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Everything posted by Kedas

  1. it's still a very small pattern but the same as the one I gave from holland. It could also be that some people really try to get their new born in the period when it's usually vacation for many people. There could even be local laws influencing these decisions. So there isn't any proof of habitats reasons until there is more data of different places and diff. cultures. even then it won't be proof only very likely it is a certain way. If we could split up the planned and not planned baby's this would help a lot.
  2. I think you forgot a force/mass: so what you say is a balloon filled with air will not move in the car? then what is accelerating the balloon itself to math the speed of the car??
  3. http://www.nu.nl/news.jsp?n=299659&c=10 also most are born in the middle of the week. the graph shows the average births per day for the different months. about from 530 to 580 or about 5% around 555. any other country's? (I couldn't find it from my own country)
  4. So 'season' is just a period of time here in this thread, OK maybe we shouldn't use that word since we also try to figure out if it's related to a season, this can ony lead to confusion. 'mating period' would be a better.
  5. I found this link that should help you understand. http://www.boltlightningprotection.com/Elemental_Faraday_Cage.htm They mention a spectrum for lightning 1kHz to 1MHz. It's a good link you will probably find more info there that you are looking for. 'spike' (I mean a high value and short event) It is not really a wave(s) but Fourier explained that we could build up any signal form out of a lot of sin waves. And the big advantage is that we are very handy in the mathematical field if we have sin waves. So when you analyse all sin waves separately (mathematically) and then add all results together then you will have the same as trying to analyse that one not sin form wave and that is the big power behind it. Fourier: http://www.ling.mq.edu.au/units/slp801/acoustics/ch01s04.html
  6. So Isaac Asimov isn't about 'science' but about story's, right? And I thought it was a smart guy
  7. If the laws aren't good to use why does everybody speak of the 3 LAWS ?? they are just the start to try to come up with laws.
  8. So if I read the first book It will come clear to me or just make the problem more clear? I should read that book (haven't read any book of him) otherwise I would split up the first law in two seperate laws. one of action and the second of inaction.
  9. Hi, Just saw the movie yesterday (didn't expect much of it) The point of the story was the 3 law robot combined with robot evolution leads to revolution. (well, and some heart bla bla) The problem is the 'through inaction' in the first law. A simple example is air polution we just keep going. (not in the movie) But the robots logic wil calculate that it is a too high price so he has to go in conflict with humans because he wants to protect them from harm. And human commands/corrections don't help because they are only present in the second law. (lower priority) So do we need some maxtime in which the robot is allowed to calculate are safety/future? (this will lead to loop holes) comments? Do I mis something? INFO: The 3 laws by Isaac Asimov: 1 A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2 A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3 A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
  10. I prefer to have hubble there until a replacement is ready AND active. There are so many things that can go wrong with the new one that we could have a long 'dark period' when both are broken/down. It's not like the hubble becomes redundant when they are both active. I think that money isn't worth the risk.
  11. Just because we can represent them/it different in mathematics doesn't mean they aren't equal for using it in the real world. But when 'designing' mathematics I would suggest not swap representations just to be on the safe side. I guess it comes down to believing how much you think nature is linked to mathematics or the other way around. mathematics did/can help find somethings we didn't know were there but that doesn't make it the bible.
  12. On August 3, 2004 @ 16:38 GMT (12:38 PM EDT) the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) suspended after suffering a failed command echo check between the Control Section (CS) of the STIS Main Electronics Box (MEB) and the Multi-Anode Micro-channel Array (MAMA) Control Electronics (MCE). IMPACT ON PROGRAM/PROJECT AND SCHEDULE: The STIS science program timeline was interrupted when Suspend mode was entered. The Project and Space Telescope Science Institute will cease scheduling STIS science. Alternate observations from other instruments will replace STIS observations. All other HST science instruments are functioning nominally. http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=13591
  13. Just because people can think that, we aren't bound to a season and because the baby's survival chance doesn't change in an other season.
  14. Use this program then you can see what she is seeing because you can change your location: http://www.starrynight.com/education/ (free trial) and http://www.starrynight.com/en/backyardfull.shtml (extra stars) You can even go sit on the moon if you like
  15. Read this: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=502 or http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/gravity_speed_030116.html
  16. Nope not true. http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/policies/educ/bologna/bologna_en.html
  17. Which country are you from ? They aren't all the same. Here in Belgium the second year is the hardest if you made it through that year there is a very good chance you will make it. (but don't think you can relax in the following years)
  18. I think I got it now The problem is that most people simplified nature and then expect that it would work that way. Like A. Einstein one said: "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler."
  19. Black_hole I think the answer you need is 'The computer is stupid' it only does what the programmer told it to do. The computer doesn't 'THINK' only compute. If the computer does something 'smart' then thank the programmer not the computer.
  20. IQ tests really don't say much/anything. It's a subjective test it's not like we are really able to measure the potential of a person in this world. To define the potential of a person you have to do it in relation to its surrounding. (The surrounding is fixed by defining the test)
  21. There are different operations that an ALU can do. AND, OR etc. = logic functions ADD, SUBTRACT etc. = Arithmetic functions But this is one unit. (at least from the programmers point of view) If needed they can add a (separate) floating point unit
  22. No, I did assume that it did split in two. (I saw too much cartoons I quess )
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