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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/24 in Posts

  1. I asked our benevolent overlord Dave about the ad settings, and apparently Google AdSense enabled "vignette" ads without asking us. He's turned them off now. Hopefully that's the end of the issue and they don't find another more irritating thing to turn on.
    3 points
  2. There’s about 237 other ways they’re already tracking you on existing devices you already have or interact with in shops and on public streets. Recommend not stressing too much on the tv. Go for convenience over maximum security unless you’re Jason Bourne. They’ve already got a master ad and manipulation profile for you personally… and there’s lots and lots of “theys” with different StringJunky consumer profiles used to sell ads and political manipulations and do so in an automated way via algorithms and AIs. Heck… Even your bank and credit card companies are selling data about your purchase items and transaction types, vendors, GPS locations and more. The insurance companies are pulling your movement patterns from your car. These profiles often understand us better than we understand ourselves (see also: TikTok). Basically, the toothpaste is already out of the tube and it isn’t gonna get put back in due to a different brand tv purchase.
    1 point
  3. It''s Weeping Angel. To get you started: https://www.theverge.com/2017/4/25/15421326/smart-tv-hacking-cia-samsung-weeping-angel-vulnerability
    1 point
  4. Sokay, and now I'm going to look up Fallen Angel later. (RW duties call atm). Thanks for the info.
    1 point
  5. It's real enough. Just look at the spec of a modern tv. Our dear respective governments conceived of Fallen Angel around 2017, which was an exercise in remotely accessing and controlling smart tv's. The brave insider who shared this is now doing 40 years for treasonous acts in the US. The actual outcome of the exercise, is irrelevant in my eyes, as it clearly demonstrates our governments have the proactive intent to undermine whatever privacy we have left.
    1 point
  6. @Genady Don't worry.I generally /often just quote content rather than the particular poster. Feel free to jump in .
    1 point
  7. What he owes is even more, because they charge interest. It comes to more than $450 million https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/02/16/donald-trump-real-estate-fraud/72267145007/
    1 point
  8. Depends on whether you've chosen to use a dynamic or static IP address. I know on my mac you can do both. If you have a dynamic IP address, you can't change it manually, but there is an option to renew the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) lease. In Windows you go to the command prompt and type ipconfig /renew
    1 point
  9. This looks like another example of “enshittification” : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification Cory Doctorow gave an excellent lecture on this in January. Here is a link to the transcript. It’s very well written, rather in the style of Michael Lewis’s Liar’s Poker: https://doctorow.medium.com/my-mcluhan-lecture-on-enshittification-ea343342b9bc Long, but very readable - and worth the read. He muses that we may be entering the enshittocene era.
    1 point
  10. A person who does not take into account the context of a quote, or the time and circumstances when it was made, is an even more stupid person.
    1 point
  11. I think many websites are adopting this as their business model for ads:
    1 point
  12. I think the main difference is that according to Trump, Biden should have called SEAL Team Six for assassination. None of this jail bullshit.
    1 point
  13. just watch those YouTube videos, I cant believe my eyes, if I did not see those videos, just search "Chinese metro stations - videos", the big mouth USA may still believe it is better.
    -1 points
  14. Here are the real figures. 1) Russia defeated Nazis. Russia killed 5 million Nazi soldiers, and took 4.5 million Nazi soldiers as POWs. Eastern Front (World War II), Wikipedia 2) In the Battle of Stalingrad, Nazis lost 800,000 soldiers. Battle of Stalingrad, Wikipedia In the battle of Berlin, Nazis lost 600,000 soldiers. Battle of Berlin , Wikipedia In the Battle of Moscow, Russia defeat 1.9 million Nazi soldiers. Battle of Moscow, Wikipedia 3) In WWII, France last 6 weeks. France lost 2.2 Million soldiers in 6 weeks. Nazi lost 50,000 soldiers. Battle of France, Wikipedia 4) In the Normandy Landings, Nazi lost 4000-9000 soldiers. Normandy landings, Wikipedia
    -1 points
  15. The West just cant not win, it lost all wars and all trade wars, and will lose all tech wars. 1) in WWII, Russia killed 5 million Nazi soldiers and took 4.5 Nazi soldiers as POWs. --- East Front, WW2, wiki. France last 6 weeks and lost 2.2 million soldiers. 2) In WWII, Russia defeated 600,000 Japanese soldiers in Manchuria and lost 10,000 soldiers. The battle of Singapore, The battle of Hong Kong, The battle of Philippines, the battle of Indonesia are jokes. 3) The West lost all trade wars, if you talk about the really GDP - buying power, China is No 1, India will be No 2 in 2050, Indonesia will be one of the top 5, Japan is No 3 now on paper. No European country will be in the top 5. if BRICS drop the USD, the USA will be world 4th largest economy The entire West cant crash Russia's economy. 4) Just watch the videos of those Chinese cities, have a look at their train stations, shopping centers, the USA looks like a third country.
    -1 points
  16. Jimmy Carter said, a powerful China is good for the USA. Jimmy Carter also said that, China is NOT a threat to the USA. Jimmy Carter also said that, he believe that if a person looks at his eyes, then the person is NOT going to lie to him. So I believe he is a very stupid man.
    -2 points
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