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Everything posted by Airbrush

  1. Did anyone watch this? I saw most of it. It was on channels: 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, and several cable news channels. One thing that did not get enough notice is that Trump called Cohen a "RAT." The way Trump used the term is a common gangster reference to someone who tells the TRUTH to law enforcement. At rat is not a liar. The GOP questioning Cohen kept harping on the theme that Cohen is a liar and cannot be trusted. Here is Trump's famous Tweet: "Remember, Michael Cohen only became a “Rat” after the FBI did something which was absolutely unthinkable & unheard of until the Witch Hunt was illegally started. They BROKE INTO AN ATTORNEY’S OFFICE! Why didn’t they break into the DNC to get the Server, or Crooked’s office?" The FBI did NOT BREAK into Cohen's office. They had a warrant and Cohen later clarified that the FBI were professional and courteous. So Trump admits that Cohen was telling the TRUTH to law enforcement, the opposite of what the GOP were arguing.
  2. This is the myth of privilege. The rich are always people who worked hard and are talented, so they deserve their riches, and we should be respectful to them for their hard work and talent. However, it may be that not all rich are hard workers with talent. Also, for every rich person in the top tenth of a percent, there could be a hundred others who are just as hard working and just as talented, but they were not in the right place at the right time, so they are restricted to a middle class life. There is room for only a small number at the top (by definition).
  3. “We estimate that it took the equivalent energy of 100 million supernovae exploding simultaneously to jettison the black hole,” study co-author Stefano Bianchi, from Roma Tre University in Italy, said in a statement." https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/gravitational-waves-send-supermassive-black-hole-flying/ Is 100 million supernovae exploding at once equivalent to converting one million solar masses to energy? My guess would be that only a fraction of the energy was a directional impulse. Much energy escaped in all directions, right? How much of that energy was consumed by the black hole? According to the paper provided by Mordred, the new quasar has the mass of about 3 billion solar masses.
  4. So there would be no fire ball? When one million solar masses are converted into energy of momentum and gravitational radiation, would the new black hole gobble up much of the energy released, except for a directional impulse from gravity waves? So the gravity waves act like a rocket pushing from one side the huge mass to 4 million mph? How much speed would the momentum contribute? Would the momentum come from spin? Suppose 2 tops are spinning on the floor, when they contact they violently bounce off each other.
  5. I purchased the complete 5 seasons of Combat! TV series from 1962 - 1967 and watch one episode every morning!
  6. Would anyone like to calculate the number of megatons the blast would be from one million solar masses converted totally into energy? Here are some numbers I found: one megaton comes from 47 grams, so 21 megatons comes out of one kg, the sun's mass is about 2 x 10^30, so the explosion of the sun being totally converted into energy is (21 megatons) X 2 X 10^30 = 42 x 10^30 megatons. The energy from exploding one million solar masses would be about 1,000,000 X 42 X 10^30 megatons = 42 X 10^36 megatons. Did I get something wrong? The number I found for 10^36 is "undecillion." The directional impulse from the merger of quasar 3c186 was about 42 undecillion megatons. That is how you fire a cannon ball weighing one billion solar masses to a speed of 4 million mph.
  7. Then that means about 0.1% of the mass, or one million solar masses, was converted into gravitational energy in a single pulse, like a cannon. During the merger, it was NOT like a balloon rocketing around a room, changing directions as the air blasts out.
  8. Considering the speed it is traveling, does that not suggest that the SBH was accelerated by a single pulse impulse? (tell me how long it would take to convert). If the MILLION solar masses, that were converted into energy, took a long time to convert (minutes, hours, days, etc), the SBH would have been pushed in many directions and not sent in one direction at 4 million mph. I was thinking of a balloon flying around in all directions when you let go of it. Consider the merger of 2 ultra-massive black holes, for example two that are 20 Billion solar masses EACH, creating one of 40 Billion solar masses. Would that be considered a more energetic event than the acceleration of 3c186? When the gravity waves radiate out in all directions, the merger does not throw it out of the center of the galaxy. How much matter would be converted into energy during a merger of SBHs?
