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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/17 in Posts

  1. If you are suggesting that light coming from some distant galaxy is traveling slower when it reaches the Earth than light produced locally, then this would produce noticeable effects. One would be in stellar aberration. When look at a star that is located on a line which is at a right angle to the Earth's orbital motion. It apparent position shifts a bit which is determined by the relationship between the speed of light and Earth's orbital speed. Since the direction of the Earth's motion changes over the course of a year, the direction of the apparent shift also changes. The point is, that if the speed of light arriving from a further galaxy was slower upon reaching Earth that light from a closer galaxy, we would measure a larger apparent shift in the position of the further galaxy than we would for the closer galaxy. This would be noticeable in any Hubble picture which contained galaxies at varying distances. When the Hubble takes a picture of some distant part of the universe, it can't just take a quick snap shot, it needs a very long exposure. Much longer than the scope can remain pointed at a single point of the Sky as it orbits the Earth. So what is done is that the Telescope points at a part of the sky for a while, records what it sees, and then waits until it's back into position again to continue the image, and repeats this process over and over until the total exposure time is met. A single image can takes months to complete. But this means that the apparent shift due to aberration also changes while the image if being formed. This is fine as long as the speed of the light arriving from all those galaxies is the same, as the shift will be the same and can be accounted for. But if light from further galaxies was slower when it reached Earth, those galaxies would exhibit a larger shift than nearer ones. The image compiled of multiple exposures taken over a long period of time would show "smearing" of these further galaxies which increased the further the galaxy was away.
    3 points
  2. Beautiful example of gravity waves:
    2 points
  3. Sorry been very busy with work, I might have time to study what you have added this weekend
    1 point
  4. You can also watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP04_TVbW8k
    1 point
  5. If Trump broke the law in any way with regard to the campaign or the election, of course he should be impeached. That would be a high crime or misdemeanor. My opinion on that however is irrelevant. The constitution would require Trump's impeachment at that point.
    1 point
  6. Phi for All , Raider5678 Thanks a lot for the reply I haven't smoked anything after that last post of that video . I even bought one of these and have been chewing this ever since . I already feel 10 times fresher . The craving is there and is very strong . I am a second year commerce student and i used to smoke between my studies , but right now i am not doing it , which is a good thing .
    1 point
  7. Yeah. You can learn a lot from other people's mistakes. Shame they don't! Your mum.
    1 point
  8. Another reason not to smoke . How Smoking 30 packs Wrecks Your Lungs I have been giving good gaps between smoke for the last few days . Tomorrow the month of November starts . And its going to be a smoke free month for me . That is all .
    1 point
  9. You presume to know what Putin's motives were and are dismissing them as typical. You do not know what Putin's motives were nor is Putin in any way shape or form accountable to U.S. citizens; Trump is. One of the primary functions of the President is to defend the country. The President is directly over our intelligence services, State Department, and military. There is no innocent excuse or acceptable reason for a President or Presidential candidate to tolerate, cooperate with, or otherwise enable what Russia did during the election.
    1 point
  10. This is, in all logical thinkers minds, a remedial and obvious strawman.
    1 point
  11. 1 - that Russia was interjecting itself into of Democratic process was known early as July of 2016. Candidates were made aware by our intelligence agencies. What did Trump do: joke that he hoped Russia would hack Hillary some more, claim no one knows who is doing hacks, and called the whole issue fake news. That may not be proof of collusion but it is unethical and extremely unpatriotic. At the very least Trump knowingly enabled the Russians by fostering doubt amongst his supporters. 2 - You are sure; do you have any evidence or is this just a gut feeling?
    1 point
  12. It was staged. But Aldrin and Armstrong were such perfectionists that they insisted it be shot on location. (Paraphrased from the internet somewhere)
    1 point
  13. The problem is that we already know that Trump has none of those attributes (well, maybe he's a tea total non smoker- but that's hardly important.) He's uninterested in his country https://thinkprogress.org/trump-isnt-saving-jobs-thousands-have-left-the-country-since-he-took-office-d45844db11fb/ He divorced a good fraction of his family. He's a crap negotiator- that's why the Mexicans literally told him to fuck off. https://news.avclub.com/mexico-tells-trump-to-fuck-off-in-this-conan-without-bo-1798258295 and the US is now one of (I think) two countries not signed up to the Paris agreement. and, while we are on the subject, that wall is not smart, and it is nonsense.
