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Everything posted by koti

  1. koti

    what is a god

    Gee, I’m missing on a lot of what you are conveying in your posts due to skipping through - caused by length. Since what you write is definitely worth reading, I would love to see you compress your thoughts into less words - do you think thats something that you want to work on?
  2. koti

    what is a god

    If you got anything rolled inside that pamphlet I'll take it. How can we be sure if they are invisible?
  3. koti

    what is a god

    I don’t and obviously I won’t have the numbers on this one but I have to disagree...the chance of alien life existing is more than zero and the chance for unicorns existing is more than zero too I guess. But these numbers are different and I’m sticking to that.
  4. There is the psychological factor too. I’ve seen drivers shave 1,5s from a 1:30’ish lap just by being convinced that their car turns better with nitrogen in tyres instead of air.
  5. koti

    what is a god

    This topic would be so much more fun (and scientifically viable) if god was replaced with aliens in the OP.
  6. When you think about it, you cannot be 100% certain. There is a small chance that your Father doesn’t know too. There are better examples of zero existing in the teal world - like the amount of my tax return this year.
  7. The brunette's last name is "Micucci" And she had a show called "Playin with Micucci" She also mentioned in a talk show once that she will choose the following names for her children: Phil, Pat, Sharon.
  8. Alchemists reunite. That would be a cherry on top of all the pseudoscience floating on the web these days. Or am I missing something and they are holding annual conventions already? By the way...aren’t metals mono atomic in a gaseous state?
  9. It's in his garage until he takes a look at it and poof! (I have dreams like that) If Bond was real he'd be buddies with Baron Christian Erland Harald von Koenigsegg: https://www.koenigsegg.com/
  10. Unless its a 918 spyder or similar type of hyper car and swansont takes it for a spin at 200 mph - then it would make a difference.
  11. Its not something I would reccomend to anyone but; I aquanted a couple of surgeons at a holliday trip many years ago. They were very heavy drinkers and were equiped with... well thats as much as the story will go here
  12. The urban myth is that nitrogen is less susceptible to temperature changes therefore makes the wheel more stable at high speeds. Its costs around 20 bucks to fill your tires with nitrogen and lots of car lovers do it...and then brag about it. I guess less corosion and stability are real pluses but how much of that is actually noticible in real usage is unclear to me: https://www.google.pl/amp/s/www.popularmechanics.com/cars/how-to/amp3894/4302788/
  13. An easy way of picturing this for me is this statement: Gravity is spacetime curvature.
  14. I would imagine they should know what they're doing but you're right, I wouldn't do it myself unless it was straight from an MD.
  15. I presume its the carbs which help with leveling out sugar. If you’re not able to eat though... Its more complex though, obviously. Vitamin B, potasium, magnesium and various other compounds play a role. This is something which works fast and efficiently: http://www.hangoverclub.com/packages
  16. I was about to respond to you something along the lines of maybe trying to start over after your unfortunate entrance to the forum but then I saw your response to Phi above...Jack, you’re obviously a smart and knowledgeable guy but you need to cut down on the condenscending tone. You’re going to drive people nuts with this regardless of how well educated and knowledgeable you are. Take that as the second thing you learned on this forum.
  17. Did you get that peer reviewed? /sarcasm Why am I not surprised at this after seeing your other threads/posts.
  18. Ingesting carbohydrates which elevate glucose levels and in effect help with hydration is the best solution. If youre not able to eat, water with sugar is an option, a glucose drip is most efficient. Physical work is good too. https://www.google.pl/amp/s/www.buzzfeed.com/amphtml/alexkasprak/heres-the-secret-to-getting-rid-of-your-hangover
  19. As far as composition goes, 1.5L of still water with 6 tablespoons of sugar and 2 lemons with twice the daily intake of Mg the night before is something which does work.
  20. This thread is going to get trashed any time now (advertising your products is not welcome on this forum) but hey, if you got a good product I'm sure it will sell. Does it come in a drip ?
  21. I don't see H2O in the ingredients. I know for a fact that it is required when having a hangover. Is it not listed because its a secret?
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