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the tree

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Everything posted by the tree

  1. I'm sure most UK residents will have seen the adverts for tissues that "kill 99 per cent of cold and flu viruses", what the hell are they basing this claim on?
  2. If it was the only theory then why give a name to it? Before Copernicous showed how the planets revolve around the sun, there simply wasn't a name for the belief that they didn't.
  3. Well I can't do it, I can simplify it a bit but that'll be of little use. [math]a^{4} + 2b^{4} + c^{4} - 2a^{2}c^{2} - 2a^{2}b^{2} + 2b^{2}c^{2}[/math] [math]a^{4}+c^{4}+2(b^{4}-ac^{4}-a^{2}b^{2}+b^{2}c^{2})[/math] [math]a^{4}+c^{4}+2[b(b^{3}+bc^{2})-a(c^{4}+ab^{2})][/math]
  4. sing the national anthem because...
  5. If remember correctly, the Marxist philosophy makes money redundant. Under capitalism people are free reap the rewards of working through the night and getting a month long project done in a couple of weeks if they so choose. How is there a speed limit? Give me the name of any company on any market in the world and I can find you it's stock infomation in five minutes. Gain equillibrium? It's an economy, it's going to be in a constant state of flux. And what will you call this new invention? The Internet? Any change like, crashing? Our economy already responds to small changes in a matter of minutesm, why do you need anything more responsive?
  6. This is possibly the silliest thread ever.
  7. Yes, I do want something mathmatically rigorous, thanks for your help, I'll consider buying that book.
  8. I meant that I don't just want a collection of instructions and exercises like in the text books wich only seem concerned with getting me to pass an exam. I searched for the Tom Korner book on Amazon but it didn't have it, any others?
  9. I'd steal everything first though.
  10. I'm looking for a non-textbook about maths wich suits pre-university level (that's not to say I don't want anything challenging). I would quite like to learn about something entirely new to me, such as chaos theory or cryptogoraphy. What can you recomend?
  11. I have the feeling that the OP meant the only possible proportion is 3:4:5.
  12. this was unsucessful, fortunately the sensors were crap and didn't go off...
  13. Niether mans ideas ever where set in stone, that'd be unscientific, they were/are just accepted though.
  14. Right now it is 00:33, I am soooo gonna sleep properly one of these days.
  15. Simpler than that, a horse need to be taught to have someone sit on it. No training is needed to walk forwards.
  16. Well if you could actually predict all the physical aspects of a die then well done you. When it comes to computers it's often just some function based on the current time. If you want true randomness then Quantum Mechanics can help but that isn't exactly practical.
  17. Accepting Newtonian physics until Einstien came along would not have been unscientific because it was a model that was consistent with observations at the time.
  18. Everyone gets minor issomnia every now and again. Take a bath.
  19. [math]\frac{d^{2}y}{dx^2}[/math] is the second deriative, the deriative of the deriative.
  20. Doesn't the vast majority of maths predate the Roman empire?
  21. Horseflies sort of rely on horses and I bet that there's some spider or insect with a particular taste for horseflies.
  22. Still, this isn't the homework forum. Now then, without having looked at the numbers yet, 9 hours sounds a reasonable amount of time to fill a reasonably sized water tank so what makes you so sure that it's wrong?
  23. I'm not sure but I think there are two basic generalisations you should be using: [math]\frac{d}{dx}\sin x=\cos x[/math] and [math]\frac{d}{dx}\cos x=-\sin x[/math] ergo if [math]f(y)=\sin{y}+\cos{y}[/math] then [math]f'(y)=\cos{y}-\sin{y}[/math] and [math]f''(y)=-\sin{y}-\cos{y}[/math]
  24. Yup that really didn't make any sense, at all.
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