    1 point
  14. You seem to be attempting to excuse yourself here when in my opinion you should be preparing an apologize. So let me be crystal clear and plant a solid goal post; if Clinton or her campaign is charged with crimes and Trump is vindicated by Mueller's investigation it means I was fooled by propaganda and wrong about a great number of things. That my views over the last year not only were wrong but unpatriotic and a detriment to our nation. Not merely a win some lose some innocent mistake! Likewise if and when Trump and his campiagn are charged with crimes it will mean you have been wrong. It will mean your actions will have been unpatriotic and in no way keeping with our founding principles. That you put your selfish desires above democracy. This is no some matter. This isn't some petty thing. Our (U.S.) leadership around the world, partnerships with allies, and obligations to each other have been abused. Golden showers do not matter. We know Trump is a sexual deviant and likes Eastern European women. People voted for him understanding that. Equally people voted for Clinton knowing that Bill has a wondering eye. I do not care if Trump ever received a Golden Shower. I care about the law and integrity on equal representation under law. Golden Showers are back ground noise. What matters is the sovereignty of our democracy and its institutions. Cheating (breaking the rules/laws) to win an election is an assualt on democracy. It renders an individuals right to representation under the law moot. If those in power broke the law to get there it means we (citizens of the U.S.) do not have a representative govt but rather are being led by an aggressive regime which essentially performed a coup. Who will you stand with? Many (most) politicians lie or exaggerate to con voters into willfully giving their support. Mueller isn't investigating exaggerations; he is investigating crimes. So please do not soften the issue with empty rhetoric about peripheral matters pretending those things have been central all along. Your desire thorought the election WAS NOT to stay united. You acknowledged during primary season that Trump was a lunatic and his supporters dangerously fringe. You literally said if Kasich didn't win the nomination and the choice came down to Trump or Clinton you would have to do what was right for the country, hold your nose, and vote Clinton. Then Trump won the nomination and you voted for him. You justified it by basically saying that you are white man and ultimately Trump was better for old white men and that you simply had to stick with your tribe. Tribalism, which you commonly advocate, amongst racial and gender classifications is the oppoiste of united. You actively supported division by voting for a candidated you literally acknowledged was unfit. On my father's side of the family we go back to the revolutionary war!! On my mother's side we go back a century. Family I have known fought for this country; grandfather in WW2, two uncles in Vietnam, I have been deployed overseas. You sir are not more American than me because you are a self described old white man. Your tribe deserves NO greater inheritance of this nation than mine. I am not expecting lightening to strike tomorrow. I suspect the initial charges will be procedural in nature designed to empower investigators with more leverage to seize records and lean on witnesses. This is all far from over and their will continue to be people carrying buckets of water behind their tribal leaders to keep the flames down long as they can in attempt to selfishly get all they can till the flames rage beyond all measures of supression.
    1 point
  15. So... During the Republican primaries, a Republican candidate hired a firm to do opposition research on Trump. That firm hired an investigator who began exploring Trump connections with Russia. That Republican candidate lost, and when Trump became the front runner, a donor to the Clinton campaign began paying that same firm for more opposition research on Trump. That firm simply kept paying the same guy who was already doing this research and who had already begun to uncover some Trump/Russia connections. That investigator put his findings into a word document and that document was shared back with the campaign. Inside the document was information about the pee tape, and the campaign chose to use it. Now... Tell me again how this is supposed to be equivalent to Trump campaign collusion directly with Russian government and related oligarchs (and similar issues of secret meetings, paid trolls and and false advertisements, district-level targeting of those ads done by Russia, etc.)? It feels like it's a false equivalence to me.
    1 point
  16. First off, dark matter and dark energy are two different things and the reasons for expecting their existence are completely unrelated. The only thing they have in common is that they have "dark" in their names. The initial evidence for dark matter came from observations of how stars move in galaxies. Galaxies are formed from stars that are mutually orbiting each other. If we look at a galaxy, and estimate its mass by the matter we can see, we find that there does not appear to be enough to hold the galaxy together. At the speed the stars are orbiting, they should fly apart. We also know how these stars should orbit if the mass is contained to the shape we see it as having. Not only does the galaxy have more mass than that we can see, but the unseen mass must be distributed a lot differently than the part we do not see. For example, in a typical spiral galaxy, a good deal of the mass must be located above and below the disk-like shape we see. If it was made of normal matter, we should see it, if not in the visible spectrum, it should be visible at some other spectrum. This leads us to believe that whatever is causing that extra mass is not made of normal matter, but a type of matter that does not emit or interact with light or any part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Thus the term "dark matter. There have been attempts to explain the discrepancy through developing different models for how gravity behaves, but to date, none have been consistent with all the observations we have made. Dark energy concerns itself with the expansion of the universe. We have known for a long time that the universe is expanding and that distant galaxies are moving away from us. But until couple of decades ago, we assumed that the mutual gravity between the different parts of the universe was slowing this expansion down over time. What we did not know was whether this was enough to eventual stop the expansion all together. In the 1990's a study was made to try to determine if this was the case or not. Basically it worked because as we look at distant galaxies, we are seeing them as they were when the light left them. Thus as we look further away we are looking further into the past. Thus, to explain it simply, by comparing various galaxies' distances to how fast they appear to be receding from us, you can work out how the expansion of the universe has change over time. The surprise came when it was discovered that the universe's expansion was not slowing down, but was speeding up. Not only was it mutual gravity not enough to stop its expansion, but something was overcoming the gravity and pushing the universe apart. They decided to call this unknown influence "dark energy" (mainly because they had already coined the term "dark matter") . We really know very little about dark energy, and the term really just is a place holder for whatever it turns out to be. (Much in the way the terms "X-rays" was coined before we learned that they were just a certain part of the electromagnetic spectrum.)
