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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. This is disturbing but of course all war is disturbing. We look at the deaths of a few civilians now and think of the horror and rightly so. But if we go back to WW2 killing civilians was pretty much the way war was raged. Quite literally millions of civilians died, some were killed because they lived near military targets but the fire bombing of cities and the general nature of warfare at the time precluded worry about killing civilians. I think it's amazing how far the USA goes to avoid killing civilians now. A war is much easier to win if you don't worry about civilians and collateral damage breaks the will of the people to fight. During the cold war, officially, nuclear weapons were not supposed to be directed at civilian targets but no one who was really in the know thought a 20 megaton blast on a rail center wasn't going to wipe out the rest of the city as well. In the beginning the weapons weren't accurate enough to much more than kill the civilian population. We've come along way in civilizing war, now if we could all just get along....
  2. Actually I remember those black rubber boots with red felt lining! I had a pair of hand me down ones. They had buckles and worked pretty good, kept my feet warm and dry when trapping muskrats!
  3. Insects communicate chemically there is no way for us to read their rituals, while if their religion might be passed down by word of chemical we cannot say it's not as real as ours.
  4. I think it's silly to thank of women as some how less than sexual "less" than males. females like sex just as much as males. if any thing they enjoy it more than males. Females like sex, they are capable of organisms that pale in comparison to males, Women have sex drives equal to males hands down, they always seem it enjoy it as much if not more than me.
  5. Your witty reparte' simply blows me away I don't think that's what the OP was doing, I think, and I hope he comes back and clarifies this, I think he was just pointing out that the concept of god is ethereal and pretty much depends on the believer and not some bona fide definition. I don't think he said that, he just asserted that there of quite a bit of iffiness about the concept of god and to assert that there this is one absolute god goes against the very idea of God across cultures The witness does not disappear, it's the evidence that is non existence, the witness believes, I can respect that, I might not agree with his methods but the belief deserves respect, its the people who try to twist science and logic to justify their belief that disgust me. Religion requires belief, religion is separate from the idea of god, religion is an attempt to justify the concept of God. Religion is mans attempt use the concept of god to take advantage of the people. i am ignorant in many things due to lack of education but stupidity is simply the inability to learn.
  6. Lets find some evidence of God then we can argue on a name, the point is that there as many definitions of god as there are names and none of them have any evidence to back them up.... There are no eye witnesses and no road much less a car or a color....
  7. No Zolar you are missing my point, no matter if the aliens believe in one all powerful being or one with a set of smaller ones like most religions do there is no way they will assume ours and theirs is the same one. Just like the Native Americans Great Spirit wasn't allowed to go on under Christianity's idea of one God, I see no reason to think aliens would just welcome our religion with open arms and assume we are all one happy family under one true god either...
  8. Moontanman


    So Titan, where all the water is frozen hard as granite can have no beaches? You are so human centric and geocentric it's beyond belief, everything you say screams a human centric mind set. Unfortunately yes....
  9. One word.... Sandkings... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandkings_(novelette) , I'm not sure if we can define religion but if insects have it then social insects have it more than we do. What is religion but a pattern of behavior that requires the individual to surrender to the gestalt of the leader, God is the ultimate leader....
  10. Moontanman


    Yeah, it's difficult to get the tequila out of them....
  11. Moontanman


    DNKSFA ... I was gonna tell you but my grandfather (the single most naturally intelligent human I have ever met) might object to anyone knowing the family trueism.... even from beyond the grave
  12. Moontanman


    So what happens when you cut a magnet in half? You make no sense what so ever. DNKSFA
  13. Moontanman


    So there can be no begining? Yes there is, the existence of the sky does not depend on land or ocean or even a planet. Without the right side of my computer screen, there would be no left Tell that to a radial symmetry creature.... It's even easier now, you keep making the point of the opposition over and over....
  14. So far you have done everything you could do verbally to prove other wise. No, as I said the love of money does that. So Gold is not the same as money? Gold is somehow better than money? i call bull shit on this entire line of pseudo reasoning....
  15. No, it's the love of money that is the root of all evil, you can't even get your quotes right, you strive for nothing but chaos
  16. Moontanman


    Yes but that is only bilateral symmetry... There are other patterns of symmetry.... you have no point....
  17. And just what would be "your way"?
  18. The Revelator http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Urantia_Book
  19. Moontanman


    Boom..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclops_(genus)
  20. Seriously dude, you need to check out the "Book of Urantia" I think you missed your calling.....
  21. I'm not sure worshiping a huge Ash tree and all the accompanying Gods and goddesses qualifies as mono-theism but the fact remains that aliens might be bent on proselytizing anyone they find and might be every bit as deadly serious as we were and sometimes are at it. They might be monotheistic and worship a nearby black hole or pi or what ever but no matter what it is they do not necessarily agree with or respect the way most of this planet believes. Many North American Native peoples were basically monotheistic but you won't find many Christians who believe in praying to the great spirit. It would be easy for me to assume all advanced aliens would be atheistic but that would be quite an assumption...
  22. There are glyphs that seem to portray helicopters and jet airplanes quite convincingly but they are just coincidence of combined shapes. if you can't come up with a mechanism for the Egyptians to have known about the great red spot then your interpretation is no better than coincidence and thus meaningless. I suggest you give the people more credit and post the photo.
  23. So every one is assuming their God is the same as our Judeo/Christian/Muslim God? No one considers the chance they might worship a completely different way? Not to mention want to impress that religion on us much the same way we have forced our religion on other less powerful peoples?
  24. gf, how could the ancient Egyptians have received the knowledge of the great red spot on Jupiter? If you can't answer this the idea becomes nothing more than a meaningless coincidence... No mater how close the description is...
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