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Everything posted by beecee

  1. An elderly couple had dinner at another couple's house, and after eating, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen. The two gentlemen were talking, and one said, 'Last night we went out to a new restaurant and it was really great. . . I would recommend it very highly.' The other man said, 'What is the name of the restaurant?' The first man thought and thought and finally said, 'What is the name of that flower you give to someone you love? You know... The one that's red and has thorns.' 'Do you mean a rose?' 'Yes, that's the one,' replied the man. He then turned towards the kitchen and yelled, 'Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went to last night?'
  2. This article (today) maybe of interest...... https://phys.org/news/2022-01-black-hole-horizons-discharged.html Study finds that black hole inner horizons can be charged or discharged: the papers: DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.231301 Vitor Cardoso et al, Quasinormal Modes and Strong Cosmic Censorship, Physical Review Letters (2018). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.031103 Oscar J C Dias et al, Strong cosmic censorship for charged de Sitter black holes with a charged scalar field, Classical and Quantum Gravity (2019). DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/aafcf2 Vitor Cardoso et al, Strong cosmic censorship in charged black-hole spacetimes: Still subtle, Physical Review D (2018). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.104007 Stefan Hollands et al, Quantum instability of the Cauchy horizon in Reissner–Nordström–deSitter spacetime, Classical and Quantum Gravity (2020). DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ab8052 Stefan Hollands et al, Quantum stress tensor at the Cauchy horizon of the Reissner–Nordström–de Sitter spacetime, Physical Review D (2020). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.085004 Christiane Klein et al, Renormalized charged scalar current in the Reissner–Nordström–de Sitter spacetime, Physical Review D (2021). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.025009 Journal information: Physical Review Letters , Physical Review D hope that helps....
  3. So? again, from the link "The problem with the “Is it possible?” class of questions is that our explorations of the world have taught us that it is unwise to put constraints on what is possible. It may be more useful to address the probability of this happening. (from my link)" The probability of predicting what may have evolved from the first warm puddle 3 or 4 billion years ago, is a far cry from the educated probability predictions made by the Alpha result of that evolution (us) 3 or 4 billion years later, in that octopuses and tomatoes are near certain to never evolve into being space faring entities. Unless of course the Alpha result of that evolutionary process, (us) decide to take them along for the ride. Again, from the same link......"The first question may be “why?”. What sort of environmental pressure would direct octopus future evolution in such a way as to make the additional metabolic cost of a larger brain more advantageous to their survival than their present method of laying 60,000 eggs and relying on force of numbers? Their present method has been working rather well for some unknown hundreds of millions of years through a wide range of environmental changes". I've answered with my explantions, the topic of the thread title, and the associated choices. Would you like me to repeat it again? I havn't seen your answer as yet, or your choices. Your first question, often. So? Your second statement, again so? and secondly F1 cars don't evolve, they do though technically and mechanically improve, based on the research and data gathered by their special creators. Much of that entails observing nature and how other lifeforms have evolved to run fast, swim fast, reach the tops of leafy trees, smell out food and danger etc etc etc.
  4. All BH's should have spin. A BH with charge, would have that charge negated in rather quick time I suggest. Spin may also be negated but certainly over a much longer time period, (probably approaching that time period of the BH evaporating via Hawking radiation) Wormholes are also (as far as I know) a prediction of GR, but have never been validated. The Reisner Nordstrom BH appears to be in the same catagory. The most realistic BH still seems to be the Kerr BH. The most common form of BH then I suggest is the Kerr metric, but in a few billions/trillions of years, that could then reduce to the old garden variety Schwarzchild BH as spin is negated. Just some thoughts so don't be too concerned. I obviously am no where near the knowledge and know how of either Orion1 or Marcus.
  5. Especially if you're an old bastard.
  6. The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day, the kids came back and, one by one, began to tell their stories. There were all the regular types of stuff: spilled milk and pennies saved. But then the teacher realized, much to her dismay, that only Janie was left. "Janie, do you have a story to share?" 'Yes ma'am. My daddy told me a story about my Mummy. She was a Marine pilot in Desert Storm, and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory, and all she had was a flask of whiskey, a pistol, and a survival knife. She drank the whiskey on the way down so the bottle wouldn't break, and then her parachute landed her right in the middle of 20 Iraqi troops. She shot 15 of them with the pistol, until she ran out of bullets, killed four more with the knife, till the blade broke, and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands." ''Good Heavens,' said the horrified teacher. What did your Daddy tell you was the moral to this horrible story?" "Don't fuck with Mummy when she's been on the piss."
