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the tree

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Everything posted by the tree

  1. Thanks, I notice that Bath is high on the list and that you are in Bath. I don't suppose that's because you attended/are attending there? I looked at thier website and they look pretty good, although I was a little put off by the emphasis on statistics which isn't really my main interest. If you were/are a student there, what's it like?
  2. I've already managed to realise that, I do enjoy abstract algebra more than just doing sums anyway. I do I don't think I've heard of these but I'll look into them. Thanks all.
  3. When [math]ax^2+bx+c=0[/math]. You should know that [math]x=\frac{-b+(b^2-4ac)^\frac{1}{2}}{2a}[/math] If you look at the [math]b^2-4ac[/math] you'll see that it must be [math]>0[/math] or you wont have a real number so you can see if a function has any roots at all simply by looking at that bit.
  4. If you like to read then take a flick through these pages. If your going to use a variety of sources (wich is good) then at least check them for validity first. If a source says that someone doesn't provide an awnser then why not Google to see if they have?
  5. They'd be arrested for not entering the country without passports. What if I hadn't been so insensitive?
  6. Thanks, that is really helpful. At the moment I'm taking Maths A-level with Mechanics modules, I'm also taking a Further-Maths AS. I'm pretty sure that I'm capable of a B in A-level maths but I am hoping for an A. If anyone reading this has studied maths at uni, I don't suppose you could tell me what courses you took, where and why?
  7. O.k. then I add, which Universities should I be looking at?
  8. I'm currently in the first year of my Maths A-level (alongside English, Theatre and ICT) and at the moment maths seems to be my best subject and I might be thinking about taking it on to university. How good at maths would I have to be to study it at university? (would I need an A?) If I were to, then what types of courses are there avaliable?
  9. In comes two legs, carrying one leg, puts it on three legs, out goes two legs, in comes four legs, picks up one leg, in comes two legs, picks up three legs, throws it at four legs. What the hell happend?
  10. Probability is the mesurment of how probable an event is. What more do you need?
  11. By observing animals alive today. I don't know about this one, I'd imagine it's either to do with the position of bite marks on thier prey or:
  12. I reckon that stonehenge was something incredibly boring, like a village hall or the tribal chiefs house. If you look at the way it's arranged, it would have been easy to lay big branches right the way across to make the beams for a thatched roof. Pointing at the sun, was probably for the sake of pointing at the sun, to fill the building with light. It's nothing mystical, houses are still built with consideration to wich way they are pointing today.
  13. Oh dear, you've been endorsed by Amod. That's never good. One of the things that affects any particle is where it lies in relation to other particles so I'd say that it is not possible for two particles to be identical for instance, if you had two identical crystals on your desk, along with some sheets of paper, a pen and a newtons cradle. Take any point on either of the cyrstals: it'll have a certain distance from the paper, the pen and the newtons cradle, there is obviously no way all these distances will be matched by the same point on the other cystal.
  14. Let's make a right-angled triangle with [math]y=mx+c[/math] as it's hypotenuse. If it's horizontal base is 2 units long, then it's hieght will be 2m. Now on to some easy trig: [math]\tan\theta=\frac{opp}{adj}[/math] Factor in the sides of our triangle. [math]\tan\theta=\frac{2m}{2}[/math] Re-arange. [math]\theta=\tan^{-1}\frac{2m}{2}[/math] If I got that right (no garuntees) then the 2 can be replaced with whatever makes life easy.
  15. Agnostic, writing verbosely doesn't mean writing a better argument at all. In fact undue verbosity is a pretty good sign of bullshit a lot of the time. Bascule is entirely correct in saying there is nothing metaphysical (or anything as special) about any given dimension. Dimensions don't have scope, a dimension is just a set of two possibly directions, nothing more nothing less.
  16. I once had a similar conversation on "could the internet become alive". There is a lot of random garbage that flies around whenever a file becomes corrupted or when a cable gets yanked out half way through transfer, and there is a humungous network for it to fester in so it could be possible* that something wich "eats" certain arangements of electrons as if they were sugar** could spontainiously appear. *Albiet unlikely ** Not that far from what sugar or any other molecule really is.
  17. He was taking the piss. He was taking the piss. He was taking the piss. He was taking the piss. He was taking the piss. He was taking the piss. He was taking the piss. He was taking the piss. He was taking the piss. He was taking the piss. He was taking the piss. (Assuming northen hemisphere here) The South is to the right of the sun if you're facing the sun and it is rising at the time. If you are facing the sun when it is setting (closer to the time most people go to bed) the south is to the left.
  18. Can't you use a search engine? Isaac Newton was born on Friday, 31 March 1727. Thankyou, ridiclious calender. Now, mockery aside (for now), it seems to me that you are talking about the simple fact that if one could have a record of everything's position and behaviour and any given point and the ability to process it then you would know absolutely everything that would ever happen ever. This is true. It only slips up when you apply common knowlege and/or common sense. the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that one cannot assign with full precision values for certain pairs of observable variables, including the position and momentum, of a single particle at the same time. Any computer/brain/notebook that contained all this information and space to process it would have to be bigger (in all respects) than the universe that it was observing and would thus have to exist outside of the universe and be inaccessable. So there you go. Happy?
  19. What a conincidence In the past three years I have completely calculated the absolute univeral mojo. The applications of this far exceed your petty "brain power" as it will turn all these disasters into shaggalettic parties! Yeh Baby Yeh!
  20. It's roughly 50ml of each, how accurate do you need it?
  21. The differance isn't exactly clear cut. You certainly need a good grounding in maths for physics.
  22. Sorry for any confusion caused by my screwed up awsner.
  23. [math](x+27)^{\frac{1}{3}}=x^{\frac{1}{3}}+27^{\frac{1}{3}}=x^{\frac{1}{3}}+3[/math] Then... [math]\frac{x^{\frac{1}{3}}}{x}[/math] So... As [math]x \to \infty, f(x) \to 0[/math] And as [math]x \to 0, f(x) \to \infty[/math]
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