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Everything posted by Daecon

  1. The difference between ultimate good and ultimate evil? It's the same difference as living in total anarchy (all encompassing evil where chaos and selfishness rules) and living in a police state (all encompassing "good" where evil is punished, no matter what the circumstances). Like in that one episode of "Charmed" where the whole world was changed into being Pure Goodness - the show's creators had the right idea.
  2. Hello, I was wondering if anyone can give me some information... I was wondering how many 3-digit Prime numbers there are, and what they are and which 4-digit numbers are also Prime. There was something I was trying to work out about them involving orders of magnitude between different Prime numbers, but I don't know where to look for that kind of information. Thanks a lot for any help you can offer!
  3. Maybe it's a defense machanism, a predator probably wouldn't hunt it if the goat appeared to have just dropped dead. Things that "die" for no apparent reason may not make a healthy food source.
  4. Could gravity be weak because it's force is split between 4 dimensions (or however many there really are in the Universe) where as all the other forces aren't? Therefore we can only recognise 1/4 (or an 1/11th or a 1/14th) of the true strength of gravity?
  5. $50.000? That must be at least £1...
  6. Only if you could find a way to bend light.
  7. How would you be able to get onto the internet to download another browser if you didn't already have a browser on your computer to be able to access the internet to start with?
  8. Daecon

    Cold Liquids

    What about Water or CO2 in a fire extinguisher? I'm pretty sure that's very cold when you first start spraying it, even though the cannister is most likely at room temperature.
  9. Um, I'm not sure. What does "metro" mean? I don't see how it's *that* suggesting...
  10. Maybe your godfather is psychic and can see people's auras and not only that but maybe he has that thingy that means he sees colours as smells and so when people are nervous their aura changes colour so when people are calm their aura is one colour and then they're angry it's another colour and when they're nervous it's another colour and that colour smells bad to your godfather so that's why he says that when you're nevous you smell bad because he's really seeing the colour change in your aura but dosn't realise it because maybe it's being ignored by the visual cortex and directly stimulating the olfactory centres instead, or... stuff. Comma? What's a 'comma'?
  11. Why on earth would anybody care if Firefox was the "first" to use tabbed browsing or not? Who gives a darn?
  12. There's one anti-perspirant advert on TV that gives a good idea why as well: It's a gang of drug dealers getting raided by the police, and the leader is all stroppy and angsty - he trys to intimidate pepople to figure out who set them all up and the woman in the gang is all cool and innocent under pressure - not even breaking a sweat. Then the scene changes and we figure out she's really an undercover policewoman with a good anti-perspirant instead.
  13. I'm talking about the kind of EM-type connection that a mobile phone uses, or bluetooth or whichever...
  14. Yeah, but lightsabers are about a metre long, then the beam of energy just stops for no reason. Why don't lightsabers have an infinite length?
  15. I'm allergic to cheese and chocolate? What do they have in common?
  16. I think monkeys are reincarnated creationists. God is punishing them for being morons.
  17. Could the brain ever develop modem-like qualities, such as you would see in a mobile phone or some such - being an electrical device that can communicate with other devices (other brains) without needing a direct physical connection? Could this be a reasonable explanation of telelpathy?
  18. Daecon

    How do we think?

    I think, therefore I am. Does the brain generate an electrical field that is independant and unrelated to the sequence of synapses firing, like the EM field generated by a computer or some such? Actually... I'm going to start a thread in speculations.
  19. Daecon

    How do we think?

    But what's the trigger for those neurons to start firing?
  20. This may seem odd, but whenever I eat either chocolate or cheese I get a sensation of sweating around my cheekbones and forehead. Is there any explanation for this...?
  21. Daecon


    Don't they also say that there will be an anti-christ of some sort, the devil's son? What if by some freakish random accidental co-incidence, god and the devil half sire the exact same person, so he's half son of god and half son of the devil? Talk about a crisis of concience...
  22. Well the way the electron orbits the proton, would it not induce some small "wiggle" in the proton as the electron moves about it?
  23. I meant the way the charges of the Electron- and the Proton+ act against each other.
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