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derek w

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Everything posted by derek w

  1. I was thinking of matter/anti-matter as being distortions of space not pressure. infinite negative as opposed to finite positive and infinite positive as opposed to finite negative. The universe is going towards an infinite negative 3 dimensional space and finite positive,that's a distortion. zero energy = zero force
  2. You say i can't think of energy as a substance.I do not agree with you 100%.I can think of the vacuum of space as negative energy,a very dilute expanse of expanding (negative)anti-matter.Any fluctuations that create matter/anti-matter virtual particles,being effected by the negative vacuum,matter(positive) to the centre/anti-matter(negative) to the circumference. Atoms(of matter) form with positive energy at centre negative energy at circumference(because the vacuum is negative).
  3. Dr Rocket you say "a field is not made of anything".I would disagree and say it is made of energy,in the same way that a wave of energy traverses the surface of water,by the rising and falling of the water against the force of gravity,water does not traverse the surface,only energy is transferred from one place to another. In a magnetic field the energy is transferred by the creation and annihilation of matter/anti-matter virtual particles,the virtual particles would not move,but just act as a medium for the transfer of energy.
  4. Sorry I not being clear.I was thinking of Pl^3 as a volume of stuff,unknown stuff. so my Pl^3 volume of unknown stuff travelling at the speed of light = kinetic energy. If my volume of unknown stuff is spinning,and each spin produces h amount of energy. then I can say E=f x h. My question would be is the plank length anything to do with the energy of a photon?
  5. do not know if my understanding is correct?If Pl=plank length. Then pl^3 x c=smallest amount of energy possible?
  6. Light entering a gravity well would gain energy and become blue shifted,but would lose energy on its way out and become red shifted. energy of light in = energy of light out. The question of of light and escape velocity,light only has one velocity = c Unless you can consider space as moving at the speed of light,then light would not escape.Then light would have a wave length = 0 or at least the plank length. Not sure that my understanding is correct,so any further explanation would be appreciated thank you.
  7. Then we are back to Dr Rocket's point,Newtonian gravity or general relativity. My question is would not the wave length return to normal when it leaves the gravity well (general relativity) or remain shifted by (Newtonian gravity) i am not sure that my understanding is correct?
  8. redshift is an effect of a light source travelling towards or away from the observer,which decreases or increases the wave length relative to the observer.
  9. What happens if you only have the very hot iron(d) without the very cold iron(b) in your experiment.What results do you get then.And vice versa cold without hot. Also what is in a1 and a2 and how much does it weight before and during your experiment?
  10. If at the speed of light gravitons must be touching,then space is a sea of gravitons touching their neighbours,but an input of energy that slowed gravitons to less than © would separate them and create a hole.Once created a hole could not be refilled by gravitons,the force of attraction across the hole would be less than the force of attraction outside the hole. Of course this line of thinking suggests that particles are made of a collection of holes in a sea of gravitons,and gravity is a distortion,the bigger the hole the greater number of gravitons that are displaced the greater the curvature of space.
  11. If 2 masses are attracted towards each other due to the force of gravity,and their velocity increases by v^2 when distance between them is 1/2d. Then if you keep halving the distance between them,their velocity will eventually reach the speed of light,and if you can not go faster than the speed of light you must have reached the smallest possible distance apart.
  12. If you have 2 gravitons,the inverse square law says they will accelerate towards each other,if you can not travel faster than the speed of light,therefore when 2 gravitons that are attracted towards each other reach the speed of light,they must be touching.They must also be the minimum distance possible apart(1 graviton diameter) and have the minimum possible mass?
  13. question?Is there some slight difference between matter and anti-matter,that when they separate on the event horizon,matter gets a slight kick away from the black hole and anti-matter gets a slight kick into the black hole? I can not recall where,but i recall reading something about there appears to be a difference in their decay rates(0.8%).
  14. why do your 2 point particles of energy not radiate outward spherically,creating interfering waves? Does your picture represent slices of 3dimensional space?
  15. When water is heated it gains about 1.11 x 10^-17 kg of mass for every joule of heat added to the water.
  16. yeh.I liked the video that you posted in your other thread.It is thought provoking,it works on the premise that there is no such thing as a vacuum.And as -moontanman- has pointed out some theories do sound very suggestive of some kind of fabric,quantum foam or medium. Not that I understand the idea of a Higgs field in any depth,but does not its existence,seem to rely on a vacuum being more than just a vacuum? When we talk about a vacuum,we should not be thinking of the meaning of the word "vacuum",but of the vacuum of space,which may or may not be?In which case we cannot call it a vacuum.Because something cannot be detected does not prove that nothing is there.
  17. Yeh.Like the video you posted under your other thread "mass,space and speed".
  18. yeh.good video well worth watching,thought provoking.I'm going to watch again,get back to you.Interesting explanation of Higgs field,requires space to be made of something.
  19. hmm.Think i will study up on waves a bit more.
  20. Please correct me if I am misunderstanding.That a virtual particle is an energy spike created by the interference of field waves,and that no actual particle is exchanged,but acts more like a spring pushing the real particles apart? If the particles were just drifting towards each other they would just pass through each other(no Doppler effect?).
  21. -timo- is right,virtual particles are not particles,they are field disturbances that look like particles,they only appear when real particles are close to each other.
  22. if you have a theory of an aether,then all particles would travel through or across it as a wave function.The particles that constitute mirrors in the michelson-morley and the particles that constitute the earth,would all be travelling through or across the aether,by the same principle that light would travel across the aether.In other words the light the experiment and the earth would all be travelling relative to each other across the aether.
  23. If I describe a hydrogen atom as an oscillating proton(positive) that induces an oscillating field around it(on E-axis),and an oscillating electron(negative) that induces an oscillating field around it.A neutral field being created in a straight line between them(this being the strongest part of the field),as the proton and electron come too close,the field strength increases creating a photon,which in turn pushes the proton and electron apart.This creating an illusion that a force carrying particle has been exchanged.If a real photon comes along and is absorbed the strength of the oscillating field increases pushing the electron out to wider orbit.Then again if another electron was to pass by the field around the electron would be fortified by the second electron squeezing the photon out. And as I said before its not that I am trying to convince you that there is an E-axis,but that I find it easier to visualize the physical process of wave functions if I have an E-axis.
  24. yes.there is a T-axis,which gives you 5 dimensions. E/(x,y,z)/T = energy/volume/time when the density of energy/volume/second,is sufficient then its a particle,acceleration increases the volume/energy-density. Yes.matter and anti-matter does annihilate(but they do not explode),if electron/positron annihilate they produce photon.Photons can produce electron/positron pair.Matter/anti-matter are transmutable.
  25. I can understand why light would have a finite speed if it were propagating through a medium. My question is why would the speed of light be finite if there was no medium? Creating a perfect vacuum is imposable,if neutrinos can pass through the earth without interacting,how would you keep them out of your vacuum container.As far as neutrinos are concerned you might as well us a fishing net.
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