  9. When Trump visited the San Diego border wall samples, he said that the wall should be "see-thru"...so all the sample walls, except one, were not appropriate. Then he stated that the current fence between San Diego and Tijuana was 95% effective at stopping illegal entry. But it was "not doing the trick." Also the many repairs made to holes cut through the fence didn't "look so good." So we need a big, beautiful wall to be 99% effective at stopping illegal entry and look good doing it. To me the word "wall" implies something more substantial than the fence that is there already. That implies the "wall" project should replace current fencing with the superior "tall, powerful, beautiful wall." Now congress says only the current style of fencing is permitted, and they agree to 55 more miles of fencing. So NO MORE WALL, ONLY FENCING when needed. And Trump declared a national emergency and boasts that he's still going to build a "wall." "...The agreement included $1.375 billion for about 55 miles of new physical barriers -- based on pre-Trump era designs -- in the Rio Grande Valley sector." https://ktla.com/2019/02/15/trump-to-declare-national-emergency-for-more-wall-funding-after-he-signs-border-deal-friday/
  10. Would it be safe to say that the explosion that threw one billion solar masses to 1300 miles per second, was a short burst? Can we assume the explosion, of one million solar masses being totally converted into energy, took only seconds? Or a fraction of a second? Could the 2 SBHs that merged have themselves been spinning at high rates, but in different directions? Can anyone think of a more energetic event than a million solar masses being converted totally into energy, in a matter of seconds (besides the big bang)?
  11. That means if a million solar masses, which is 10% of the mass of a Billion-solar-mass BH, is converted into energy in the instant of merger, that energy can accelerate a Billion solar masses to 4.7 Million miles per hour? How long does it take a million solar masses to be converted into energy? What's the diameter of the fireball? That sounds like some big firecracker!
  12. What is the velocity the result of? Is it the 2 SBHs crashing directly into each other, or circling each other in an off-balanced way? One of them must be more massive than the other. So I was thinking of the 2 orbiting the other until they got up to a high speed when they combined, thus such an off-balanced merger throwing them together, out like an ancient sling shot. How else do gravity waves accelerate such a massive thing? Could it be the result of the interaction of 3 SBHs ? Maybe it won't "clear a path" but rather leave chaos behind it, yanking stars around? How wide a path of chaos can such a massive thing cause moving through a galaxy? Or is it moving so fast that it sneaks between solar systems before its' gravity can drag anything long enough in any direction? What would the quasar look like from a "safe" place? Such an extreme brightness, from the accretion disk, that you can't see what's happening. In fact you better not even look in that general direction.
  13. Then the velocity of 3c186 is a combination of sling shot AND gravitational waves? Do the gravity waves act like a single impulse like a cannon shot? 1. How WIDE a path would 3c186 clear through that galaxy? 2. Does the accretion disk act as a drag on it moving thru its' galaxy? 3. How much drag would stars, gas, and dust have on it? How much will it slow down? 4. It may pass thru one or two more galaxies before it embarks upon a voyage into a void. A great void will be its' final destination. While it is passing thru the void, would there be enough atoms in the void to create a small accretion disk or a comet-like tail? 5. Would virtual particles create an accretion disk in the void? 6. What is a safe distance to observe it from? That's what I'm talking about. What would it look like clearing a path through a galaxy?
  14. Could anyone please calculate the radius of a one-Billion-solar mass black hole? That math is beyond me. Suppose there were civilizations living in the galaxy where quasar 3c186 is on a rampage. Could any survive such a galaxy merger and resulting black hole merger? Could there be a safe place on the other side of the galaxy? What would it look like from a safe distance? Imagine that thing clearing a path through our galaxy. How many solar masses could it absorb in a day or a year? What masses of black holes can create a one-Billion-solar SBH moving that fast? Our galaxy's SBH is only 4 Million solar masses, which is tiny in comparison. Quasar 3c186 is 2500 times as massive as our SBH. 3c186 would tear though the center of our galaxy without hardly noticing our black hole and not slowing at all. The article says 3c186 was launched by gravitational waves. What about centrifugal force? Wouldn't the off-balanced merger act like a sling shot?
  15. Yes, all those things are just "Trump being Trump" to the 1/3 or Americans that are suckers for celebrity, and like a cartoon character, political Rambo. Russia doesn't matter because the Russians got their guy elected. They say thanks to Russia. You made an interesting point about Tax Time this year. By the end of April, his base, those 1/3 of Americans that still think he's cute, will wonder why they didn't save thousands of dollars? Remember how he boasted his tax plan was for the middle class, not the wealthy? "It's not good for ME, believe me!"
  16. You think it will probably not ever encounter anything of significance? It will head unimpeded towards the edge of its' supercluster. Beyond that the expansion of the universe overtakes its' own relative speed. It will never make it to the next supercluster?
  17. He gets offered a program on Fox News which prompts him to resign. His show on Fox News has lots of "executive time" and hot, young women for "aids."
