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Everything posted by LaurieAG

  1. The latest data from John Hopkins shows the rate of Confirmed Infections/Recoveries to be 37.04% (Confirmed: 80,994, Deaths: 2760, Recovered: 30,000).
  2. That may be the case for China but other area's may have their own separate peaks depending on their respective containment activities. I went to a Medical Center and a Chemist today and both had signs asking people who had a fever/cough and who had been to China in the past 14 days to contact the staff immediately on entry. The John Hopkins University Data shows Total Confirmed: 80,147, total Deaths: 2,699, Total Recovered: 27,657 and the ratio of Recovered/Confirmed is currently 34.51%.
  3. Don't forget government guarantees for deposits (including structured products, managed funds and bonds) up to $250,000 in banks etc (including many foreign institutions), like in Australia. https://www.apra.gov.au/financial-claims-scheme-0
  4. At least it will cause no harm, depending on what was mixed with it that is.
  5. https://www.asbmb.org/asbmb-today/science/020620/could-an-old-malaria-drug-help-fight-the-new-coron
  6. Yes CharonY, 4 of the Confirmed Infected cases in Australia who recovered were treated with paracetamol. Tonic Water would probably help in those milder cases as well due to the Quinine. The current John Hopkins University figures are: Total Confirmed: 75,727, Total Deaths: 2,128, Total Recovered: 16,447 and the ratio of Total Recovered/Confirmed is 21.72%.
  7. There are many different types of Flu like viruses transmitted by bats/flying foxes/fruit bats and many of the transmission vectors are not very well understood, particularly for things like the Hendra Virus, which has a much higher human death rate than Coronavirus. I wouldn't rule anything out at present. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henipavirus#Hendra_virus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henipavirus https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/backgroundbriefing/outbreak-at-victory-lodge/3564868#transcript
  8. Animal to human transmission of blood, entirely same ballgame. Latest figures from John Hopkins Uni, Total Confirmed: 73,335, Total Deaths: 1,873, Total Recovered: 12,745 and the ratio of Recovered/Confirmed has jumped from around 10% to around 17% in the past 6 days.
  9. The Millmerran Power Plant was built in Queensland in 2002 and should be considered as a Hybrid Energy generation system that moves bituminous coal directly from an open cut deposit via a conveyor belt to heat multiple steam turbines that utilise recycled water. The system then recycles this water continuously after cooling. I went up there in 2004 as a representative of the Australian training company that provided Integen's International learning systems materials (for Steam Turbine Operation, to their US Redbud Power plant in Oklahoma as well, prior to my employment). It was a huge project although the low intensity 'hum' of the turbines and cooling fans goes right through you until you leave the site. There aren't many problems with the recycled water being used in this way as it had already been treated and this use had much less of a social stigma attached compared to putting it back directly in drinking water systems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millmerran_Power_Station
  10. Just a bit of background on air transmission of infectious disease with flu like symptoms. While rat fleas were largely responsible for transmitting Bubonic plague between people the transmission via air was a rare situation found in septicemic plague.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubonic_plague https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Septicemic_plague If the Coronavirus was in the blood sucked by a bat mite it would last as long as the bat mite was alive and potentially be transmitted if the bat mite bit another human or animal. https://www.virginiabatpros.com/blog/how-to-get-rid-of-bat-mites/
  11. They call them 'Thundereggs' where I come from and there is even a nearby tourist park that allows fossicking in an open air mine. https://www.thunderbirdpark.com/thunderegg-fossicking https://www.thunderbirdpark.com/thunderegg-fossicking-faq
  12. Donald Rumsfeld had no qualms giving Saddam a billion dollars after the Iraq/Iran war. Have you ever read the post WWII Japanese Constitution and the German Basic Law? If you did read a copy with the changes and crossed out text intact you would see that these national 'democratic' founding documents were altered for petty political cold war purposes. Talk about cleaning up your own back yard before criticizing the system you forced on your neighbours.
  13. That's up to your democratic states and their democratically elected legislators if you want to quibble, so Trump as POTUS and his impeachment acquittal are still the results of a democratic system.
  14. Here are several possibilities, there may be others:- 1/ The emitted photons from the galaxy sources were entirely blocked by something. 2/ The galaxy sources ceased emitting photons. 3/ The depth of field of the observation has moved out of the range to be able collect the emitted photons i.e. observer location has moved out of range.
