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  1. I personaly beleive that to NOT have Aliens exist somewhere in the universe would hardly be likely, in fact it would be REALLY Strange if we were the only life throughout, that in itself would raise some rather difficult questions! as for Psychic ability, yes, I`m sure it could be possible, but as of yet, there`s been no "Beyond a Doubt" evidence shown publicly, I`ve had experiences myself that even I can`t explain away (and I tend to be fairly good at that), Coincidence is the only option left over, and it Does occur, else no one would ever win the Lottery twice time travel, Hmmm... I can`t comment.
  2. For the first two, there is absolutely no empirical evidence whatsoever to support their reality. Every controled scientific test done on either failed to produce results beyond chance, or the "psychic" refused to be tested (wonder why). Time travel, there's no evidence of it happening. There's equations that say we could, but frankly, given that we *know* physics needs a major re-write (hence all this Theory of Everything hoopla), I take those with a grain of salt. Aliens, sure. Visiting us, again, no real evidence at all. Basically, science requires empirical results, tests and evidence to work, and without any of that, none of the above can really be considered science. Mokele
  3. You're making a good point here, I read somewhere that if Many Worlds is right, then it would be possible to 'time travel' by switching between one reality and another. But this is all pretty flimsy science I think, Severian is right that the Copenhagen view is far more accepted.
  4. Ok If there is a such thing as hyperspace..... Do you think we could ever reach it? Also i have a big question.... Can time travel ever work.... i dont think it is possible.... and if it was, when someone got back from the past they could have some how altered their future... this would then change memorys..... this effect would construct years of old memorys into new.... This would result in massive Brian hemoraging.. I cant spell that word..... the result is massive reconstruction of the brain... this would result in death or a coma! someone plz tell me if my thoughts sound like a theroy!
  5. I was watching a program on interstellar travel on the Science channel the other night and it made me angry. They were talking about traveling to planets that we might find in different star systems, but they never mentioned intelligent life, or life more advanced than us. Why the hell would we waste time traveling to planets to drop probes to find out what we already know, that there's no intelligent life there. Why is everyone so scared of finding something that makes us look stupid? Why the hell would we explore planets that are unlike ours? I can understand that they may do it for different reasons other than trying to find intelligent life, but to me that just seems like such a waste of time. We finally manage to speed across space and we look for primitive life? It's just so annoying to me. Argh. We should be trying to find something that has more knowledge than us, not less.
  6. I haven't really thought about it but I think the words '1`st time' can be quite confusing when you talk about time travel.
  7. I think time travel will be possible, just need more people to work on it.
  8. Lepton?? hmm maybe one day i'll graduate into a organism?? lol, well anyway the names Brian, and though ill admit, i have never studied science any further then high school chem2 or physics, I find this all very interesting, and it makes me ask myself all kinds of questions... my favorite thing to wonder about is time travel well anyway im gonna get to readin the forums and maybe even learn a thing or two....
  9. In my high school physics class we once talked about the movie Back To The Future and time travel. My teacher was pointing out the "bad physics" in Hollywood, but he did mention that a real "Flux Capacitor" DOES exist. He didn't mention what it was used for, only that the term "Flux" referred to magnetism.
  10. I havent drawn any conclusions, i do not think that the painting will just disappear. I believe it is a paradox and because of that i have absolutely no idea the real outcome, im just speculating, as you suggested, on what i know. I dont think there is a right or wrong answer on whether the painting disappears because we just dont understand what happens with time travel, all we can do is try to steer clear of such paradoxes.
  11. that's true to a extent, their could still be physics we do not understand that apply to time travel. And your paradox is not a paradox. It's string theory resolves it with parallel universes.
  12. Who cares! So it dose violate. When applying knowledge to new unproven ideas or theorys, like associated with time travel. It may break certain laws.
  13. That's what i thought, but id be glad to hear more from swansont on the matter. Although i should point out again that this isnt something i thought of alone, a physicist from the IoP thought it up. Im merely putting it in the way as a problem with time travel.
  14. The "paradox" occurs because you've broken a physical law and yet assumed the rest still work. Once you have time travel you lose causality, so you can have the painting before you painted it.
  15. Michio Kaku says that one way to prevent any paradoxes is that perhaps you don't alter your own past, but that of another version of yourself. so you wouldn't kill your grandfather but another version of your grandfather. Or he says that something could stop you from doing it. Either way i think that we will eventually accomplish time travel eventually.
  16. The Very concept of time travel is very exciting. might be because its not a mere fairy tale, but a complete & Logical SCIENCE.
  17. Time travel is discussed in detail in numerous threads around this forum. You can't be saying you know more about it than the rest of us. Or that Titor's description is accurate, which proves that he could be real. We'll have to wait to find out
  18. You have a really good point. However, I don't think anyone here really knows the concept of time travel. There may be some details about this that John never posted. Perhaps the timelines break apart after certain events. Maybe year 2000 was when our timelines broke apart. We never saw any effects, but maybe his timeline saw the world "fall apart" after the year 2000. When he said he wanted to see the effects of the millennium bug, maybe he couldn't imagine how it couldn't do any harm in our timeline. I really don't know...
  19. Yes, Wikipedia says: In time travel, one does not actually enter one's own past because, at a minimum, one's own presence in the past makes a change and generates a new, ever-expanding set of worldlines. One enters rather the past of a closely-related worldline. Therefore, the worldline John Titor describes as his "past" is very similar, but not identical, to our own present and near future.
  20. You failed to read the rest of my post which went something like this: If Titor is the real deal, I doubt he would have even considered physically interacting with the mass media because it could alter the future and result in a failed mission. Also, critics of Titor are questioning why he would even post on internet forums because it would be an off course journey to his real destination, the IBM computer, basically too much of a risk.. The bold section explains why it is odd he even interacted with the media (physical or not), as it could have caused problems with his supposed "time travel." And my whole passage explains why I do not believe one word Titor said.
  21. just a thought, and I don`t know the exact maths, but it`s not heavily relliant upon that anyway. how long ago was this gettysburg thing? how fast is the earth moving in space? Multiply those 2 and you`ll have the distance you`de be away from the earth as it is now, probably millions of miles away when it took place. so if it were REAL Time Travel, it would present Problems, quite Obvious one at that.
  22. So, Swansont, who has a Ph.D. in atomic physics. is ignorant. I quake in terror at what this makes me. Many? Certainly some, and you should logically place yourself close to the top of the list. Here is the essence of your problem: an ill-defined, unsubstantiated, poorly documented, anecdotal event, is taken by you to be factual and very real. That is not science, your approach is not scientific. It is an entertaining story;it is decidedly not evidence of time travel.
  23. LOL i AM BACK FOOLS. TO ANSWER YOUR IGNORANT QUESTIONS. Ofcourse time travel is possible. Havent any of you seen Lois and Clarke the new adventures of superman? In it Tempest uses a time machine, and describes how he uses it. IF you people would just get your nerdy 4 eyes heads out of books, FAF in particular, you would realize what the real world has already discovered. DUH
  24. Jeez, someone's grumpy Anywho, time travel is possible...but you have to be very small, so small you're beneath underneath the planck length limit, in which then, uncertainty breaks relativity and your probability wave will carry you virtually anywhere, anytime
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