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Everything posted by Daecon

  1. Are you sure that wasn't a wave instead of a particle?
  2. But what does that mean in "real world" terms? SRT is wrong? (What exactly do the letters stand for, anyway? All these acronyms annoy me...)
  3. Oh wow! Fun experiements, yay! I always wanted to play God! *gets a pair of rubber gloves and eye goggles*
  4. You know... that's just went throught my mind when I read the first posting too!
  5. Would it be like increasing the air pressure inside a glass bottle until it breaks?
  6. Plus, the matter require to construct a ringworld around a star is... well, incredibly less than you'd need to totally encompass a star with the material bubble of a Dyson sphere.
  7. It's a fairly well known fact that circumcised men are a lot less sensitive than those with a functioning foreskin. Maybe it's just that, and you're normal after all.
  8. *has headache* But the speed of sound waves is changable, and it *is* physically possible to run faster into them. What I don't get: Is it physically impossible to run faster into light waves because light speed is constant no matter how fast you move? *finds a corner to sulk in*
  9. That's my point. If the speed of light is constant, then whether you're moving away from the sun at a million miles an hour, or towards it at thousand - wouldn't the light still reach you at c and therefore how can you catch upto it or move away from it at a different speed, to give red or blue shift? I understansd how it works with sound waves and sonic booms because you *can* go faster of slower than sound does. But you can't go faster or slower than light does, can you? Even if you're totally stationary, light is still approaching you at light speed.
  10. Well duh. What would you expect them to do? Pretend that other (ie. non-christian) religions can be valid belief systems? </sarcasm> What we need is a Theory of Everything that combines all the religion's creationistic stories into one unified whole. But I doubt the Americans would want that if it even so much as suggests that their God wasn't responsible for everything and they were right all along and they told us all so ha ha suckers!
  11. Daecon


    You know, I always thought that too, then I realised it a contraction of the phrase: "I could care less... oh wait, no I couldn't!" I like that. It's sarky.
  12. Daecon


    I like the way it shows the 10 most recent topics contributed to. So I think that should be kept. Although I'm not sure if it takes into account all sections of all different areas of the boards...?
  13. I define conciousness as being the ability to use your own judgement to react to the situation. By "your own" I mean the lifeform in question, be it a person, a cat, a horse, etc... Do fish display qualities that suggest they decide on a course of action to take, when presented with more than once choice?
  14. How can a product remain the same if the the things that cause it change?
  15. "3. Baby is breastfeeding on cue (both day & night), and gets nothing but breastmilk or only token amounts of other foods." How on earth does what else the baby's eating have any effect whatsoever? That all seems rather suspect to me. Almost as if it's a ploy to trick people into not using contraception.
  16. Sorry if I sound stupid, but it only just occured to me that I didn't know: If light is constantly moving away/towards you at light speed, and relatively speaking ALWAYS at light speed - how can you create an effect of red/blue shift? Surely no matter what speed you're travelling at either away from or towards the source, the light will STILL hit you at exactly 300'000 kms...?
  17. B and C need to be prime numbers for it to work, I imagine. Multiply them together to get Z.
  18. It could just be "pressure" acting on that 4th dimension...
  19. Think of playing a computer game, when you move over one side of the screen, you appear on the other side. Now increase the area you have to walk until you reach the edge of the screen (although it's not really the edge as you appear on the other side automatically). That's how the Universe is expanding and also why it dosn't have to expand "into" anything.
  20. You'd probably need all the matter in a a dozen solar systems to make the whole thing, possibly more!
  21. That's one of the reasons why I don't think the graviton is real and you don't *need* a force to explain gravity, as it's not a particle-based phenomenon.
  22. Hey thank you! That made sense and I get it now *is satisfied*
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