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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. If there was such a thing, it would be on a Schedule and tightly controlled. Apart from that, I doubt there's any such thing.
  2. On day 1 I feel pretty chilled and handled all the exposure to other people smoking and other triggers ok; I knew the craving feeling would pass, The Zyban seems to detach me from the craving feelings but they are still there. I found myself saying " I could with a fag (cig) but I'm not having one" and then just forgot about it. I've stopped the coffee for a while because it's too strong a trigger for me and it doesn't taste right without smoke mixed with it.; it's tea-only for a while.
  3. Thank you guys. I definitely felt the urge this morning. It's a good job I didn't sneak a smoke this morning because my Quit51 advisor would have found out with his CO meter. I was a good boy and didn't have one, so my reading was 8 on the meter after 9 hours stopping from Sunday night; Last week's reading was 16. if it had been over 10, he knows I've been smoking. It's good that they've a means of checking compliance with the programme. It also gives the smoker objective, visible evidence that their efforts are doing something in the right direction. I distracted myself today by riding 10 miles/16km to a relative's house, cutting grass for two or three hours and still have a 16Km ride home; should be pretty laid back and tired tonight. I think the Zyban seems to be doing a pretty good job of not letting me feel too much anxiety and stress. It is certainly helping me stand to up to the urges and making those craving episodes tolerable. I have the option to extend the Zyban from 9 to 12 weeks if I think I need it. I shall watch out on that day. Thanks.
  4. Today is the beginning of the rest of my life without cigs

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. geordief


      Pleased to hear that. After a long period I felt comfortable lighting someone else's cigarette for them (if their hands were not free for example)

      Even so ,I have never thought of myself (since I quit) as a non-smoker.I think we need all the identities we can gather around us.


      I still think old Bogie looks cool and wasn't Marlene Dietrich cut from the same cloth?


      Sadly Bogie suffered for his vice and we are all the poorer for that (even though somethin...

    3. geordief


      Cut off by the text guillotine ;)..... will get us all ,smoking related or not.....



    4. StringJunky


      And John Wayne; 107 a day I think it was.

  5. Firms like Tesla are constantly working on increasing energy-density of storage systems; there's plenty of attention and money being thrown at it. It's commercial priority is very high, especially given that electric cars are emerging beyond the novel.
  6. Thanks.. I have a litre and wanted to split it. What plastic for 36% hydrochloric acid?
  7. What plastic type/s do I need to store it ? It's a pure grade.
  8. Yes, until one reaches that point of visualising oneself as an ex- <insert addiction> addict, it's not going to happen. I learnt this from my time with using drugs recreationally.
  9. Thinking about your post again and people 'piling it in' in the run up to any form of cessation is actually setting yourself up for failure because the 'come down' feeling, from that period of excess at the end, will be that much worse and could encourage you to give up before you've started. It's my opinion that if you feel you the need to go on a mad scramble of excessive consumption before cessation you are very likely to fail because you don't really want to do it....but you feel should; 'should' is not a strong enough motivation in breaking a strong addiction. I want to stop, but I know nicotine and long-term habituation are hard things to deal with but my heart is in it and I don't feel a panicky urge to smoke more because, deep down, I love smoking; I don't. This is a relationship I want to end forever.
  10. Anyone any idea what I definitely shouldn't eat? I'm not doing this yet; just looking at the territory atm. Any reading material would be good if anyone knows of any
  11. It needs to be either .PNG, .JPG .JPEG, .PDF, or DOC file extension. These definitely work. If it's not a valid format you could convert it to one of those mentioned. Make sure they are less than 3.91Mb.
  12. Cold turkey. That's the way I feel is right for me but I just wanted something to level out the mental stress and focus on habit changing. It was an interesting experience yesterday, not smoking. I woke up OK at 6am and had a coffee. After sitting, for three or four times picking up my coffee, I reached on the table for my non-existent rollups; my arm started to reach out before I'd even consciously thought about picking up my tobacco! I was a bit wobbly late morning and thinking about smoking so I decided to do some grass mowing. The feeling soon passed, with a few more following but I knew it was just a short phase. After that, I sailed through the day and slept OK. I woke up and smoked this morning. I'm glad I did it because I know what's coming and that the cravings are only temporary. I feel stronger for the experience in preparation for Monday. The pills seem to be doing the job I want. Even though the desire was strong, my will beat it and it wasn't that hard to do. I experienced a level of stress that was quite manageable.
  13. That's interesting. I'll explore that. From what I've read, so far, is that 5.8 is high but not high enough to warrant medical attention. This seems to be borne out by the fact that neither of my two doctors ( Gastroenterologist and GP) have said anything about it after I was tested. My blood pressure is 120/60, so, I don't want that messing up by meds and hypertension runs in most of my family.
  14. Is there a direct correlation between how much fat you are carrying and your cholesterol levels? My weight for many years was 65Kg with a total cholesterol of 2.7. Two years later after interferon treatment I went up to 86Kg and total cholesterol of 8. I am now 76Kg with a cholesterol score of 5.8. Is it possible to get your cholesterol level down without losing weight? I am on the top end of my optimal BMI. Before that I was on the lower end of the optimal range. I want to stay where I am but get my cholesterol down to 4.0 or below.
  15. Egg meets sperm; that's what happens without any intervention. You each contribute half of the genes. Edit: Sorry, wrong answer. I understand now
  16. Yes, that's true. The OP is likely presenting a question that assumes it is a dichotomy when it isn't.
  17. In a culture medium, the pathogens are in an environment that facilitates reproduction; much more so than on the hands.When you eat bacteria there are several mechanisms for dealing with them and keeping their numbers in check; in a culture medium they can run rampant and in that environment there may be pathogens that are dangerous in large numbers, but there are not so many on the hands where the sample was taken from..
  18. I already drink de-caffeinated coffee and I'm over the withdrawals on that; the headaches are quite something coming off that. I no longer use bags of granulated sugar because the amount I was using was causing my moods to swing wildly. I buy the odd bag of sweet probably every few days. I generally watch the sugar side of things now. I will have to be even more savage on that sometime soon because treatment gave me high cholesterol; that's another project.
  19. I don't drink alcohol very often but when I do I like to go OTT; bottle of wine = leathered. I shall definitely avoid alcohol until I've cracked it; too risky.
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