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    Organic and medicinal chemistry
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    Ph.D. in medicinal / synthetic chemistry and mycology
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  1. On my recent thread on conspiracies, it was posted in the politics section, and it was about politics. As I said in the intro, SOME conspiracies are true, eg, Bay of Pigs, Watergate, plots to kill Castro, etc. All accepted history, fully documented and undisputed. A full list would be huge. 

    So why is this SUBJECT treated as rubbish, when some of it is verified history? Some are rubbish, some are not. 

    Today we have a journalist murdered in the Saudi Embassy being discussed on the news. Is it rubbish because it implies a conspiracy?

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    2. mistermack


      On the Kennedy Assassination that I led on wiki says " The HSCA (House select committee on assassinations)  involved Congressional hearings and ultimately concluded that Oswald assassinated Kennedy, probably as the result of a conspiracy. The HSCA concluded that Oswald fired shots number one, two, and four, and that an unknown assassin fired shot number three"

      The slippery slope argument would end up excluding much of history. In fact, 61 percent of Americans don't believe the official version.

      So the House committee thinks conspiracy,  hundreds of millions of Americans do too, but this forum "doesn't deal in conspiracy nonsense" 

      Seems like a conspiracy to me. :)

    3. StringJunky


      How long do you think it would take, for example, a moonlanding conspiracy to be posted?

    4. mistermack


      Not long I guess. But lack of evidence is a good reason to shut a thread, on any subject. That happens all the time. This is an entire CLASS of thread that's deemed out of order, evidence or not. 

      How does Trump's relations with the Russians fare ? Conspiracy nonsense? 

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