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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I've never found it necessary or desirable to be deceptive or "big myself up". If they don't like me as I am then they can go and take a long walk off a short pier. Seriously, we can't be all things to all people but should make the most of those that do find us attractive as we are. This is assuming one is after a more long-term situation rather than a brief sexual experience,
  2. You are much less likely to forget an experience as opposed to some bit of knowledge acquired by reading or listening. On the downside, learning from experience can be painful whereas passively acquired knowledge is not, usually.
  3. If there had been any residual background radiation that exceeded prescribed guidlines at the time you were staying there it would have been clearly marked as such and access made more difficult than it was, I would have thought, especially with it being part of a college as well.
  4. Never thought I'd use skimmed milk and analyse the fat types in my diet; how have I lived this long?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Prometheus


      Why is healthy living considered low on quality? Being fit means you can enjoy your body in more ways.

    3. Moontanman


      Don't use margarine, it's worse than butter! Think of our ancestors, barring disease or accident they lived long lives and they ate stuff you and i would gag at....

    4. StringJunky


      Yeah, Moon, dripping for one

  5. I've attached a list of medical radioisotopes with half-lives in brackets. With the exception of the cobalts, they are pretty short. List of Medical Radioisotopes.pdf
  6. I think you are in dire need of an empathy transplant.
  7. Both are actions and both have the same cause: the brain. If the person behaving like an idiot must take ownership of their behaviour then so must the person talking like an idiot. To argue otherwise would lack logical consistency and denies that both phenomena have the same root cause.
  8. Yes, no problem. I was only thinking of him TBH when I put the link up. The gist of the article is that their testing, although accurate, what they test and the info they present is not very useful; next to useless.
  9. Have a look at this review by an amateur geneaologist: http://youngandsavvygenealogists.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/my-ancestrydna-review-cautionary-tale.html
  10. It's the same principle as attacking the argument in a discussion not the person.
  11. My CO level was 2 today; it was 8 last week and 16 before that. I realised today why ones energy levels increase with cessation. The carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin much more readily than oxygen and forms a stable compound which renders the red cells with reduced capacity ,meaning we have to breath faster and our hearts pump faster to try to compensate. Once the polluted red cells are replenished one feels more alive and alert. How do you mean? Phi When you see the number of cups a Moka is stated to make, note that they are small cups so you probably want at least a 6 cup to make a mug or you could use a smaller one and top up with water in the mug; I do this with my 3-cup.
  12. No. You got the point across just fine. I think the full stop is the longest interval in our language, is it not? Hate the activity, not the person.
  13. If you want to take your coffee to the next level, you need to do it the Italian way with a Stove Top Moka Pot/Cafetiere. As you use it repeatedly, a film of coffee residues builds up inside the top section and improving the depth and flavour of each successive cup. The first two or three goes, chuck the coffee away to get rid of the taste of aluminium. Only clean the top occasionally when the residues get too much. Never clean to a polished finish, in either chamber, or else you will continually. taste aluminium - Let the bottom chamber calcify. Bialetti are the original makers. This is the original way to make espresso I think. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Moka-Pot That's my "I've-just-given-up-smoking face.
  14. I agree, it does help to get the endorphins going; I'm riding my bike 16km twice a day at a brisk pace. I did it 4 times yesterday; I left my phone so I had to do it again. Legs were like jelly after that session. I can see the logic but I'm trying to get this out of the way in the shortest reasonable time. Today is the first day I've had an easy time and was unfazed with my relatives smoking in front of me in the garden. I'm hoping I''m over the biggest hill now, mentally. Yes, you are right; I mustn't give up giving up. We all dream of a perfect blemish-free path trodden on the way to abstinence but it rarely happens. I think it is a mistake - and I have been guilty - to think one has failed completely just on the basis of a single relapse and then carry on as before. Just what I need: a kick up the arse. I've got my next session with my Quit51 advisor tomorrow and another CO test. I experience acute depressive moods quite often and they frequently screw up my resolve such that I quite often fail to reach completion in tasks that take a while to do, like this one. I've been 3 weeks on the Zyban now and they are still not causing me any problems - as you might know, they have quite a bad rep for messing people up mentally. Although I get moody it is nothing I don't experience normally.
  15. Yes, Ophiolite. I appreciate your autobiographical candour.
  16. As far as I'm concerned, yes. I own myself, with the caveat that no one else is dependent on me e.g. children.
  17. The point is that one doesn't choose to be alive therefore, imo, one has the right to choose go back to a state of non-existence. One may choose to to die to save someone's life; has that person's life no purpose?
  18. You have a very narrow and judgemental view of the motivations of suicidal people. It's only stupid to you... the suicidal person doesn't give a f- what you think. Contrary to your view, I think some suicidal people are profoundly level headed and in control, like those with a terminal illness or otherwise insufferable existence. Some people may kill themselves for philosophical reasons... like because they have realised life and most people suck at the core level. Perfectly valid reasons to shrug off ones mortal coil imo.
  19. I had half a fag very early Friday morning; I was feeling really pissed off about an unrelated matter. I had no intention of giving up giving up when I did it. I did it and just going to forget about it and carry on. I feel ok now and still want to stop.
  20. Thanks Arete. I shall absorb what you've posted. My current forks only have preload. The battle's not won yet but I feel OK. I go riding my bike when I can taste the fags in my mind.
  21. In CharonY and Arete, he's likely getting as good and experienced advice as he'll find anywhere. My thought as well. It might give him some mental space and detach him enough from his feelings to look at himself and his situation more objectively. . At the moment, Tampitump, you are nailing your own feet to the floor. Seriously consider going to your doctor and tell them your situation with a view to getting some form of antidepressant; it'll help to give you a break from your most persistent negative thoughts and feelings for a while so you can analyse yourself better.and more dispassionately. .
  22. I'm 54 and been smoking since I was 17. A recent xray showed my lungs to be within the normal range. If those pictures didn't work on me then they won't work on me now. I appreciate the effort though. What's really pissing me off is nicotine stained fingers, not lungs. Even after 3 days it's nearly gone. I smoked rollups and smoked them down to nearly nothing, no filters, so the smoke played hell staining between my fingers that held them.
  23. Yesterday was hard because I wasn't in a good mood anyway; life stuff. The feeling for a smoke is pretty strong at times but I can over-ride it because the Zyban seems to detach me from the full brunt of the withdrawal symptoms. I stood in a shop queue yesterday waiting to pay and thinking "I need to get some fags"! Today, I'm a bit more chilled and went on a 32km bike ride earlier, to a relative's and back, to tire my body out a bit. It's done the trick and I should sleep ok in a bit.
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