  7. Little Miss Dynamite! Love her!!! Never seen them before....they wouldn't fit on the normal conventional record player, would they?
  8. We are able to have reasonable estimates in how some evolutionary traits will not evolve, as per the reasons given previously. No scientific theory is 100% certain, except evolution, but they are our best guess at any particular time, and as they continue to match the observational and experimental data, they can grow more certain, eg: the BB, SR/GR. No, in my estimation, and the estimation of people expert in this discipline, certain evolutionary pathways, make it so highly unlikely that they won't become our masters, (like octopuses and tomatoes) as to be near certain...like any good scientific theory. https://www.quora.com/Could-octopuses-theoretically-evolve-to-become-a-space-faring-civilization-If-yes-what-do-you-think-it-could-look-like.. "The problem with the “Is it possible?” class of questions is that our explorations of the world have taught us that it is unwise to put constraints on what is possible. It may be more useful to address the probability of this happening. The first question may be “why?”. What sort of environmental pressure would direct octopus future evolution in such a way as to make the additional metabolic cost of a larger brain more advantageous to their survival than their present method of laying 60,000 eggs and relying on force of numbers? Their present method has been working rather well for some unknown hundreds of millions of years through a wide range of environmental changes. Now as long as we are rolling our nearly-infinite-sided dice, if somehow they became aware - and aware of an impending planetary cataclysm, that could prompt them to become “space-faring”. Aside from smelting metals, they could have access to a variety of biologically derived structures based on coral or the ability of mollusks to build shells. It is unlikely that we would suddenly see a coral starship rise out of the ocean. It would be more in line with their historical behavior to perhaps build heavily armored “seeds” that would contain millions of dormant eggs. These seeds would remain on the sea floor or protected in bedrock waiting for the Earth to disintegrate whereupon they would be scattered to the stars waiting to fall into some faraway hospitable ocean. This may not be the space-faring civilization you had in mind, but if we ever travel among the stars, the past futurists’ preposterous visions of our present should teach us that it will look nothing like we imagine it today". ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: That's science, not simply speculation, and yes, indicates as far as we know, that we are special...we are the premium species on Earth, we can vocalise, socialise, have oppossing thumbs, are able to learn from the previous generation of giants, on whose shoulders we stand on, fabricate, construct, mine metals, undertake travel, including space travel etc. Why are you so reluctant to accept that in those senses, we certainly are special? Yes sometimes we have abused our special niche on this fart arse little blue orb, and often we operate under the banner of "f%$# you, I'm alright Jack" (eg: Novak Djokovic in recent times) but the facts are (rightly or wrongly)that we are the species that rules Earth. But strangely enough, as our technology improves, as our knowledge is enhanced, as we venture further into space, we understand that the Earth itself, and our star the Sun, are nothing when taken along with the scale of the universe around us. Carl Sagan's poignant narrative, "The Pale Blue Dot" best illustrates this. We don't even know yet whether we are the only intelligent, advanced civilisation within our observable universe...we aren't even sure if any life at all, exists anywhere else. Most believe it does, including me, but the sheer scale of the universe, makes time and distance barriers to that knowledge. The Sun has a "use by date" the Earth has a use by date, we probably also have a use by date, but we can if we chose extend that date somewhat by moving out to the stars. So, yes we are special...nothing at all wrong in accepting that fact. My simple defining of intellgence would be self awareness, understanding, learning and thinking in general? But I'm no expert, just a poor old retired tradesman. I Love David Attenborough, and watch his stuff whenever I am able. He is a giant among men.
  9. We are all speculating....I see the chances of communicating between advanced intelligent alien species as reasonable speculation. Plus of course the other life forms on Earth only have limited range of vocalizations, and do not fit into advanced civilisations catagory.:
  10. Terrific!!! a link at last!!! Of course though it is just one, and I have given others just as reputable. from your link.....""There must be some commonality between the sender and receiver in order for communication to occur". And mathematics and descriptive geometry could be that commonality. from your link again....."The solution? Computer technology. Raybeck believes the common ground (which is essential for communication) may be as minimal as the ability to process information. Computers could provide a solution, if they can receive and generate complex messages in a human language and could be programmed to create a common language. Given their learning capabilities, computers should refine and improve the process over time." Didn'tthink of that, but hey! worth a try if all other means fail. thanks dimreeper.
