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Everything posted by Daecon

  1. Ah, right. Dosn't magnetic interaction within the atom give rise to kinetic movement?
  2. Mass always has energy, things at 0K have NO energy. At all. Therefore you can't have mass at 0K because you can't have any mass with NO energy. The magnetic reations between protons and electrons, quarks, etc. are all energy, therefore an atom can't not have energy, and therefore can't *not* have zero temperature. Would that be accurate?
  3. Every so often this computer has pop-ups (in an Internet Explorer window) about casinos and such titled "Cassava". I know this is adware because I use Firefox on this computer, not IE. Is there a way of knowing which tasks you can safely 'end process' in the Task Manager control dialogue box when pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL?
  4. what about vacuum, can that be said to have a temperature, or does there have to be something, energy or molecules to move to generate that temperature?
  5. Darn. I just figured out how to make the o sign, too!
  6. why is there no o when talking about Kelvin? Isn't any temperature measured in degrees by default?
  7. It was a weather balloon! A weather balloon I tell you!
  8. Surely even those virtual particles that only exist for a short period of time exert some influence, and thereby have at least some small fraction of temperature...? It probably isn't possible to get absolute zero because in order to record that phenomenon, you'd have to have some energy reflecting off the matter, in order to record it with. That energy would interact with the matter bumping it off of the 0oK reading...
  9. Um... what happens when you bring liquid water into contact with something that has a temperature of about one Kelvin...? Something catastrophic, I'd imagine - and from what I remember a large percentage of the human body is liquid water too, so...
  10. I remember when I was little, my mum would shout me awake to get ready for school, I'd get up and head out when she'd shout me awake again - I'd been dreaming that I'd already got up! So anyway, I'd wake up and go and get ready for school... when mum would shout me awake again! I was still dreaming about getting out of bed and getting ready for school. This happened on a few occasions... *LOL*
  11. Yeah, but the ID-iots will just cuss the livescience website as being faked science propaganda. Either that or they'll evolve intelligently design their argument to adapt.
  12. Not really, there's an equal about of gravitational attraction above you and to the sides of you and in every other direction as much as there is directly below you. On Earth there's ONLY gravitational attraction below you. However, with regard to being inside the ring of a torus (I presume the question was about being inside the ring itself and not just in the hole of the doughnut?) my thoughts are that you would be attracted to the side that forms the inside edge of this ring/hole, because I imagine the gravity to be stronger on the inside of the torus (the edge of the hole) than the gravity on the outside of the torus' ring, at the edge next to outside space. This would be because there is a lot more Torus on the other side from where you are, as you're only inside one section of ring. In a sphere there is an equal amount of sphere all around you. I hope this makes sense, perhaps if it's confusing - someone else who knows what I'm trying to say can translate...? I'm inclined to believe that gravity inside any hollow but regular shape, be it cube, tetrahedron or sphere will always be zero as there is an equal amount of shell around you in all directions...?
  13. I'm not afraid of death, just the act of dying. I don't want to spend my last moments in a state of pain/suffering.
  14. You honestly believe that? I guess the same thing must be common in primate society even now, huh? After all, most female primates from chimps to gorillas are just walking sex free-for-alls, waiting for any male to have his way, no questions asked.
  15. In a male-driven society it's regarded as a peer status symbol to be a "man of the world". Or something like that. Whereas women in the past were traditionally looked down upon and regarded as weak and feeble - and should therefore be considered delicate and innocent, as virgins are supposed to be. An expirienced woman would have been less likely to just lie back and be submissive to the man, because there's the possiblility that they could have actually developed a personality and/or backbone.
  16. *in a pub* "Hello miss, can I have a look at your hymen?" *slap and/or lawsuit*
  17. It's a social thing. Men want to have "first dibs" on a lady, is all. Kinda like a status symbol, as in not having any other bloke's second-hand sexual partner. Or am I being too cynical?
  18. Duh! Of course it would. Sorry I wan't thinking when I posted that. Gravity can't be blocked otherwise every time there's an eclipse the Earth would go flying off into space...
  19. Ah, if that's the case then yes, it must be mood swings. ...stupid hormones. *grumble*
  20. Would the inside of this sphere be truly anti-gravitational, or would outside influences that affect the sphere also affect it's contents? for instance, if the sphere was near a black hole, would the gravity also pull objects inside the sphere to the edge that was nearest to the black hole, or would there still be zero gravity insde the sphere, no matter what gravitational forces were also working on the sphere from outside?
  21. However even if you were at the edge of this sphere, you would only be "next to" one small area of sphere. The rest of the sphere's mass and gravity could be strong enough to pull you away in the other direction - which is why I first imagined you'd end up in equilibrium in the centre of gravity, at the middle. But then who's to say the rest of the sphere would have stronger influence than the area of sphere you're next to, and not an equal amout - thereby cancelling out any gravitational force, no matter where you were inside the sphere... I hope that made sense. I'm typing on a half-concious brain here. *yawn*
  22. When suffering from depression, could periods of feeling in a good mood, being quite friendly and "benign" (for lack of a better word) be classed as hypomania, or simply as state of temporary respite from the symptoms of depression? If these periods of feeling benign are actually hypomania and not temporary lack of depression (as in feeling "neutral"), could this be symptomatic of bi-polar disorder?
  23. Really? I saw him as more of a cookie man...
  24. Ah, okay. Thanks for the info. I may PM an admin during the week, I'll see how I feel and if it's really worth the trouble...
  25. Hello, I was wondering if it's at all possible to change your User ID name on these forums, or if it would be worth me just creating a new profile with my desired ID name? Which brings me to my second question: I forget how the user titles thingy works, are you able to create a custom title after a certain amount of time being registered on the forums - or do you have to have contributed a certain number of posts before custom status becomes "unlocked"?
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