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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/21 in Posts

  1. I watched "The Phenomenon" last night, I have to say it was the best UFO documentary I've seen. It blowed my former fav out of the water and then some. It had lots of footage of people who ere involved back in the day and other footage I had never seen. I thought I'd pretty much seen them all but this one resets the bar. It really too bad it's not on youtube so we could go through it by timestamp, lots of interesting things to discuss! I would ask anything here who wants to discuss the UFO subject to watch this video, really great stuff and relatively unbiased, "just the Facts ma'am" (vague TV reference, Dragnet"
    1 point
  2. Eh, if we want to go into details here, the warrant was not wanted for the robbery charges: Now this was a minor point, but social media have been blowing characterizing him as violent robber fleeing from the law, which is a bit of an exaggeration. It is also unclear why he did not appear in court we do not know whether he intention was to actually evade arrest. As iNow mentioned, this is also something regularly happens especially when black men are killed is to find culpability in the subject. The big issue here is that certain sources, such as Fox seemingly are not beyond putting out conjecture as facts (or even pure lies) in order to justify their fate. This is of course on the heels of now released video where a black army officer was pepper-sprayed whilst facing overly aggressive police officers and so on. The issue is that taken together these individual incidences paint an overall picture that is not really pretty.
    1 point
  3. This incident was in no way comparable with the G Floyd incident. G Floyd was killed while he was in custidy; D Wright was attempting to flee arrest, on a no- show warrant ( $100000 bail ) of having taken about $800 from someone at gun-point, because he didn't want o go to jail. NOT because he feared for his life. The officer, K Potter may have been stupid in drawing the wrong weapon, but because this is now so political, she will probably get more jail time than the two girls who nonchalantly killed the Uber Eats driver a few weeks back. This is not justice when we totally disregard the responsibility of the 'victim' in the incident. It is simply political appeasement of the mob. edit ( took me a while to come up with this 'angle' )
    1 point
  4. Nice post +1 Change what you can, enjoy what you can't... And easily manipulated, when they're not understood... +1 BTW
    1 point
  5. A. The FFs aren't constrained by what anyone else meant by the phrase, only what they meant by the phrase and B. What the FFs meant by the phrase is not the final metric, as the right has been shaped by court decisions; the phrase is vague and also the context for it is shaped by society as it changes. Does freedom of speech as defined ca 1791 include this conversation, seeing as electronic communication of any type wasn't yet invented? There's a whole host of kinds of speech that have come into existence, or at least been acknowledged as speech, since that time. For instance, I wonder what the FFs would think about "money is speech" (also, "the left" is not a monolithic group and you would do well to actually show who holds the views you are so cavalierly assigning here) Pretty weak tea
    1 point
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