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Sriman Dutta

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Everything posted by Sriman Dutta

  1. Well, I am not sure about the formula.
  2. So electrical energy stored per unit volume is 0.5*E*D. But both units should be of N/C ( though I don't know the exact unit of D). Moreover I knew that the formula to find the electrical potential energy is [math] Energy= k\frac{Qq}{r}[/math]
  3. If you wanna see the pages you do follow, you can check that from your profile page under the LIKES tab.
  4. I am not sure...........but I think that (A) is the correct answer.
  5. I fear you have got some serious disorder.
  6. I know about the E field. But the concept of D field is new to me. To speak the truth I haven't seen it before. But I know about the E field well enough. It can be described as the force exerted on a test charge when it passes through the sphere of influence of another electrically charged body( considering the charge on the test particle negligible). [math]E=\frac{F}{q}[/math] Another popular notion is that E is the electric flux density. It is the derivative of the electric flux with respect to the surface through which the flux is considered. [math]E=\frac{d\phi_E}{dS}[/math] By Gauss' Law, we have yet another relation: [math]\int_S E.dS = \frac{Q}{\epsilon_0}[/math]
  7. Oh I see! The force on any wire is given by [math]F = I \int_L dl X B [/math]
  8. Yes. The sine theta part is left out often yo make it linear. But why should B be in integral? We are taking the summation of each current that flows through each infinitesimal length element of the wire.
  9. If I do understand you correctly, you want to convey the simple message that human life can't exist without love. If that's so, I agree with you. People can't lead a normal life without love. It happens in everyone's life and it happens quite naturally.
  10. To clear your doubts about pendulum, I present this formula for a simple pendulum : [math]T=2\pi \sqrt\frac{l}{g}[/math] where T is time period, l is the length of pendulum and g is acceleration due to gravity. This formula works excellent for small amplitudes. Secondly, your theory of aether is doomed. Forget it.
  11. I figured out this: [math] m\frac{d^2\theta}{dt^2}X l = -mgsin\theta + \int_L I_0 sin \omega t dl X B [/math]
  12. What have you done so far???
  13. Main cause of Cold War was the rivalry between the Capitalist Bloc led by USA and the Communist Bloc led by USSR.
  14. We have two notions of the magnetic field. One is the B field, commonly called the magnetic flux density and the other one is the H field, also called the magnetic field strength. However, I want to know the difference between them. Most equations involving magnetic field uses B. However what is the use of H is still not clear to me. I have seen some relations between them in Wikipedia. However I couldn't understand that well. So please show how they are different and in what way the H field is useful.
  15. If an object with mass gets closer to speed of light, it doesn't become like the particles of light. If this were to happen, then the above equation would not hold true, which shows that as velocity approaches c, mass becomes infinitely large and does not become mass less as photons.
  16. Hello everyone, I thought about this problem just for a while and couldn't exactly figure out what would happen. I don't have the necessary equipment, so can't perform the experiment. Suppose a wire attached to a metallic ball hangs, such that it is free to move to and fro [see figure]. A conducting base is provided below the ball, such that the surface of the base just touches the ball, providing negligible friction. There are two concave magnets providing a uniform magnetic field to the ball. The ball and the wire and the base all are connected to a circuit with AC supply. So, as soon as the key is pressed, the current flows. Accordingly, a force will cause the pendulum ( or rather the ball) to move in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. With the alternation of the direction of current, the direction of motion will change too. My question is what will happen to the system. Will the ball show oscillatory motion with the change in the direction of current? Or will it collapse due to high impedance? Also, please write the equation of motion for the above system. Please see that I haven't made the image turn. I hope it's still as clear and understandable.
  17. For relativity, we have relativistic mass [math]m[/math] as- [latex]m=\frac{m_0}{\sqrt{1-\frac {v^2}{c^2}}}[/latex] So as v tends to be c, m becomes infinite. So an infinite amount of energy is required to make the object move at c. Moderator: fixed your latex
  18. I'm currently watching a mobile screen. Sfn .
  19. Please explain what you know about the structure of glucose and sucrose.
  20. A big question: While writing the equations, how do you get '=' in the denominator ?
  21. Honestly I haven't got the faintest idea of what's going on. Half of the posts talk about insults, some other define consciousness. I can't get the topic or the title.
  22. Nope. New words are constantly evolving. No one today uses thee, thou, thy, etc. Back in the early 20th century, no one used the word selfie. But see today, it's so popular. Isn't it?
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