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Everything posted by khaled

  1. Everyone has the choice, When I talked about the drivers, I meant that generic drivers covers most of the drivers on any computer, and, with exception to some, your drivers are defined automatically ...
  2. true, because low-level languages are closer to the machine language, an the high-level languages are close to natural language ...
  3. Also, when you work in Linux, you don't care about your drivers !
  4. [math]x^2 + 2 x = 2 x^3[/math] [math]x^2 + 2 x - 2 x^3 = 0[/math] one solution is [math]x = 0[/math]
  5. that is not an Equation, that is a Function ...
  6. My picture shows the construction Greek Puzzles,

    unlike Athena Olympiads which was made to test their physical abilities, It was built to test the competitors' logic and wisdom ...

    Since in Greek, there were the state of Mind and the state of Power ...

    Greek Philosophers participated in its arrangement ...

  7. Quadratic Equation: [math]a x^2 + b x = c[/math] where a, b, and c are constants, and [math]a \ne 0[/math]
  8. You know that if your car's battery is out-of-power, you can recharge it by burying it in a hole at the ground after wetting it with some water, wondrous, isn't it ... although the 4-5 volt\ 1 mA is too low for any use we know .. but the nature make many uses of that, some are biological .. and others we know not ...
  9. Gamma(0.3) = 2.99156898768759 Ref: "]Wolfram | Alpha good luck ...
  10. that's what I've done above, BCD, every digit (0~9) can be coded using 4 bits (0000 ~ 1001), but it needs [latex]3 \times 1024^{33}[/latex] memory size ... But even with this optimization, at the mean time .. it's impossible !
  11. let's see memory size needed to keep this number in it long form, if the googolplex contains 1 next to googol zeroes, [math]{10}^{100}[/math] digits and since we can encode digits in Hexadecimal Base (4 bits), in other words, 1 Byte for every 2 digits needed memory size = [math]\frac{{10}^{100}}{2}[/math] Bytes = [math]\frac{{10}^{100}}{2 \times 1024}[/math] Kilo Bytes = [math]\frac{{10}^{100}}{2 \times 1024^2}[/math] Mega Bytes = [math]\frac{{10}^{100}}{2 \times 1024^3}[/math] Giga Bytes .. it seem after some calculations, that If we have a memory unit (assume X-Byte) = [math]1024^{33}[/math] Bytes then we can represent a googolplex digits on a memory medium of Size 3 X-Bytes, where [math]3 \times 1024^{33} > \frac{{10}^{100}}{2}[/math] References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Googolplex#Size http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%2810^100%29%2F%282*%283*%281024^33%29%29%29
  12. I have a new idea about a new theoretical machine model, like Turing machine I'll publish it soon ...
  13. Light = Photons, Photons Speed [math]\ne \infty[/math] Photon [math]i[/math] is in Position [math](x_1,y_1,z_1)[/math] at Time [math]t_1[/math] Photon [math]i[/math] is in Position [math](x_2,y_2,z_2)[/math] at Time [math]t_2[/math] I guess what you mean by "its time is zero" is: Photon's Time Flow = 0.0 Based on that, Photons are Static (doesn't change with time passing) But, note that moving Photons crash on objects losing its motion energy .. Also, note that Photons are converted into Thermal Energy at some cases ... Photons are Dynamic, they change over time .. I think their Time Flow is not Zero, but it might be relatively Zero to everything else, under the Relativity Theory ...
  14. Time is not really a dimension, we made it a dimension to study objects over temporal intervals .. there is no object with no time, it's like pausing the reality ... when something occur then another thing occur you can't reverse them in time order, time motion is continues, its flow divers between different objects, some humans can feel its flow slower than others ...
  15. do you secure your wireless using a secret key ..? .. settings in both ends might not meet at some point,
  16. you know when an atom (which spins in a direction around its origin), is spinning around an outer point, it just looks like how a planet is moving through space in a group ...
  17. I think the author started with an idea, then he have shown it in a wrong way ... I think what he tried to say is this: Sometimes when we tie our fuzzy-ruled imagination to the rules of physics, we can simulate a situation, or we can have more realistic dreams, that has some degree-of-reality ... although I don't believe in Oracle, Oracle can be made by our brain too ...
  18. I'm not a physician, but I have read a book on Relativity ... There is a case that makes me more confused than anything else I thought of about Light ... Assume a train that travels in the Speed of Light, and that the train has front-lights, also, assume there are two persons inside the train at its both ends facing each others, and the person who stands at the back of the train holds a light-bulk ... I have simple questions: 1. will the front-lights of the train lights leave its light-bulbs ? 2. will anyone be able to perceive the train front-lights ? 3. will the light of the light-bulk held by the person inside the train travels through the train to the other end ? 4. can the person in the other end of the train perceive the bulk-light ? 5. what happens to both light bulbs after a time, in that particular case ? I can't even imagine ...
  19. This problem is impossible to solve, Reasoning: given "Peter does not have enough money to buy 5 pens", we conclude [math]M < 5 \times A[/math] where M is Peter's Money Amount, and A is the Pen's Price from the words "enough money", we conclude [math] 0 < M < 5 \times A [/math] now let's say that [math]B < A[/math], where B is Pencil's Price but, with this we cannot find out if [math]M > A[/math], or [math]M > B[/math], or [math]M < B[/math] and thus, we cannot know how much is his money to know if Peter can buy a Pen or even a Pencil ...
  20. About SVM: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Support_vector_machine Feature Extraction: in Attachments ... No 252 - Mazibuko.pdf
  21. khaled

    Math Jokes

    [math]\epsilon << 0[/math]
  22. It seem you have to work on this starting from building your model, after looking at the papers briefly, I assume you have to work with C4.5 Algorithm & the Decision Tree ...
  23. Don't play with words, xittenn ... Welcome to Computer Science !.. we won't find things ready for us to use in our little interesting projects .. we have to design everything, implement it ourselves, and if there is nothing that span over this variety .. we make that span ourselves .. there is nothing that we cannot do, if planned well ... But, things doesn't work because we just wrote a code and managed to get it working .. we have to put our efforts in the design phase, It's not an easy process, as you would know, you have an idea, you need Analysis, then Modelling, then Validation, then Designing, then Implementation, then Testing, then finally Experimenting ... so, good luck ...
  24. there are robotic agents and robotic parts you can get .. and the parts have a manual on how to connect them to your laptop ... but with everything you get, the model you create in programming is the most important part, you have to do the AI agent life-cycle, and the key of success in this field is "did it do the right thing ?", because agents even partial ones or game-playing .. it's all about decision making ... good luck
  25. khaled

    Math Jokes

    Aren't physicians are familiar with Error and Precision of Measurements ... _____________________ Another one I read: It wasn't long until [math]x[/math] came into the mathematics bar shouting "beware, the derivation is coming !", everyone went to hide except one, the [math]e^x[/math], who was sitting calm on his seat. When The derivation came into the bar, looked around, then stepped in front of the only one who remained calm, then asked him "why are you so calm", the [math]e^x[/math] said "derivate of [math]e^x[/math] in [math]x[/math] remains [math]e^x[/math]" ... the derivation looked at him and said "who said I'm derivation of x ?!" ...
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