  15. How come you're so sure? Have you contacted your authorities with your evidence? Please provide a link to some first hand evidence and I might consider what you say otherwise you cannot make an informed opinion. https://www.allsides.com/news-source/abc-news-media-bias https://youtu.be/lH_sdTC7Anw https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/09/23/abcs_tom_llamas_was_hunter_biden_profiting_off_his_dads_work_as_vice_president_and_did_joe_biden_allow_it.html
  16. So democracy won, that should surprise nobody.
  17. In honour of our mothers, their mothers, and our brides I present what I learned from my late mother. Appreciation for her simplicity, beauty, determination and love. For all that amounts, make good honest accounts, lest ye could lose more than just, lucky underpants. Chaos is purely nature in action, first find that correct butterfly, and you can make anything happen. Anti chaos is also quite easy to do, first find that correct butterfly, and then say 'boo'. Time goes on both ways forever, despite all mortal human endeavour, infinity will be reached, never ever. The most exquisite 'sea' food my mother ever made for me was a combination of my 'sauce' and her 'eggs' on bread. Ketjap Bentang Manis (sweet soy sauce) and boiled chicken eggs, yum yum. Here is the gateway to her favourite spot near the 'brides tree' where she worked at her water colors until perfection. May we never forget them in our hearts. You should really get on the WoW program @Strange, and go see 'Mother' at the 'Heart of Azeroth"
  18. So basically the Vanguard (O'Sullivan & McGillycuddy) went rogue and ganked the Leading Reverse Hunter Exec in harmony 3, when it tried to take over. It wasn't a 'phantom' at all but the Vanguard miscounted and came up with a 'phantom' packet due to its error. There are still a few Hunter tricks that I can pass on but I'll wait until after the 2rd March, unless things start to go haywire again. Regards,
  19. McEvoy Brian 2005 http://www.tara.tcd.ie/handle/2262/77578 These images are of the Irish Y Chromosome Haplotype Families who have natural resistance to the Coronavirus and their main carrying family O'Sullivan/McGillicuddy. Genetic Investigation of Irish Ancestry and Surname History by Brian Patrick McEvoy created these in his PHD Thesis at Trinity College Dublin in 2005. He was originally researching cows and he thought 'why not people'. Brilliant Brian. The relationships between their Y Hpaplotype groupings reveal their defensive capabilities and what they are fighting against i.e. OSULLIVAN/MCGILLICUDDY Y Chromosome MIX IS the problem. My Family is the DNA Y Haplotype Structural EXEC and we take over when things go horribly wrong. THE RYANS ARE FRIENDLY and VERY USEFUL ALLIES! Do not harm them please, This 'army' defeated the VI KINGS fought by the 6 ARISTODEMUS (REDHEAD FEMALE GENERALS) mentioned in XENOPHON's HELENICA. CORRECTION - ARCHIDAMUS not ARISTODAMUS. GOOD LUCK.
  20. Please pass the word. It seems like P2 facemasks filter particles out before entering the respiratory situation so they will prevent a fully grown viral 'King' or 'Queen' Coronavirus spores from getting through but will allow less developed and less lethal juvenile spores through. Most people can people can 'live' through this although proper medical treatment is still required.
  21. Just a few final notes on the conceptual/practical way to view the continuum model in a universal simulation model, like WoW, so you can all clearly see the symmetries and know when everything is correctly balanced. In other words, this is how you will see me coming and going, in a single straight line continuum model. Harmony 1 When I am weak and building up I have a Hunters pet, who I heal and feed, who does most of the hard work for me until I can build up my first stage strength to reach full power. The 'protect the caravan' quest in Desolace is a good example of the 'weak' methodology when I have enough 'solo' strength and equipment to keep me and my Pet going. In these cases I sometimes struggle and have to 'feign death', then regain strength and 'mana' alone, then resurrect my Pet and feed it immediately after, before continuing. As I gain strength I do more of the work, as we are a team, and my Pet watches my back as a personal protector. In the middle stages the Hunter reaches the first 'harmony' and earns the respect of a 'spiritual' Pet along with their physical Pet and the methodology stays much the same. Harmony 2 When I am fully prepared or 'strong' I don't need pets, they have both fulfilled their part of our mutual bond, so they deserve their retirement and their welfare and become my 'protective armor'. A good example of this 'strong' protective methodology, and the different tactics used, appears in the global 'caravan protection' quest in Zandalar. In complete confidence I walk backwards along the path at a far enough distance in front of the caravan so that I can provide a complete field of fire around the Vanguard, both edges, the Midguard in the middle, and to the back of the Rearguard even if I cannot see there or there isn't one or the other or both. In the (seemingly) most powerful protective array the Vanguard is comprised of competent professionals facing me while the rearguard are all volunteers, who follow my way to protect the neutral innocents and healers in the middle. This combines everything to the second 'harmony' level where everybody is 'protected'. When the attackers come I just spam everything and draw the attackers into the killing zone between me and the Vanguard. While the Vanguard and Rearguard are tidying up, or if there is no Vanguard or Rearguard and I am 'soloing' it, I target anything that's left passing through and work through the remaining threats, and try to heal myself if required, to prepare for the next attack. Harmony 3 The symmetry of the Vanguard is reflected in the Rearguard, the middle Midguard is neutral and solely protective of the innocents, as both ends perform the same functions, although the Rearguard and I both walk in reverse along the same continuum in caravan. This is the difference between the discrete frontal defense at Thermopylae by Leonidas, as recorded by Herodotus, and the opposite discrete defensive, led by the Archidamus(s) (the pale Red Headed Female Generals) and the brave Celts in Xenophon. i.e. both point out towards the attackers, wherever and whatever the attackers are. In combination these two defensive structures are only permeable from within and the entire defense may work and the mission may still fail, so the Midguard is just as important as both ends, it comprises of both members of the Vanguard and Rearguard, with and without Pets and any injured along with the healers of the innocents, as it always allows you to reach the third 'Harmony' level and reach your destination with the caravan intact. Harmony 4 So thanks to my raiding Healer twin brother and the Symmetry Sister Emmy NOETHER, and your twin Sister Emmy NODARKMATTER (she's just a naughty girl at the moment and will get better with practice over time as we all do ), and all of your many and varied aspects, so we can all play the final stage of WoW and learn how to succeed without harming anything, to reach the final 'Harmony' level together and undamaged, physical or mentally. The new WoW Classic releases should be pretty good too.