  18. Since stars are so far apart, it seems like it will meet very little resistance until it approaches the edge of the galaxy. Only as it nears the edge of its' galaxy will the combined gravity of the galaxy pull on it from behind to slow it. A Billion solar masses compacted into such a small area will ignore everything else in the galaxy. Many galaxies have hundreds of billions of solar masses, so as 3c 186 passes by OTHER galaxies it will feel some gravity slightly bending its' path, right? Other galaxies may even accelerate it. Anyone want to try to explain its' possible path? I think nothing can ever stop it, unless it slams into something as massive as it is, and there are not many SBHs that massive around. If stars are so far apart that they will almost never meet, supermassive black holes are FAR more scarce. Very unlikely anything will ever stop it, it seems to me.
  19. The one Billion-solar-mass quasar 3c186 is off center in its' galaxy moving outward at 4.7 million mph (1305 miles per second)!! They think it got fired out of the galaxy when 2 supermassive black holes merged, after 2 galaxies merged. Can you think of more momentum than that? That will tear across the universe, like a bowling ball through pins, and maybe nothing will ever stop or divert it. "A supermassive black hole heftier than 1 billion suns has been ejected from the core of its galaxy by gravitational waves, a new study suggests. The monster black hole has already zoomed 35,000 light-years away from its galaxy's center, farther than Earth and its sun are from the core of our own Milky Way. And the behemoth is currently traveling outward at 4.7 million mph (7.6 million km/h)—fast enough for the black hole to escape its galaxy completely in 20 million years, researchers said." https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/gravitational-waves-send-supermassive-black-hole-flying/
  20. Please help me visualize the interior of a black hole and virtual particles entering it. What is the mass of a virtual particle? Given a 3-solar-mass black hole, up to what distance outside the event horizon can one of a virtual pair be captured and the other escape? In one year, how much mass in the form of virtual particles and heat are added to this black hole? When you discuss BH temperature, WHERE exactly is that temperature located? It would seem to me that the region inside the event horizon (above) is very near a vacuum so how can that have any temperature? Suppose the only matter flowing into the black hole (given above) was virtual particles and surrounding temperature, can both virtual particles of the pair be captured? Would the pair captured add mass to the black hole or just annihilate? When such virtual particles, and heat, enter the black hole, they are accelerated to nearly light speed towards the center. We don't know about true "singularities" so is it safe to say the center of the black hole is very small and very dense, denser than neutron star material? Could we say the region inside the event horizon is a total vacuum, except for the center region, and except for occasional particles flying near light speed towards the center?
  21. Yes, we really don't know, but what do you think goes on inside a black hole? Very interesting, I had never heard that BH are always feeding on temperature and virtual particles. Does everyone agree? How much mass of "food" does that result in? I thought the only virtual particles the BH eats are those located right next to the event horizon? It also eats the surrounding temperature difference? These are miniscule I would guess. Do you mean "uncrease" or "increase"? I thought that the Hawking radiation mechanism results in a net effect of evaporating the black hole. The black hole shrinks in size. Ok so there are no true "singularities" just states of density greater than the density of a neutron star?
  22. The 10-minute Coulter interview is a microcosm for the big "wall-shutdown-mess." The issue cannot be overstated. Know thy enemy. The US govt was shut down for over a month because of disagreement about Trump's "wall." If Coulter's arguments in favor of the wall are all the "facts" they have, then the US govt will be shut down again over a delusion! 2/5 of the US approve of Trump, but only 1/3 like his personality, celebrity, looks, and brash, confrontational act (like Coulter they think he's cute). Coulter echoes the Trump base in what they like. Coulter said: "I find his puffery really charming.....He makes me laugh. That’s fine. I like that about him." Remember she wrote the book "In Trump We Trust." Coulter was at the top of the list of cable news reporting about the Trump backlash for caving on his wall, and she was extra blunt about it Anyone know what she is referring to by "Hillary Clinton paid $30,000 to Russian officials" for dirt on Trump? What did she say here: "If Clinton is walking around having malts(???)... then I really don’t want to hear about Trump having a ??? [unintelligible, does anyone know what she said?]." Her advice to us for getting rid of Trump is to focus on his lie about building the "wall" which is unacceptable to his base. His base wants him to keep fighting for his wall. They will throw him out for not trying hard enough for his wall.
  23. If a black hole is not feeding, then would inside the event horizon be a total vacuum and all energy contained within the singularity? A non-feeding black hole would be just a singularity and its' gravity?
