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  2. I was going to mention this. I experience schadenfreude more often than I'd care to say. And sometimes a touch of weltschmertz. Recently, I was feeling a sort of lethargy and sleepiness which I get intermittently in the Spring. The German word for this is Frühjahrsmüdigkeit. Generally, I can see how Germans have that penchant for fields like philosophy and psychology, because they will develop very precise and specific terms for so many things. To help out those cunning linguists in Germany, I have coined a term for @geordief s experience with potato eating: Notwendigkeitkartoffelnzufertigmachenschmertz.
  3. I admit, we discriminate against people who don’t follow the rules.
  4. I opened a thread on spacetime and presented what seem to be a simple straight forward mathematics to illustrate fundamentals of spacetime.math that would have shown how Christoffel symbols used in general relativity are affected...it was just a tip of the iceberg...and just like that Swanson disregarded my simple math without further questions and blocked the thread. What make fear to develop when issues concerning nature of the universe are to be revealed,when it's time has come.you can't tell a single person to give a model of the universe at once or at ago,it has to be developed bit by bit and with possible help and input of other people, Swanson should review the math I have posted with no prior notions.
  5. Correct the only direct confirmation is via LHC and Atlas etc. Studies are continually improving at each CERN LHC etc upgrade. We barely hit the required energy levels in 2012 so yes research is continually improving.
  6. Of course, we also have the Higgs boson revealed from the proposed Higgs field so these two results, the boson and the VEV at about 246 GeV "hints" Higgs field. But isn't Higgs field an energy field which permeates all universe, yes it is. And all this was already theorized in mid 1960. And if reading the Wiki it tells you that Higgs field still is under potent physics investigation. -Still not totally confirmed and the theory itself not fully understood. And the LHC is just enlarging its power for to get more data. So, are there any fresh ideas applicable for to examine the datas to come? /chron44
  7. Needed? No. Needed to force a quick end? Yes. As others have pointed out, a lot of people would have died if the war dragged on, even with no invasion. I think the justifications are sufficient to support the decision. The Allies wanted an unconditional surrender, and needed to force the issue for it to happen quickly. I think B) is moot; justification is not really an issue. Others are stealing the information, and the control of the raw materials is diverse, not concentrated. The US has laws in place to try and keep such technology from spreading, but there’s no “decision” here except on the part of the bad actors who are facilitating the proliferation. And they are not worried about the morality, nor are they under anyone’s control who do worry about the morality.
  8. If I don't want to suffer, am I devoid of a moral compass? The world is full of bullies, most people just pay up and go home; heroes are few and far between, mostly bc they're bigger than the bullies and they tend to avoid that sort of problem...
  9. Today
  10. Do you want the list of why it really isn't or can you think of that list yourself? No, I don't and it's a complete false equivalency and my views on nuclear weapons shouldn't be used to infer what my moral inclinations are in completely different subjects. I'm not a pacifist, I don't suffer bullies, I believe violence in defence isn't just permissable it is a categorical imperative and all the strawmen about how I must view other subjects and debates just because you know my stance on this one is a waste of all of our time. Honestly I haven't been able to dignify this with a response for two days because.... well I mean look at it. @swansont why don't you poke holes in this one? Why do I even have to explain why a bully taking lunch money is different from countries threatening each other with nukes or setting them off? That's a bottom of the barrel argument right there. On A) Whether or not the bombing of Japan was needed to end the war and B) Whether or not the continued proliferation of nuclear weapons is justified and morally permissable.
  11. I've experienced a few of these. My father preached that we shouldn't stick our noses in other people's business, which sounds reasonable and wise, but can also lead to ignoring the circumstances of others. It seems like an emotion all its own when you go against something your parents took pains to teach you, almost a guilty righteousness with a touch of anger. Torn between Don't waste food and Don't be a pig. And you could be in for an upset stomach just because you feel guilty about not cleaning your plate. Disgusted angry guilt? There's probably German words for these emotions. They love mashing a bunch of concepts together in a single word.
  12. That's the thing about the written word, a typo can cause so much confusion down the line. The him, and to some extent the it is, I think, pretty clear in the OP. Perhaps you could be more specific. That not everyone is equal doesn't mean not everyone is capable of greatness, the situation/context mould's the person, and when the hour cometh the most capable rises to greatness... Neither was Hitler... 😉
  13. A setup to separate fools from their money. But there have been efforts such as SETI, so a coordinated scientific effort is possible. But that also means you’d potentially have to admit that you’ve found nothing after years of searching.