  22. Incidentally I gained the 8.3 expansion 470 ilvl cloak straight up in less than 2 days and returned from my first 'shadow' mission with 84.5% sanity. I have also called the shots in one of the closest 15 v 15 person Player vs player battles I have ever seen in the "Strand of the Ancients". This wasn't a Pyrrhic Victory as it was actually 4-10 times worse than that if you look at the final stats. Both 'volunteer' teams (not premade teams) from many different servers played like 'real' champions and our Horde team certainly did win the game by the rules. My characters name is in yellow below so I must commend the people on both sides who played, along with the Blizzard team(s) who developed this, thanks mates.
  23. 7 years ago I sat the psychological testing for entry into the Australian Defense Force (ADF) as a RAAF Communications Controller and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the majority of the Communications Controllers there also played WoW. These are the same competent and dedicated guys and gals who run the Airspace operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Unfortunately for me I had a double hernia operation 1 month before the age cutoff for military service, even though I had the aptitude for many different positions in all areas of Australia's Defense Forces. I am confident that WoW can be used as a useful tool in many different endeavors, especially with regards to fostering teamwork and verifyably assessing specific situational competencies for all levels of skills required during military, or even humanitarian emergencies, without physically injuring the personnel or putting them at physical risk.
  24. Here's an interesting news article on 'Coronavirus Spread', especially if you have ever enjoyed MMORPG's like World of Warcraft (WoW). https://www.abacusnews.com/games/wuhan-coronavirus-prompts-netizens-study-world-warcraft-epidemic/article/3047158 As I started playing in 2008, in 'Burning Crusade', and have had a 'Hunter' character in this game since then, I can provide an expert opinion on the mechanism of these things. Being a highly experienced solo Hunter means that your role is mainly 'ranged attack' but you can also use a hunting 'pet' to assist you by getting it to attack a boss in a dungeon or during a quest. In WoW Dungeons, I hold a title of "Northrend Dungeon Master", so I can let you know a bit of the inside information, you can read the article above to see how important these 'virtual' environments are for future science research/modelling. The main issue with Hunters is that some arrogant players, call them 'Huntards' in a derogatory way because our pets can 'pull' beasts etc onto a 5 man Dungeon group and 'wipe' it. The real problem is that when a Healer ignores the healing of the Hunters Pet, and that Pet is attacking the BOSS, the boss usually goes straight for the powerful 'ranged attack' Hunter, who is standing beside the Healer, and then kills the Healer straight away because it has the weakest armor. The dedicated IT professionals who developed this game carried their 'playing mechanics' consistently through all Quest lines, Dungeons and Raids in WoW so I can see how such an uncontrolled viral epidemic, like the Influenza epidemics of a century ago, can spread without adequate actions by the authorities. Lets just hope that pure science can learn how to learn from these 'safe simulation' examples in the future.
  25. iNow, bureaucrats of any type, especially those who are of a technical nature, can have problems with the bureaucratic aspects of their position which then interferes with their competent stewarding of all aspects of their position. Also there is the issue of public vs private stakeholders. Here's an example that I discussed with my father yesterday morning. He was the RGC/AMC Safety/Developments Officer before he started working as BHP Minerals International's Manager Learning Systems where he introduced 'Competency Based Learning' systems into all their international operations. He was asked to go to a sand mining project for an inspection with BHP's Western Australian manager as he already knew about the site from his previous position. The person in charge of the project was not an experienced mining engineer by trade, and although he was technically competent in his own narrow field (like an academic), the operation continually failed despite the technology. After doing the site inspection my father asked the state manager if he could have a look at the production records for a couple of hours so he could give him an informed opinion. When he came back he said 'Did you notice anything about the site when we inspected it?'
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