  24. We are discussing how Trump's fiction is acceptable to 1/3 of Americans. Ann Coulter is Trump's advisor and a spokesperson of the Trump followers. I am trying to discredit the idea that "Trump's wall" will solve border problems. This is intended to analyze her arguments to discredit them. She says a lot and gets away with a lot. Her arguments are not adequately discredited. Bill Maher could not address ALL Coulter's fiction. She, along with 1/3 of Americans, think: (1) Trump is cute. (2) Russia doesn't matter. (3) The "wall" is the most important issue, and the US shuts down again in a couple weeks without the "wall."
  25. The Trump concept of a “border wall” seems like the center of interest for Ann Coulter. She is in favor of a “wall” at all costs. When Bill Maher interviewed Coulter last Friday, she opened by blasting the president for folding on his wall campaign promise, “Look, it’s crazy that I expect a president to keep a promise [for a wall] he made every day for 18 months.” “So, let me get this straight,” Maher asked, “You were convinced that Donald Trump was the guy. You voted for him and now you’re finding out he’s a lying conman. What was your first clue?” Ann Coulter (AC): “OK, I’m a very stupid girl, fine. But [the wall] was actually a selling point…Look we’ve been lied to over an over again by respectable politicians [on the left and right, so lying is not such a bad thing] that they’re going to protect your jobs…This ‘build the wall’ thing has become like ‘crooked Hillary’ or ‘lock her up’ [building the wall] isn’t that. You’re being played. This is as Bernie Sanders said a Koch brothers idea. The Koch brothers want it [lots of cheap illegal labor] pouring into this country. That's good for employers, not good for employees…Rupert Murdoch wants [illegals]… Why hasn’t Trump been able to get [the wall] through for the first two years? Because the Republicans don’t want [the wall]… it’s our legal immigration, it’s no E-Verify. The wall is a big part of that, and you’re being played to have everyone keep acting like this is some racist thing.” Bill Maher (BM): “But the wall will not stop that” AC: Of course it will BM: Of course it won’t…[Most illegals] come on planes and overstay their visas AC: That is absolutely not true! If walls don’t work tell that to Netenyahu BM: That’s a different thing AC: That’s not a different thing at all BM: …My gardener has never tried to blow me up AC: That’s not true Bill confronts her about Trump’s constant, compulsive lying about all things big or small. Trump is not f****** sane. He convinces himself of his own reality. Coulter’s reaction is just to laugh it off. AC: Oh, he’s so course and vulgar, he makes things up. I went into this fully clear-eyed. Again, we liked that about him BM: You like someone who doesn’t live in reality? AC: We thought he wouldn’t care what the elites thought and he would actually keep his promise [for the wall]. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Obama said over and over that we need a barrier on the border. But no, let’s suck up to wall street…they want cheap nannies. All of you are being screwed BM: Trump said he knows more about technology that anybody. This is an insane person. AC: No, I find his puffery really charming. He said he has the best words, he is the most Christian person, he is more presidential than Lincoln. I could go on and on. He makes me laugh. That’s fine. I like that about him. Just keep his promise and I am right back in his camp. Bill Maher confronted her about Trump’s constant lying about Russia. AC: I don’t think we know any of this…and I don’t think it matters. Hillary Clinton paid $30,000 to Russian officials to get dirt on Trump ((anyone know about this?)) Bill said he missed that story. She said it is the whole Fusion GPS story. Clinton paid that to get Russian dirt on Trump. If Clinton is walking around having malts (??? Sounds like she said “malts” anyone know what she said?) then I really don’t want to hear about Trump having a ??? (unintelligible, does anyone know what she said?) to distract you. BM: Clinton wasn’t working with Russia. Trump is working for Russia. AC: There is no evidence. This is so insane. Would you move off Russia? Do you want to get Trump? He promised [the wall] for 18 months and he lied about it. That’s how you get Trump. Not this Russian nonsense. You are so wasting time. When asked what Ronald Reagan would think about Trump cozying up to Russia. She replied: AC: Reagan would say “I won the cold war. What is with these lunatics? It’s not the Soviet Union anymore….We are not living under the threat of nuclear annihilation. It is over. Russia is just a corrupt country. It is not as corrupt as Saudi Arabia….I am telling Trump to back off of Venezuela and he should care more about [a border wall for] California, Arizona, and Texas. This reinforces my belief that 1/3 of Americans think Trump is CUTE! Here the interview for yourself and tell me what you think.
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