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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Going to do a warm up and not smoke for 24 hours starting tomorrow morning. It should give me a little taste of what it's going to be like with these tablets before Monday.
  2. That won't work for me. I'm quite immune to embarrassment. I've embarrassed myself too many times already. Yes, this needs to be my mantra.
  3. Inspired by your words, I shall think of concrete metaphors that will reinforce the notion that relapse is not an option. And I shall make a list of benefits for me to read when I'm wobbly.
  4. No, I don't fall asleep with a fag in my hand: too dangerous. I smoke in my living room but, on my advisor's suggestion I should only smoke outside for the rest of time that's left to help remove an association. One thing I have said to myself is that from Monday morning I am an ex-smoker and get that label fixed firmly in my head. I will be seeing my advisor the same morning and he'll be taking a carbon monoxide reading from me. It was 16 last week. Hopefully, putting as many support resources as I can muster in place will get me to the 'other side', like I did with recreational drug using. Definitely need a full nicotine dose before sleeping; I think this time is where my demons will come out in full force and that's why I've asked the question.
  5. There'll be no smoking paraphenalia in my place by next week. The people close to me know I'm stopping and support me. I have an NHS-trained smoking cessation advisor on hand who I'll be seeing every week. I'll give a running commentary on here for a bit. On the subject of having a setback. My neighbour noted that when people give up and then have one, they give up on giving up, returning to their habit instead of treating it as a temporary blip.
  6. That's an idea but I doubt my GP would prescribe it in this circumstance, especially with Zyban having quite a bad press here for unpredictable side effects. My brother couldn't handle them but I'm not experiencing anything untoward at this point.
  7. I can't see how a difference of 3-7 years, in the adult age group, makes such a difference. What you've done there is set an arbitrary line of restriction that isn't there. What you are very good at doing, I've noticed, is creating and putting obstacles in your way.
  8. I'm currently taking Zyban and due to stop smoking completely this coming Monday. I think I can handle the withdrawal in the day because it's not too hard to find something to do to distract myself but lying in bed at night when there's nothing but my own thoughts, before I fall asleep, might be a big challenge. Anybody have any ideas how to deal with it? It might not be a problem because the Zyban should be fully working by then but I don't know how much yet it will attenuate the withdrawal symptoms. I'm trying to preempt the problem and be ready to deal with it if it turns difficult at that time of night,
  9. In this NHS quote they are calling endogenous depression 'physical or chemical depression': About reactive depression from the same page: https://www.nursingtimes.net/depression/1996457.article
  10. Your previous post is classic in that respect. I identify with it because I've had depression since I was 15, on and off. I've just come off two years of antidepressants. There's two basic types of depression: endogenous and reactive. The latter is caused by some stressor and yours is your body image. Mine is the probably the former because it just seems to happen spontaneously and several members of my family have it as well.
  11. He's not hearing what he wants to hear, figuratively speaking. And now for something, not, completely different:
  12. It's a language thing, I think. It's like a non-native speaker saying: " You will sit down" instead of "Would you like a seat?"
  13. I think I see what you mean: a hole in that scenario is considered an artifact and not just a lack of something. Virtual particles are treated the same way?
  14. Are they defined as 'not real' because the measurements are not direct but inferred from indirectly associated/directly associated effects that they produce?
  15. A bit harsh mate. She's only 14 and joined yesterday.
  16. I don't know if it was an oversight but you haven't entered it into the poll.
  17. "Hello Pandora, and what do we have in the box today?"
  18. So, what can we do for you or was just the act of conversing with us about it cathartic in itself? That's ok if it was.
  19. If I felt the way you do and felt ugly - which I have done as a young person - my mind would not be closed to another who was also 'ugly'. Like I said, looks wear off with time. Companionship should not be dismissed and it is the principle ingredient of a long-lasting relationship; beautiful or not.
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