). There are a few sports I don't like and don't think they are dumb, they are just boring, such as baseball, golf, and Hockey is hard to follow because the puck is so small. The most under-rated sport is pole vault. Why do I never hear about the best pole vaults of the year? So what sports do you like, dislike, or don't care about? Below is a youtube of Renaud Lavillenie setting a new record at 6.16m. The man in the grey suit with blue necktie is the Ukrainian, Sergey Bubka, the greatest vaulter of all time. Only 2 people have ever vaulted higher than 20 feet, Sergey in 1986 (and many times since), and Renaud in 2014 which also happened in Ukraine.
  13. Trump said, over and over again, Baghdadi died "like a dog" and "died like a coward" BUT at the same time he commends the dog for being beautiful and talented, and key to catching the thug. The logic is that dogs are cowards (if Baghdadi (B) = D (dog) and B = C (coward) then D = C, because, in his twisted mind, to die like a dog is to die like a coward. This can only come from a person with a severe personality disorder. Also at the top of the list for Trump to thank in public was Russia, then Turkey, then Syria, and at the bottom of the list was the Kurds, who provided the intelligence, and should be at the top of the list.
  14. Trump boasted, in the manner of a true dictator or mob boss, that Baghdadi died "like a dog" and "like a coward", as he ran "whimpering, crying, and screaming." 1. Trump does not like dogs. He compares the worst of his enemies to dogs. In rallies he says he will never be seen walking a dog. Problem is a K-9 member of the squad, that chased Baghdadi, was injured (and is expected a full recovery), so Trump had to say something nice about dogs. He said it was a beautiful and talented dog. Then he said "Nobody was hurt" as though the beautiful, talented dog he was just admiring, was not a "someone." 2. I disagree with calling Baghdadi a "coward" because it is not easy always wearing a suicide vest in your daily life. It is very tough to blow yourself up. That is an evil act but not cowardly. 3. There was no sound, so Trump could not hear anything. We are expected to take his word that Baghdadi ran "whimpering, crying, and screaming ALL the way?" I think this is another example of Trump's psychological projection. "Whimpering, crying, and screaming" is what Trump would do. "The president seemed to take particular joy in recounting gruesome, gory details, citing the Islamic State beheadings of Americans in orange jumpsuits and a need to convince others to not join forces. The president said Baghdadi’s body had been mutilated beyond recognition and that it took a sophisticated test to prove it was him. He called Baghdadi’s followers “losers” and “frightened puppies.” “He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering, screaming and crying all the way,” Trump said. Later, he said it again. “He died like a dog, he died like a coward, he was whimpering, screaming and crying,” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/whimpering-screaming-and-crying-a-beautiful-dog-trumps-bombastic-account-of-the-baghdadi-raid/2019/10/27/c50c3444-f8cc-11e9-9534-e0dbcc9f5683_story.html
  15. How big an object does it take to destroy the moon? How much could Earth's orbit be perturbed by such an object passing nearby? Edit: I just saw your post above. A very fast moving object could "destroy" the moon and be gone before Earth's orbit is much disturbed. But what is the likely range of speeds of your average object that can destroy the moon? Up to about 10 miles per second would need to be about half the size of the moon. Could such an object be around long enough to cause catastrophic disruption of Earth's orbit?
  16. An object large enough to "destroy" the moon is also large enough to pull the Earth off its' orbit.
  17. "...So even though we think of gravity as the only force that matters on the largest scales, the truth is when we think about the structures that we see — the ones that give off light, that house atoms and molecules, that collapse into black holes — it’s the other forces, in concert with gravity, that allow them to exist at all. Dark matter can’t make these structures, sadly, because gravity alone simply isn’t good enough to do the job." https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/ask-ethan-100-why-doesn-t-dark-matter-form-black-holes-c5b6d90b1883 This is from the link that Strange provided near the beginning of the discussion. So after the big bang there was ordinary matter and 5 or 6 (?) times that much dark matter. If it wasn't for the dark matter the universe would be merely particles scattered evenly through space. The dark matter gravity brought large-scale clumps of dark matter, on the size of galaxies and galaxy clusters. The dark matter attracted ordinary matter. The electrostatic force of the ordinary matter caused ordinary matter to form small clumps that grew in size. When these clumps of ordinary matter became large enough, then gravity assisted in forming large sized objects, without any help needed from DM.
  18. How do concentrations of dark matter arise? By gravity.
  19. Improve the situation for humanity on earth with less population.
  20. The way I measured my jogging course is I drove circuits in an old car, with an odometer that has tenths of a mile, around my hood. I tried different circuits beginning and ending at my driveway around my neighborhood because I wanted a circuit at least one mile. So a nice circuit turned out to be 1.2 miles which I do almost every day. Later I realized that 1.2 miles is 2 km. So I do this circuit, twice for 4 km, or 2.4 miles. My best time is about 23:50 for 4 km. Usually I jog it in a leisurely 25 to 27 minutes. And I'm 65. I always time myself because I know the approx. half-way point, and third-way points, so I can estimate in advance what my time will be.
  21. It appears that Trump will not reverse his troop pull out from Syria, signaling to Turkey is was ok to attack the Kurds. As this gets worse, civilians killed, ISIS prisoners released, the GOP will start turning against Trump, just as they did against Nixon in 1974. The top Evangelical, Pat Robertson, said that Trump could lose the "mandate of heaven" by his surrendering to Erdogan. By turning against the Kurds, Trump is burning bridges back into the area to fight ISIS. The Kurds will not welcome us back! Welcome back ISIS.
  22. Yes. Trump's run for president was only a massive publicity stunt. Only problem is Trump is screwing around with the real world, and it doesn't work like a reality show. At first Trump complained that being president was harder than his previous "job." Then he got a taste of the huge, world-wide, constant attention he was getting. That was a high he never had before. Now he pays the piper in reality.
  23. When you listen to "Tropic Vibe" read the lyrics below. It is a Hawaiian-reggae record from 1985. Ginger is singing for Rankin Scroo. I had a dream of the ocean blue Sweet and warm always there for you She's so happy, She's so lovely, She's so free And in my traveling I find I need Her waves just to sooth my mind Cuz I'm neva, no not ever, never at ease This country is very, very nice, but it's not the place for I Absence makes the heart grow fonder they say Good to know I have a resting place in the sun Yeah in the sun And everywhere is so very bright Shining clear it's no ordinary light Majesty and power, give it to She And in the night I would sit on Her shore Trying to give but I'm always taking more Of Her magic and Her beauty, all Her mystery These mountains are very very fine But I could neva be satisfied Till I am barefoot once again Laughing in the sun with you my friend In the sun....yeah in the sun Instrumental These mountains are very very fine But I could neva be satisfied Till I am barefoot once again Laughing in the sun with you my friend In the sun.....yeah in the sun....where I and I from Let me take you there Tropic vibe, don't you be scared, where I and I from Let me take you there Juice from the mango, milk from the coconut Tropic vibe is the vibe I really love Juice from the mango, milk from the coconut Tropic vibe is the vibe I really love Love I love I love....de tropic vibe Love I love I love yeah Love I love I love....de tropic vibe Love I love I love it yeah
  24. That is a reasonable supposition. Perhaps gold can be rolled out flat, and make huge sails that use laser push to get probes up to high speeds?
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