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the tree

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Everything posted by the tree

  1. Then I would loose all hope for the preservation of common sense. What if Ireland turned out to be a very large spaceship that had been secretly placed next to the Brit.Isles by the Dutch?
  2. Why is it that big hydrocarbons like in petrol dissolve polystyrene cups where as the little molecules in lighter fuel, don't? p.s. yes I am being very careful with this.
  3. Probably not, I don't like people who can talk. What if SFNs colours where green and red?
  4. We'd all be burnt in a matter of seconds. What if you knew the question?
  5. A delay of a few minutes is pretty much normal. Sometimes e-mails do just get lost in the system but not that often, my guess is that your recipitents are still caught up with festivities.
  6. Manipulative little fucker aren't you? Don't be. What's your point? Of course progression from a zygote to an embryo takes a lot of different protiens and resources. Again, what's your point? DNA is there to tell the cell what to do, not what its made of. Urm, you know where your operating system is most likely to reside? Possibly, but that doesn't show anything.
  7. Then people wouldn't be allowed to speak bullshit or things that I don't understand, so the forum would be a lot smaller. What if North America had colinised Europe and not the other way around?
  8. Then there'd be no reason for us to develop taste buds, the human tounge would be dramatically different and all languages would be completely unregonisable. What if school wasn't compulsory?
  9. Surely whatever his age, that'd be illiegal?
  10. I'm guessing that rakuenso is either female or homesexual. If the former then you may now have intercourse in the UK, also, buy boose.
  11. RyanJ is indeed a great contributer. If this were wikipedia then I'd give him a barnstar. In fact, what the hell, here is the [math]e=mc^2[/math] barnstar, awarded to RyanJ for his contributions to science and maths. I think the secret behind RyanJs threads is not asking closed questions but thinking of a way that an idea can last out indefineately.
  12. Something that's been bugging me... Once an animal is intelligent to be selective about its mate, major changes will happen over fewer generations. ...true or false? Also, why do some animals find things attractive that don't appear to have any real benifit? Like those birds with massive red air sacks under thier beaks wich are more of a liability than anything else, can't remember what they're called.
  13. I can't think of any good reason why [math]\cf{HAl02}[/math] shouldn't exist, my guess is that it's either to tricky to make and doesn't occur naturally or that it is completely useless and boring so no-ones written about it.
  14. Ryans script takes a file and looks at is as if it were a string. The explode function then breaks that string up into an easilly manageable array using a delimeter of ', '.
  15. I just take stuff as it comes. I tend to plan when I have to do homework, but that's about it. I suck at keeping track of time, like today, I intended to spend half an hour in the pub, wich I did, but then another hour... oh dear.
  16. Isn't that a little obvious? [math]\frac{ab}{b}=a[/math]
  17. the tree

    Define time

    Ditto. It's just another dimension.
  18. Of course, you can also ask us. Trig can be fairly easy or ridicliously difficult depending on the specific problem. Once you've got your head around calculus, then it's sort of the same.
  19. Remembering that I'm not that good with mechanics, I think it'd be something like this. [math]t=\int_{r}- \frac{GM}{r^2}[/math] That's not involving relativity, but considering that relativity is only mesurable with huge things, I don't think it'd matter. It also ignores terminal velocity, for simplicities sake.
  20. The smallest molecule likely to stay around for more than a second, I think, would be diatomic hydrogen. That is to say, two hydrogen atoms bound together. There will occasionally be single hydrogen atoms floating around but they are very re-active wich means that they will bond with other atoms very quickly and easily.Your other questions are awnsered in your other thread.
  21. Just to elaborate, high pressure is when there is lots of particles in a given area. Fluids (liquids or gasses) will shift around until the pressure is even by particles in an area of high pressure moving into areas with lower pressure.In a closed system (one with no outside influence), it will eventually become even pressure all round and there will be no wind/currents, that is part of the second law of thermodynamics. But the earth that you live on is not a closed system, there are extenal influences, the most obvious being the sun. In the daytime the suns heat spreads the air particles apart, causing lower pressure. Areas that always get a lot of sunlight (the equator) will have lower pressure than areas that get very little (the poles) so you could say that the wind is the direct result of the sun. On that note, most of what happens on earth is driven by the sun.
  22. Wow thanks. Now all I need to do is to understand gamma functions and I'm set. lol.
  23. I think that's it but I don't recognise the symbol you've used. Like, what's the value of the the first [math]x[/math] terms of a sequence [math]a+(n-1)d[/math] when they're all multiplied together?
  24. That's pretty cool. I notice that north is at the top just like with modern day maps, it's interesting something like that has become such a standard.
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