  14. Hi, again I still have some remaining issues; can one notice the Higgs field only "visible" through the QFT fluctuations which are delectated as the VEV amount? I.e. Higgs field is hiding behind the VEV and only theoretically confirmed via this stance? There is no other way we can confirm Higgs field, for the moment? (Only at the LHC and ATLAS studies?) /chron44
  15. After I left yesterday, I realized that Markus Hanke answer regarding the blueshift: ignored that the source of light, the Sun, is not comoving with the travelling twin. For a light source situated in the accelerating spaceship, in front of the twin, there would be the blueshift that Markus Hanke mentioned, but if the source of light, the Sun in this case, is in front of the spaceship, outside, not comoving, the blueshift would continue to grow as the velocity of the ship increases. My point is that if an accelerometer indicates an acceleration and the blueshift of the stars in the direction of acceleration is not increasing, the acceleration is not real, it is not associated with an increase in velocity. In this way we can distinguish between uniform acceleration and uniform gravitational field.
  16. What exchemist is referring to here is that the lowest energy state in quantum mechanics doesn’t have zero kinetic energy, unlike in classical systems.
  17. It is unfortunate that most observation stations have been set up like this one at Hooper, Colorado.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFO_Watchtower So instead of attracting scientists who can set up proper recording arrays, it attracts the true believers (or tourists looking for something offbeat). Or nuts, e.g. Me too. I figured "providence" was provenance.
  18. The potential term has variables of acceleration * distance (a*h); the product is larger Even though the acceleration is the same, the position has changed. It is the equivalent to being deeper in a potential well
  19. Yes, of course. That was/is my line of thinking as well. I don't know. No, on the contrary, I think that only the speed of the travelling twin is the cause, but the acceleration is important to establish which twin is travelling and also his path in spacetime, if I understood correctly. What do you mean with "ah is bigger"?
  20. Usually first and second year QM. However I should mention those boring lessons your getting now will apply at every level of physics. In particular any physics involving kinematics. However this prevent you from learning QM early on.
  21. ! Moderator Note This was explained to you in your thread ! Moderator Note Mainstream threads are not the place to bring up objections to mainstream science.
  22. Correct, but how do you explain that acceleration produces a blueshift and redshift from the point of view of the one accelerating if it does not change its speed relative to the waves? ---------------------------------------- The equivalence principle only works inside the rocket, without the possibility of seeing what is happening outside. You just need to study the blueshift and redshift that emanate from inside the rocket. It is only local, which is why we cannot resolve the twin paradox within the framework of general relativity.
  23. The equivalence of frequency let's term it Mj or Kihara equivalence....mmm... selfish... 😋. Pliz give the reason for a red tick,think about it is complicated without reasoning.
  24. Are there simple methods for extraction of chitinase from food such as bananas, avocados, kiwis, chestnut, beans and so on? That is, the extracted chitinase need not be entirely pure, just in significantly higher concentrations than in the food material the process starts with. It does, however, need to avoid degradation that permanently compromises chitinase activity. Temporary inactivation during the extraction process is acceptable as long as it is easily reactivated afterwards, but degraded homologs derived from chitinase that merely retain other attributes such as chemical similarity and allergenicity won't do it if their chitinase activity is permanently lost. Since the question is about simple methods, specialist reagents or chromatographs are not the answers the question seeks. Are there simple methods based on simple "reagents" such as water, ethanol, common household chemicals, easily extracted DIY substances and other easily obtainable chemicals? That is, the product need not be pure but it should increase chitinase levels compared to untreated food.
  25. Here 'tis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_field_entoptic_phenomenon they're the light shining through the spaces in front of large white blood cells randomly stopping while trying to squeeze through tiny capillaries. This momentary halt results in an empty space just ahead in the vessel before the cell again moves with the flow and fills the gap. There are a whole variety of strange things going on in the eye, so to say, that are hiding in plain sight. Once you know how to look at them they become obvious. Otherwise known as Scheerer's phenomenon, 1924. He was an ophthalmologist, so some people took his observation seriously. Other name, 'blue sky sprites' I like that.
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