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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/24 in all areas

  1. What a ridiculous question. “I have something in this bag which I will neither show you nor describe. Please tell me how valuable it is.”
    1 point
  2. In a multiverse model there may be multiple, or an infinite number of, big bangs. In that case each "universe" is finite in size, has a center, and edges expanding outward. The outer edge may have ANY shape and be moving at ANY speed since the edge is not constrained by space as it expands into the "bulk." "In the bulk model, at least some of the extra dimensions are extensive... and other branes may be moving through this bulk." Brane cosmology - Wikipedia
    1 point
  3. It's a shame you chose to ignore everything that everyone had to say.
    1 point
  4. There is news speculating about it Another ---> https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/nuclear-battery-assembly-guide/all
    -1 points
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