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Everything posted by Airbrush

  1. And even before we can see it, the gravity from that region would have reached us before the quasar even formed. Would all matter in the universe already be in "gravitational contact" with all other matter in the universe, ever since the beginning? Since the gravity waves began propagating shortly after the big bang.
  2. Does the most distant quasar observed have gravity that reaches us, but the force is miniscule?
  3. I'm listening to the Senate hearing as I type. Because of Barr's clever 4-page mischaracterization of Mueller's report, Trump had a WHOLE MONTH to boast "NO COLLUSION...NO OBSTRUCTION... I'VE BEEN TOTALLY EXONERATED...WITCH HUNT...COUP!!!" Critics of Trump could not say a thing for ONE MONTH. First impressions are very powerful in human understanding. What a brilliant scheme. Barr set a skewed first impression for Trump's base to gloat over for ONE MONTH. Then Mueller's report came out and Trump's base and republicans are not very interested in the damning details. Very clever scheme, it worked. Now the Dems are stumbling around trying to penetrate Barr's defense of obfuscation and diversion by splitting hairs on every charge. Pat Leahy should retire. He could hardly articulate questions at all, mumbling and stumbling and making little sense.
  4. During Barr's confirmation I gave him the benefit of the doubt about his integrity. But I learned that he applied for the job of attorney general long before he was confirmed. In his 19-page job application he said that a president has almost unlimited powers to defy accusations of obstruction of justice. So Trump hired him. Now we are seeing Barr mischaracterizing the Mueller report. When questioned if he knew what Mueller thought about Barr's 4-page memo "exonerating" Trump, Barr said he didn't know what Mueller thought about his mischaracterization of the Mueller report, which was a lie. Mueller sent Barr a letter complaining about his mischaracterization of his report, weeks earlier. Now Barr needs to explain how he "forgot" about Mueller's letter of complaint. And now Barr is testifying before the senate.
  5. How so? I was thinking of space with an average density of about one atom per cubic meter. Any few atoms that stray too close to the BH will get gobbled up in no time at all. So that means that the region immediately inside the event horizon should be a perfect vacuum. Unless the atoms that enter an isolated black hole bounce around inside? Don't they head for the center and stay there?
  6. But what about an isolated black hole that is not feeding on anything? Even if a few atoms should get captured, they would soon reach the singularity and there would remain a vacuum inside the event horizon.
  7. Would it be correct to say that between the central singularity and the event horizon is a perfect vacuum? How could any particles exist inside the event horizon and not be instantly absorbed by the singularity? As particles enter the event horizon are they attracted towards the center at light speed? So how could the interior of a black hole, outside the central region, NOT be a perfect vacuum?
  8. Sometimes the fans cheer the heel and boo the face. Trump's base like his role as heel. They will always cheer him no matter what he does! The nastier he is the more they like him. It is hard for some of us to imagine that there are a LOT of people that think Trump's mannerisms are cute, macho, uncensored. Like Ann Coulter said, when Trump exaggerates or lies blatantly, she just thinks he is funny. They don't take Trump literally, they take him seriously. That is exactly the appeal of WWE "wrestling." Fake is ok.
  9. I like your idea of a "long articulated stiff pipe" so the helicopter can inject water with pinpoint accuracy, away from the rotor wash. The chopper may also have a drilling device to open a hole in the roof to inject the water (or dry flame retardant) using the long water pipe.
  10. He never needed to be a statesman, all he had to do was be the disruptor, act like the heel, and fight dirty, and he has a ready-made, adoring base of 1/3 of Americans!!
  11. No WWE is not real wrestling. Real wrestling is not choreographed in advance. Wrestling is what they have in schools and the Olympics. "PRO" wrestling is choreographed to look like real fighting. They don't just wrestle, WWE also pretends to inflict pain by ANY means! It takes great strength and skill, and ability to pull punches and follow a predetermined fight plan, but you have to admit it looks blatantly FAKE. In WWE fighters even carry "blood" in a plastic bag in their mouth to bite and make it look like they are bleeding profusely.
  12. Good question. Some water is better than none. What is the ideal quantity of water to allow QUICK pickup from the river, using an average chopper and also be effective? Or if Paris can afford it have a big, tanker chopper that can service all the ancient buildings in Paris. My next question is, where could they have installed an INTERIOR sprinkler system? That could have stopped the fire sooner. I heard the fire started high up near the roof so most sprinkler systems would not have stopped it. You need sprinklers as high up as you can install them.
