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Everything posted by hypervalent_iodine

  1. As I have just discovered, there is still a post limit after which you may still change them. It is 1000000 posts, which is as good as never.
  2. There are two titles: one is related to reputation and appears under your cumulative reputation on your profile. The other is to do with number of posts. That is your member title / rank, and this is the one you see under user names. There is also a third one as well, which is designated (I believe) based on length of time as a registered member. These represent membership groups, and are used by staff to allocate different types of members different posting abilities. You see these titles under you avatar on posts, and under your user name on your profile.
  3. You don’t understand how the product you wrote out is the answer, or is there another answer you are given?
  4. To clarify, your plan is cryogenically freeze an entire person and perform surgery on them to remove cancer?
  5. I don’t really watch movies, but with TV shows I can usually make a decision based on a few sentences of blurb and a picture. I know what broadly what elements I enjoy, I know the themes that interest me, I know the actors I like to see. I find I get much more value from discovering the story by watching the whole thing play out as intended (I take the same approach to books). It also tends to keep me more engaged. This is especially true with movies, since I generally struggle to find patience enough to sit through them.
  6. ! Moderator Note As this thread is about a forum update from 2010, which was a least two major upgrades ago, I’m closing this thread. Please direct new suggestions about this forum build to a more appropriate thread.
  7. There are better avenues for this request. Please report it next time.
  8. ! Moderator Note Your first account was not banned. However, your second one is now banned.
  9. ! Moderator Note Please detail your ideas here. We only allow members to use links for supporting info, not to form the entire basis of your thread. Please also note that this forum has additional rules, including a requirement to cite evidence and support your ideas with verifiable and testable science.
  10. ! Moderator Note I’m closing this for now to give everyone a chance to breath. A reminder that we don’t allow insulting groups of people, and this of course goes for those that adhere to religious doctrine.
  11. ! Moderator Note We don’t allow the use of this forum for advertising. You are welcome to reopen the thread, but you must post the points you’d like to talk about here.
  12. Unlikely, but always possible. If you are using this compound directly in testing, I would do a full suite of characterisation anyway. If it’s for synthesis, you can probably take your results as a reasonable assurance and go on as is (though in future, I would go for NMR over LRMS). You’ll be characterising whatever you make anyway, if that’s what you’re doing.
  13. If you are referring to your thread idea, you are welcome to use the Speculations forum, but you must be prepared to abide by the requirement for scientific rigour.
  14. ! Moderator Note The post in question contained no insults to you. It was directly in reference to what you posted. Perhaps better words could have been used (koti: take note), but that’s as far as it goes. If you continue to take issue with that decision, please PM staff or send a report.
  15. ! Moderator Note We’re done here. Thread closed.
  16. Then what are they, and what is your problem with respect to the OP?
  17. I am sorry you didn’t feel the edit was clearly pointed out. Returning to the topic, are you at least satisfied with the response, or do you have further questions?
  18. I’m sorry, but you don’t have ownership of thread titles. We won’t ever change the text of your posts (except for deleting links, or abuse, but we make those edits clear), but we do reserve the right to alter titles if it is deemed necessary. This happens when we need to split posts into new threads, if the titles are unclear or inappropriate, spammy, or we want to save people the time of reading a thread that has a very simple answer (for example).
  19. It was edited by staff (not me) in a manner generally recognised here as being an answer to the thread title. We are never going to have an astrology section.
  20. The Religion section isn’t for proselytising, or maybe you would have a point, sunshaker.
  21. Yes, well wouldn’t the world be a dull place if everywhere you went was exactly the same as the last. SFN does not run in the way you describe. I’m sorry if that doesn’t meet with what you were after. I would suggest you read the rules if you haven’t already. There should be a link on the home page. There are also additional rules in a few sections, and those links are present in the sub-forum to which they are applicable.
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