  11. I regret disturbing and upsetting you seriously. The point I'm trying to make is that perhaps octopuses and their close cousins, are not as smart as we generally give them credit for. That along with the Hawaiin trap seems to indicate that. Plus of course they still are a staple food diet.(plus it was a reaction to the irrelevant peanut cartoon ) I'm not saying that they are dumb, I'm simply saying to claim evolution could result in them becoming space farers, is nothing but ignorant fantasy, particularly when the party pushing it, fails to acknowledge any of the links supporting my case, refuses to answer the OP question, as you yourslef put, and continues on his weird and wonderful inexplicable irrelevant nonsense.And then gets all pretentiously upset and claims vicitm status.
  12. We have our own thanks...Bernard Tomic, and to a somewhat lesser (well reformed sense) Nick Kyrgios. And really, I do not have that much sympathy for people, (for whatever reason) that chose to ignore the science and medical advice, in favour of something they heard Trump say, or what silly unsubstantiated rumour they heard on facebook from some friend, or any number of the other crazy, looney, Qanon type societies infesting democracies today. Not much sympathy at all.
  13. If I seem angry, you are correct. Myself, the wife and Son have all tested positive, with mild symptoms, although now out of isolation. My wife does have underlying conditions,(asthma) but seems to have recovered OK. I also thought my so called assertions were pretty well supported by the photos I linked to, and I don't believe I said anything about it being exclusively all of them...some are just misguided.
  14. Sorry your highness, I'll try again....I don't believe all the news and reports and photos are fake...I don't know any anti vaxxers personally. EG:the Melbourne march and desecration, the conspircy signs and photos I have linked to...the white house desecration and news and photos. Does that suffice? You think the photos supporting the conspiracy nonsense are fake? What more do you want? A personal interview with one of these nuts? Sorry your highness, here again.... Thankfully, in Australia, we do not now need to worry about these nutbags, as 95% in NSW are fully vaxxed, 93% in Victoria and overall Australia is now in excess of 90% fully vaxxed. Probably the most vaccinated country in the world. Agreed about the generalisation...obviously though, they have been grossly mislead. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/nov/14/qanon-how-the-far-right-cult-took-australians-down-a-rabbit-hole-of-extremism After the US, Britain and Canada, Australia was the fourth largest producer of QAnon content worldwide By 2021, those wanting to believe that QAnonism had mostly spared isolated Australia had an increasing amount of evidence to ignore. Australia’s experience of the coronavirus pandemic between 2020 and 2021 was dominated by a series of rolling lockdowns that trapped Australians at home with a lot of frustration – and the internet – for months at a time. The preponderance of anecdotal accounts detailing encounters with QAnon online could be written off as unrepresentative of what may have been going on in the broader community. Accumulating statistics, however, were a far harder boulder to shift. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: https://www.crikey.com.au/2021/05/18/australians-are-embracing-anti-vaccine-facebook-groups-filled-with-conspiracy-theories-and-lies/ The number of Australians joining anti-vaccine Facebook groups filled with COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories has exploded in the past year, with their membership nearly tripling according to a new report. This drastic increase from groups spreading potentially harmful medical misinformation and conspiracy theories has happened despite the platform’s repeated promises to crack down on such content.
  15. You think the news is all fake like Trump does? You think the white house desecration was an illusion?..the melbourne ANZAC war memorial was an illusion? What do you think? Does it matter? Why the third degree? Do you agree with these anti science, anti establishment, anti vaxxer nuts also? I'm against anyone ignoring the overwhelming scientific conclusions and vaccination requirements. People/generations have been vaccinated all their lives. In certain states in Australia, parents that don't vaxx their kids against whooping cough and other childhood diseases, are not allowed to put their kids into kindagarten, and social welfare payments can also be stopped. It's my right not to be confronted by some fucking unvaccinated infected idiot, that could pass on the disease to me. Thankfully in many areas of society now in Australia, its no vaxx, no job. Djokovic tried to rort the system. He got caught and thankfully thrown out of the country. Plus it now seems likely that the other grand slams ( the French next) will also require him to be vaccinated. He has shit in his own nest.
  16. Like the nut carrying the sign from the Melbourne anti vaxx march.... He has said it himself. I didn't say all of them, but a big majority of them yes.... Yes, yes, the one's crying out freedom!! freedom!!! but at the same time chose to disregard the science and health edicts and law of the land...you know, like obeying red lights, and such.