  13. I had never noticed Trump's connection with "PRO" wrestling, or more properly called "WWE" for "World Wrestling Entertainment," until I saw "Last Week Tonight" with John Oliver. "PRO" really means "FAKE" wrestling. Is anyone familiar with real wrestling, the kind of wrestling they have in high school, college and the Olympics? Are there any fans of real wrestling out there? Are there fans of WWE out there? What is the appeal? WWE is a choreographed dance that looks so fake, by the standards of special effects in movies, but is good enough for the fans. Trump's base always says, "We don't take Trump literally, we take him seriously." That is what the WWE is ALL about. I would like to see a study of Trump's base to see what percentage of them are fans of WWE. Trump is as openly fake as the WWE. In WWE there are 2 traditional roles, the "face" or protagonist, the decent guy who plays by the rules; and the "heel" or antagonist, who fights dirty and breaks the rules. Sometimes the fans cheer the face and boo the heel, but they also will boo the face and cheer the heal. Trump is the heel of American politics and his base loves everything about him. They think he acts the way he should, like a street fighter who never quits, and always comes back with something nastier. Also the "ends justify the means." The ends are "MAGA" and the means are "by any means necessary," even fighting dirty, cheating, and using help from Russia. Here is John Oliver's bit about WWE: "In professional wrestling, a heel (also known as a rudo in lucha libre) is a wrestler who portrays a villain or a "bad guy" and acts as an antagonist[1][2][3] to the faces, who are the heroic protagonist or "good guy" characters. To gain heat (with boos and jeers from the audience), heels are often portrayed as behaving in an immoral manner by breaking rules or otherwise taking advantage of their opponents outside the bounds of the standards of the match. Others do not (or rarely) break rules, but instead exhibit unlikeable, appalling and deliberately offensive and demoralizing personality traits such as arrogance, cowardice or contempt for the audience. [Does this sound like Trump?] Many heels do both, cheating as well as behaving nastily. No matter the type of heel, the most important job is that of the antagonist role, as heels exist to provide a foil to the face wrestlers. If a given heel is cheered over the face, a promoter may opt to turn that heel to face or the other way around, or to make the wrestler do something even more despicable to encourage heel heat." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heel_(professional_wrestling)
  14. Again you need to exaggerate. There is an ideal height above Notre Dame where you can dump an amount of water from a helicopter or plane that does not "rain across Paris" and yet atomizes completely. If you have a chopper nearby that can, in 5 minutes, pick up a load of water from the river and deliver it with pinpoint accuracy, you can save half a billion in damages.
  15. Actually Trump did tweet that after I suggested it. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-suggests-flying-water-tankers-to-put-out-notre-dame-fire-2019-4 But the planes were 4 hours away. Water dropped from planes from a high enough altitude just spreads out, atomizing into droplets that reach a gentle terminal velocity, falling like a gentle rain.
  16. Yes, but old buildings can always be retro-fitted with safety devices. Why don't they build an ornate tower that is actually a swiveling HOSE, controllable by joystick and camera monitors, that can reach the entire structure? Any ancient structure can have such a firefighting structure retro-fit, that is hardly noticeable, but blends into the exterior design.
  17. Ancient buildings like that should have some kind of exterior, automated fire hose that can be controlled by joy stick guided by cameras, so it can reach the roof of the entire building. They would have saved a lot more of the cathedral with such a system. It is near a river with unlimited water supply. It does not seem like a big engineering challenge, does it? The comment below has a lot of questions but no answers, yet. "Sometimes the fight is lost before it begins. There are a lot of factors involved, how long was the fire burning before the fire was reported ? How long did it take before the fire department was in place with enough apparatus and enough water? Were there fire hydrants available with enough water volume to extinguish a fire that size? Did they have to take the time to set up to draft water from the river? Were the fire pumps large enough ? Aerial ladders, high enough? So many questions, I don’t know the answers. They will be talking about this fire for a long time" https://www.quora.com/Why-couldn-t-the-Paris-fire-department-stop-the-Notre-Dame-fire-before-so-much-damage-was-done
  18. The question remains, why did it take a HALF HOUR for the first hose to start working on the fire? Usually the fire department gets to the fire sooner than that.
  19. Was anyone watching this? It took a long time for the news to even mention that firefighters were trying to get close. It took a half hour for ONE fire hose to start on the fire. Can anyone figure out what is wrong with the performance of the Paris Fire Dept? I suspect that the fire trucks had trouble getting through barriers for terrorists. Why not scramble tanker planes to drop water on the fire? Were there any local fire hydrants? Can anyone figure out how to prevent this happening to other historical buildings? Maybe install a sprinkler system, I don't know.
  20. Does that mean that the radius of the event horizon for M87, in our solar system, would extend out to somewhere in the Kuiper Belt, inside the Oort Cloud?
  21. Recently Trump was making his argument for his "wall." Somehow his wall will keep out very dangerous gangsters. About the asylum seekers, Trump said that a big, tough-looking guy CLAIMED he needed asylum because he was in fear for his life, fearful of the gangsters in his country. Trump scoffs at the idea saying "...and he looks like he just stepped out of the ring" meaning he was a big, tough-looking guy, looking like a pro wrestler. In Trump's 8-year-old mind, a big tough-looking guy has nothing to worry about. Just the opposite is reality. A big, tough-looking guy would be a primary target for gangsters trying to recruit him. No matter how "big and tough-looking" a guy is, he is no match for a large number of gang members who carry guns. This shows the infantile reasoning of the president, another example of poor judgment, and unfitness for office. But since he is the "pro wrestler" of politics and the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), which is more popular in the US than the World Series of Baseball, he has those fans behind him no matter what, even if he "shoots someone on fifth avenue."
  22. Does this illustration mean that the size of the event horizon is about 4 times the diameter of the solar system out to Pluto's orbit?
  23. Very interesting. It looks like a glazed donut. Is the donut hole about the size of the event horizon?
  24. Speeding out in any direction in a hypothetical superfast spacecraft, you will soon find yourself entering a great void, because voids are most common. Even if you pass thru a galaxy or 2, you will soon enter a great void. When you leave any super cluster you will enter a void that is so vast and expanding so fast that you will never emerge from it (unless you can travel faster than light). Right? The destiny of any object moving fast enough, such as a hypervelocity star or black hole, is to end up alone, in a great void...forever.
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