    1 point
  17. 'They may have frequencies which are within the audible range but they are not sound waves." Strange "The frequency of a wave does not tell you the type of wave." Swansont "Frequency is not a physical quantity, and Hertz is not a unit, that is tied to sound (waves)" Lahn. "You need to look up what a transducer is. Optical and electrical modulation happens at acoustic frequencies, too." Swansontian "Sound waves which are audible to us have frequencies from about 20-20,000 Hz, but other waves exist with these frequencies which are not sound waves. For example, EM waves at this frequency are used for communications." Drakkith ___________________________________________________________________________ Dradkkith has not been informed of the eminent Swansonian transducer theory of celestial EM gravity waves.
    -1 points
  18. so I am sure that some illegality will be uncovered Trump was baited by the Russians, baited by his political opponents, both GOP and Dem. I am sure he took the bait, on more than one occasion, and lied about taking the bait, as to not be considered duped. And he was surrounded by thousands of operatives, both for him and against him, during the transition and after. Someone that wanted to see the election reversed, for whatever reason, could set up a situation, where he would have to lie to protect his pride. So this is how I see this witch hunt going. None of the initial charges that brought on the investigation are true, but somewhere in the mix, somebody lied to somebody, and if that happened before congress or before the FBI somebody is going to jail. Personally I think the Dems have ten times the chance of having to lie in front of congress about real crimes. So you want to talk about crimes, or lying to the FBI or failing to file as an agent of a foreign government? Notice the political aspect of this investigation. It is supposed to be about treason against the U.S. on Trump's part, colluding with the Russians to undermine our political system, so the first two charges are conspiracy against the U.S. It has to do with conspiracy to defraud the government in terms of taxes, and has nothing to do with hacking the election, but the word conspiracy is in there, and everybody says "see" its true, Trump is dangerous for the country (falling into the narrative spoken again and again during the election by Hilary and Obama) So who is the dupe?
    -1 points
  19. to strange a reply to your quotation of me the substance of a black hole's properties in the "observable universe" it has to be something as it sucks all light and is therefore invisible and this is the "observable universe" and only incompasses things visible so no invisible thing exists in the "observable universe" (<-technically) so it is nothingness(in the observable universe) and something in the actual universe (where things our eyes cant see exist) factoid there might be an infinitely abundant object we don't know about due to the infinity of this universe it both must exist and might'nt A literal ten year old.
    -1 points
  20. OK, now we are getting down to it. IF Trump did this or did that it would be bad. So did he do what you presume he did for the reasons you presume he did them? We have already presumed that to talk to Putin about defeating Hilary would be treason against the U.S. Not correct, it would be bad for Hilary, but not per se bad for the U.S. What would actually be bad for the U.S. is to have Russia control a fifth of our Uranium supply. OK if Canada controls it, but not good for a global political and military rival to control it. If Trump had promised Putin power over the U.S. in someway, in return for help defeating Hilary, then that would be treason. However, perhaps Trump had different motives than you presume. And at each stage, the rules for what he could or should or would do, in terms of agreement with the Russians is different. What he would do as a private citizen, looking to gain an advantage on some real estate deal is one scenario. What he can, should and would do as one of 12 Republican candidates is a new condition, surrounded by new rules. What he could should and would do after winning the Republican candidacy brings new rules, new information, new protection and responsibilities, but still he is a private citizen. After the election, a whole new set of rules came into place. He got new information, daily briefings and the like to bridge into actually being president and get ready for the transfer of power, from Obama. During this transition period, having already defeated Hilary, his connections with the Russians were expected. He needed to create channels of communications, negotiate and so on. He should not undermine the U.S. or the security of the U.S. and from all we know, he did not. The only person that might have negatively affected our potential relationship with Russia, was Obama who threw out Russian spies that had been instrumental in hacking our internet. So any collusion with the Russians to defeat Obama and Hillary would be campaign related and not illegal. Same as if there were people on this board in Lancaster, that knew the prime minister, posting pro Hilary, anti-Trump spins. And anything Trump did to change the relationship with Russia, after the election, during the transition, he did as soon to be, president of the U.S. After the inauguration, any disrespect you show the president, you are directing at me, because he is my president. Under these different states, different assumptions and presumptions are made. The way you guys are talking, you view it as a victory if Trump is impeached. This is not the case, with me. I would not view it as a victory for us, I would view it as a victory for Putin. Did you know it is actually illegal to publically threaten the life of the president of the U.S.? Consider the different presumptions a Sanders supporter has, or a Trump, or and ANTIFA person has, when somebody holds up the bloody head of the president. The presumptions don't matter. Legally it is a felony for a senator to get a crowd riled up, saying she is so mad, she is going to go up to the White House, and get the president, tonight. Regards, TAR by the way the same senator accused the President about colluding with Russia over Korea Not only, as it turns out was there no collusion between Russia and Trump over the invasion of Crimea, but she shouldn't be a senator. the only illegal thing, so far that has been uncovered by Mueller concerning Russia is lying to the FBI the cover up is often the thing that makes a situation a felony
    -4 points
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