  17. Not directly, no, but again, if the cap fits and all that. Who were the anti vaxxers???probably the same group amongst the anti vaxxers that raided the White House, and the copy cat mob in Melbourne that desicrated the city war memorial, and the larger part of the majority that have taken part in marches both in my country and the US.
  18. That it is. Did you watch the video from a group in Fiji taking photos when the explosion occurrred? About half way down this link.....third video down....https://www.universetoday.com/154063/tongas-incredible-underwater-volcano-eruption-seen-from-space/
  19. I didn't say he was being childish, I agreed with the gist of the post by Arete thus... But of course Djokovic was known for his rhetoric against vaccinations, and his railing against being forced to align with public health orders and mandatory vaccinations...so he fabricated an excuse. So while I wasn't inferring to Novak directly, just the anti vaxxer hypocritical nutballs, it seems to be a case of "if the cap fits Djokovic, he should wear it" Bingo!!
  20. 100% agree as already noted. Just to elaborate, I'm not saying that advanced intelligent life does not exist, just that the results of abiogenesis that we should eventually find, will be of the most basic and fundamental examples.eg: seaweed or fungi like structures, perhaps in the Oceans of Europa, or the geysers of Enceledus. Perhaps even on a comet or asteroid, or inter-stellar interloper. Or perhaps on Proxima b?
  21. You have a great style! 🤣 Adding to all that of course is the vaccinations we receive as infants and as children...whooping cough, Polio etc. The anti vaxxers childish actions seem to pretend that vaccinations are some sort of new form of non tested or researched, insidious government attempt at mind control or conspiracy.
  22. Moving away from fanciful suggestions regarding octopuses and tomatoes evolving into space faring entities, and considering the possibility of comparable intelligent or advanced life existing somewhere beyond our solar system, probably the most important issue is communication. As mentioned many times, any advanced or comparable intelligence should be familiar with mathematics, (that discipline many orders of magnitude beyond the intelligence of an octopus...or tomato to understand) Probably the closest reasonable intelligent Alien species could possibly exist on is Proxima b, although some anomalies that may prove difficult for life do exist. It orbits Proxima Centauri, a class M red dwarf star that undergoes flaring and extreme magnetic activity, that would not be condusive to life, as we know it, and on the surface. The other known planet orbiting Proxima is a "super Earth" called Proxima c. Proxima b is within the habitable zone, (where water maybe found in liquid form) and Proxima c is at 1.5AU, well beyond. Despite the problems that do exist, perhaps extra effort/s should be made to attempt some communication? Even if they lived underground. (remember, we are talking about comparable beings or advanced...not octopuses or tomatoes) https://www.space.com/38449-how-would-we-talk-to-aliens.html "Most thinkers, including famed astrophysicist Carl Sagan, agree that mathematics could serve as the foundation for our discussions. With that in mind, British scientist Lancelot Thomas Hogben rafted a language system called Astraglossa. Communicated over radio signals, short pulses called "dashes" would represent numbers, and longer batteries of pulses called "flashes" would represent mathematical symbols like addition or subtraction. Once the basics of arithmetic are established between our species, Hogben imagined moving the discussion on to astronomy, a hobby we would obviously both have in common. After all, two aliens species talking about space would probably be like two Earthlings talking about the weather". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arecibo_message This is a demonstration of the message with color added to highlight its separate parts. The binary transmission sent carried no color information. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communication_with_extraterrestrial_intelligence Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence or CETI, is a branch of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) that focuses on composing and deciphering interstellar messages that theoretically could be understood by another technological civilization.[1] The best-known CETI experiment of its kind was the 1974 Arecibo message composed by Frank Drake. There are multiple independent organizations and individuals engaged in CETI research; the generic application of abbreviations CETI and SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) in this article should not be taken as referring to any particular organization (such as the SETI Institute). CETI research has focused on four broad areas: mathematical languages, pictorial systems such as the Arecibo message, algorithmic communication systems (ACETI), and computational approaches to detecting and deciphering "natural" language communication. There remain many undeciphered writing systems in human communication, such as Linear A, discovered by archeologists. Much of the research effort is directed at how to overcome similar problems of decipherment that arise in many scenarios of interplanetary communication.
  23. Anyhow, he has now well and truly left the country. It appears after all the curfuffle that other nations, (and their tennis grand slams) will be applying the same no vaxx, no play rules.
  24. Well said. Addressing none of the evidence, ignoring the OP as usual, and continuing being obtuse.
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