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Everything posted by CanadaAotS

  1. well, not trying to get off topic, but on ESP research, I was watching on discovery channel, they would have 2 people in seperate rooms, the first would choose an image out of 4 and the second would guess or "read the others mind" to pick the image the other one picked apparently they hand one guy in that consistently got 30-35% correct, when probablity says he should've only gotten 25... I believe ESP might actually be a real thing, and that the only thing hampering research on it is the bad rep its gotten with "tv psychics" and the such. on empathy: I don't know why anyone would not believe this is a real thing. just sounds like someone who's highly sensitive, maybe to the point where they take emotional input and produce it themselves.
  2. I always wondered why no one attempted making computers based a trinary system, tetranary (?) system or more... Is it because binary is easiest (on / off), or most efficient?
  3. This is what I found out from it though... d + e + f = A de + df + ef = B def = C if d = C / ef and d = A - e - f and I then put them into equation 2 I get: (C / ef)(e) + (A - e - f)(f) + ef = B C / f + Af - ef - f^2 + ef = B -f^2 + Af - B + C/f = 0 multiply by f -f^3 + Af^2 - Bf + C = 0 This is almost the EXACT equation I use to get the system of equations in the first place!!! (x^3 + Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0) Your right cosine, this is pretty screwy system lol
  4. so this is the problem: [math]d + e + f = A[/math] [math]d*e + d*f + e*f = B[/math] [math]d*e*f = C[/math] Where your trying to isolate d, e and f in terms of A, B and C. Is it impossible? I haven't been able to isolate anything... BTW I got this by figuring out what the factors of [math]x^3 + Ax^2 + Bx + C[/math] would be: [math](x + d)(x + e)(x + f)[/math] and the system of equations was how I'd figure out what the d, e and f's equaled. anyways, if it is possible to do, please help, this isn't homework or anything just trying to figure out this...
  5. isn't it always in kg's? and also since 0.5 grams of anti-matter = Hiro bomb the suns mass times 1000 (for kg's) then times 2 (because its .5) would give you the amount of hiro bomb equivalent.
  6. lets say the black holes had the mass of our sun ([math]1.999 * 10^{30} \mbox{ kg }[/math]) the resulting explosion would be the equivalent of [math]7.996 * 10^{34}[/math] kilotons. An explosion like that would probably compare to the big bang.
  7. even though this computer only has built in speakers I felt the keyboard vibrate slightly lol, I'm gonna try it at home where I have really nice speakers =)
  8. CanadaAotS


    A photons relative mass is its mass related to energy. This it does have. Since energy bends space-time (creates gravity) mass (a form of energy) also bends space-time.
  9. yes! thats what I think it is, its not any sound that comes from the chalk on the chalkboard that gives me shivers its thinking of the chalk rubbing against it that urks me. I think whatever this is it goes beyond hearing.
  10. So how strong will the LHC be when its done? I heard the sparticles could weigh as much as a TeV...
  11. CanadaAotS


    so, lets say you had a very powerful light bulb that lights into a room of 100% reflective mirrors, and you left it running for say a few thousand years lol. The room would eventually gain a great gravitational pull on its surroundings (assuming a huge amount of energy is eventually trapped in there)? If thats true and lets just say the "lightbulb" pumps out a TW/h (yes one mighty lightbulb lol) it'd take about 17,249 years for the light in the room to have the gravitational pull of myself (70kg) lol. The room would of course have to be a vacuum, and the walls would have to reflect light of all wavelengths and the lightsource would somehow have to be shielded as well (a 1 way mirror I guess), since crazy amounts of energy would be flying around... I guess using light energy to create gravity isn't a very plausible idea lmao
  12. CanadaAotS


    http://www.physicscentral.com/action/action-03-04-print.html of course like the guy was saying, they still travel at c there just being absorbed and re-emitted so much that it greatly reduces the apparent speed
  13. CanadaAotS


    Actually, I have a question to that extent... can a very large amount of light concentrated (lets say with a storage room similar to the one described above) bend space-time? Does an object have to have rest-mass to induce gravity effects, or would a very large amount of light stored in one place have enough energy to have gravity? Also btw light can be slowed down to "our speeds" apparently light travels very slowly through BEC's (buckyballs).
  14. I guess the key phrase their is "in equilibrium" lol.
  15. So what will they say if it doesn't work? If they're never able to detect gravity waves? Would it screw relativity over? lol Just wonderin' since I've always found gravity waves to sound a little... hokey lol
  16. Well no matter how much the aids virus mutates, if its consistently killing humans, evolution will take its course and develop some sort of defence against it. The big disadvantage however is how fast we evolve compared to AIDS ...
  17. Water is the only compound known to be less dense as a solid then a liquid. The only mammals to shed saltwater tears are aquatic mammals and humans. anti-matter is the most expensive substance on earth, costing (at low estimate) $25 billion / gram.
  18. I've been searching around for the closest anyone's gotten to absolute zero... I can't find it now (forget what I searched for lol) but there was one dated 2003 that said 500 picoKelvins... I just want to know exactly how close to absolute zero anyone has been able to reach...
  19. Yah, if they have access to your new 100 GB harddrive... well lets say they'd be able to pretty much log everything you do for as long as you'd want to use your harddrive lol. by the time your hard drive was even half full, you'd probably have thrown it out and bought the new 300 GB one a while ago
  20. oh yah that would've screwed me over... thats the thing with math now, the littlest thing wrong (like say an inverted sign) and the whole thing goes out the window EDIT: by "now" I mean my calculus class lol
  21. Of course the first application they use is military, but thats how most thing start out I guess...
  22. alright well this is sad that I put this much thought into this... but I've extended the proof lmao so we know that [math] \mbox{girl } = \mbox{ evil}[/math] or more specifically [math] |\mbox{evil}| [/math]. Now absolute power corrupts absolutely... [math]|\mbox{power}| = |\mbox{corruption}|[/math] Corruption is evil... [math]|\mbox{power}| = |\mbox{evil}|[/math] And if we subsitute the equivalent of absolute evil (absolute power) we get... [math] \mbox{girls} = |\mbox{power}|[/math] ... girls having absolute power This of course agrees with current theorys lmao, I'd say theres a conspiracy afoot, if I was that kinda guy
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