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Curious layman

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Everything posted by Curious layman

  1. A newly discovered four-quark particle (illustrated) is the first to contain all heavy quarks, and more than two quarks of the same kind. CERN https://www.sciencenews.org/article/new-particle-cern-tetraquark-first-four-same-kind-quark
  2. Let's say I was attacking you, if the police do not have a duty to protect you, do they not have a duty to stop me from breaking the law? What happened 'To Protect and Serve'.
  3. https://scitechdaily.com/hungry-black-hole-among-the-most-massive-in-the-universe-34-billion-times-the-mass-of-our-sun/
  4. I never knew you could do this. Do you think that changing the law so you have to have a VP of the opposite party would help keep both party's working together. If something happened to the president and it changed party's, wouldn't them having to pick a VP of the other party help keep it balanced. Seems like a really good way to keep them on more sociable terms.
  5. Sorry for the ramble, but a little surprised/shocked by the support for police officers using choke or blood holds or whatever. I'm not sure the image of police officers holding suspects in what appears to be a headlock is going to do their image much good. It's very easy for someone to panic in a situation like that and for the situation to get out of hand. my personal opinion is that the police should use the example of care homes and psychiatric hospitals. These people face situations like the police all the time. Ok, not with guns, but still high pressure situations with very unpredictable people. I used to work in care, some of the clients we looked after were prone to attacking you, so staff would receive special training. Some of these clients were huge, and I mean huge, due to side effects of their medication and whatever. Under no circumstances were we aloud to use chokes, arm twisting, pressure points etc.. instant dismissal. Yet the training was quick, effective and worked. It was all about movement, balance and momentum, avoiding sensitive areas. Maybe the police should put a priority in recruiting people from these backgrounds, social workers and maybe more people from older age groups might help too. They would definitely benefit from more training in mental health. Maybe include working at a psychiatric hospital or care home environment in their initial training. Oh, and to the OP, yes of course they need more money. That's the problem, there being expected to do far to many things with the money they have. How about the same money, but less responsibilitys?
  6. Not any more, it's nuclear thermal, not the nuclear explosions you mean, but still nuclear. Pretty exciting too. Let's hope it doesn't get cancelled. https://www.space.com/nuclear-powered-rockets-to-explore-solar-system.html
  7. The axion field rapidly runs over the potential barriers and eventually begins oscillations when sufficiently slowed down by friction. Credit: Co & Harigaya https://phys.org/news/2020-06-case-axion-dark-gains-traction.amp
  8. Try these also, not all nuclear, but still interesting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spacecraft_propulsion#Speculative_methods
  9. Disclaimer: Black hole not visible, southern hemisphere required. https://www.theregister.com/2020/05/06/nearest_black_hole_earth/
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-53151106
  11. https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/scientists-prove-decades-old-theory-suggesting-extremely-odd-physics-about-black-holes-1679850
  12. Wouldn't that be when we were still hunter gatherers. It's usually the more intelligent ones that become the main hunters. Maybe it was females that first started talking about it. Must've been a huge attraction back then, as it is now. Try this, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_human_intelligence
  13. https://phys.org/news/2020-06-astrophysicists-cornerstone-einstein-theory-relativity.html
  14. Best Bob Dylan song ever. Not sure how long this will stay up, YouTube has a habit of taking this down. Not the live versions though, which are crap.
  15. I could say " maybe you think it's good that there are 120 guns per 100 people in the US" But that doesn't mean every person in America has 120 guns. Most Americans don't own guns. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_ownership#United_States_gun_ownership
  16. You mean like when he's handcuffed on the floor and you know he's unarmed. Or when you have you knee on his neck and he can't breathe, or when you have fellow police officers with you. The police should treat each incident as it is, not how it could be.
  17. I'm not being delusional. The fact of the matter is, George Floyd was unarmed, he wasn't being aggressive nor was he suspected of a violent crime. There were more than enough officers to arrest him without incident. This 'yes, but look at the amount of guns in America' argument doesn't hold up. It's nothing more than a poor excuse for police brutality.
  18. How about like this. Nikolas Cruz, murdered 17 people George Floyd, suspect in a forgery. Notice the difference? The argument about the amount of guns and open carry being a problem is a load of crap.
  19. And those that are threatening the use of deadly force to end it are not helping either.
  20. Nearly fell over when I watched this. I'd like to see Ken Ham debate evolution with someone like this. Would be far more intresting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Robertson
  21. The draft resolution targeting social media. https://kateklonick.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/DRAFT-EO-Preventing-Online-Censorship.pdf
  22. After Twitter put the fact checker on this tweet Trumps now accusing them of stifling free speech. And Question: can he do this, should social media be worried? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-52815552
  23. 'Africans are used to the heat it won't bother them, and we can send them more food if they need it. That way the population of Africa can continue growing and natural resources can be continue being extracted and shipped here cheaply' I'm not surprised Africa is turning to China when I read patronising crap like this. What decade do you live in? (drumbo)
  24. This coronavirus situation is starting to get out of hand.
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