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  • Meson

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Meson (3/13)



  1. John Titor really is popular on the intarweb!
  2. That you shouldn't be mean to creationists.
  3. They are suck, choose a career you enjoy. Simple as that.
  4. For some odd reason I don't like chocolate milk, never did since kindergarten. What's really fun is chugging your milk, everytime I poor myself a glass (morning or night) I love chugging it and getting an ultimate brain freeze. Painful, yet fun I must say.
  5. I only posted because I thought I could answer the question. I mean logically speaking, no biblical influence involved, how could the first human be a baby? Would it be able to survive on it's own?
  6. The problem is, soymilk doesn't taste too good with cereal.. That's why I just switched back to normal milk because I didn't want to constantly drink both types of milk on a constant basis, might not be too good for the stomach.
  7. I'm not bitter, really. No matter how many times both sides argue over this matter, it will get nowhere. Besides, haven't I given you enough explanations on my beliefs?
  8. You mean only with the word "evidence." Honestly, you didn't even have to respond to my post, but it seems like you love instigating conflict.
  9. Okay fine, since I do not possess the ability to back my statements up with 100% proof, I lose.
  10. It's not very nice...you big bully! I'm gonna call your mommy and tell her all about what you said!
  11. I was being sarcastic. I just don't understand why you're attacking Creationists (For the other guy, I meant "Creationists", I just couldn't think right because I was mad at the thread-maker's prejudice post).
  12. Thank you for attacking Christians, I'm sure you make every Evolutionist extremely proud, considering you represent them just like the sites above represent all Christians.
  13. Since I cannot back up anything I say with hard-core proof, I lose. You guys win.
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