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  1. Past hour
  2. Yes I suppose that must be it. I was thinking of anaerobic bacteria that use alternative chemistry as fuel, like sulphate reducing or iron reducing bacteria.
  3. Those are the units, but not the equation. Is there a point here?
  4. Today
  5. Acceleration is velocity over time. Velocity is distance over time. So, acceleration is distance over time^2
  6. There were Mössbauer experiments done with rotors - the emission/absorption moves out of resonance as you increase the rotation speed. citations 82-84 in https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tests_of_general_relativity
  7. It looks like the Higgs field consists of two entwined "parts" one- "mass" and one "electromagnetic" related which is shown from the SU(2) doublet statement. How is situation derived, I mean originally at the early/mid 20th century's indications of a mass establishing field? Is it a qualified assumption first theorized and later evolving to the "final" (mid 1960's) Higgs field and its mechanism. And finally in 2012 proven with the LHC success. How was this interesting "journey" started? I'm a bit embarrassed asking elementary issues, though it is cosmological crucial issue. (And I believe that my starting quest caught your attention, though being a bit confused.) Is the SM and the QFT always to be correct, we know about the cosmological constant problem?
  8. The fact that you ignore my points make me feel you were just wasting time before also. Of course it is; it's in the thread title -why did Truman use the atomic bomb on Japan- The pChemical plant where I work makes and purifies liquid Phosphine. On a regular basis we may have up to 60 000 lbs of Phosphine at 700 psi, on site. That is considered a weapon of mass destruction, even by the FBI, who have been here to investigate our site after 9/11. What we consider weapons of mass destruction would have first been used in WW1, in the form of Chlorine and Phosgene gas attacks. It might also be relevant that certain battles of WW1, and even the Crimean war, regularly had 100 000 casualties; if not from munitions then from infections of wounds afterwards. even earlier when city states in Europe were besieged, flaming catapults may have killed half their inhabitants ( or plague-ridden rats, most of them ). In that historical context, would that have been considered use of WMDs? Or how about when Ghengis Kahn raided central Asian cities, killed most, enslaved the rest, and burned the city to the ground ? Does that make arrows and fire WMDs? If the taking of lives is immoral, Taking them to save economy and culture are also. I, and I'm sure many others ( even MSC ) don't consider taking the life of someone who is threatening the life of others, immoral. Fear is never a justification; an imminent threat is. There is a difference, and its usuaslly called self defense. Have I addressed all your points, or are you still wasting your time.
  9. This is how the "twins' paradox" is usually set up.
  10. Clear[x, pnp] pnp = 2564855351 Show[ Plot[(( (((pnp^2/x) + x^2)) / x) /pnp), {x, 0, 60000}] Graph this equation. It is the inverse. It should make it easier to find the SemiPrime. It will decrease number of trails, but on small numbers will still be more time than brute force. It will however give you a graphical understanding of the smaller SemiPrime. Remember 2 unknowns should be impossible.
  11. Substrate-level phosphorylation? Quicker and less efficient than oxidative phosphorylation. A fermentation process, like in yeast and some bacteria. Oh, and erythrocytes, which have no mito.
  12. Then Hz is the number in which to factor by the value my equations yield, to be concise about what I'm stating here. It has nothing to do with gravity bending light or even the curvature of space it has to do with the calculus not maximizing surface volume to a concise enough detail, which in turn effects the depth and therefore throws off the redshift measurements. So you really do have to measure it against the calculus if that is the case. Pixelate any 2 galaxies in the cosmos from the observatory.
  13. Yes I do work with these on a professional level. Its also one of my primary focusses in regards to my primary expertise in Cosmology. Feel free to ask any questions and I will be glad to help you on it. Most articles including dissertations on Higgs will likely have those equations. Its certainly covered under papers regarding CKMS mass mixing. So resources are readily available to learn how to eventually understand the above. A big step is knowing vector and spinor relations under math. LIttle hint every SM model for every particle interaction (Feymann path integral) applies the Principle of least action via the Langrangian. Which forms also applies to the Hamilton
  14. In some way by earlier theorizing of my own I suspected this situation of Higgs field having two, no more or less, fields. One with emphasize on "mass" and the other on "electromagnetism". This is as far as I may comprehend. All the other formulas you provide are excellent and describing how mass is achieved with the photon remaining massless. You must be working with these matters professionally. On a high level also. And I'm glad you took time for to guide an interested layman in these matters. I cannot jump into these formulas. My concern lies more of how and why Higgs field are there in universe permeating all space. Exactly how mass is achieved is a physics professional issue too complex for me, as said. Hopefully we can continue to discuss in some manner, even if I cannot follow the precise math involved. /chron44
  15. From what I have just quickly read, these seem to have independently evolved, from mitochondria, several times in different species. So an example of convergent evolution, enabling their possessors to adapt to anoxic environments. What remains unclear to me is what the energy source is for their respiration. The flow charts I have seen seem to show pyruvate as the input, presumably from glycolysis. So that suggests glycolysis as usual, followed by some alternative to the Krebs cycle that does not require oxygen. Maybe someone can explain how this works. They don’t seem to be sulphate-reducing or anything like that.
  16. I was interested in a possible mechanism whereby this could be observed(or , rather modeled in real time.) An observer in the rest frame against which the acceleration takes place only interacts when the accelerated body and it "share the same event" or perhaps is close enough for a signal to be sent and returned. And any observer in the accelerated frame will see the time involved in any interactions as the proverbial "one second per second". What about my musing in the OP that the interactions in any system under acceleration will(unobservably) be altered in regards to the time between them because the em radiation involved in interactions (I think) travels in a curved path and is affected by blue /red shift? I think I am trying to see what actually happens(or should happen) without it being possible to verify by real time measurements. When the twins separate ,they could do so from a nonaccelerating point in space and time. Have I replied appropriately to your post?
  17. This is where we have to be careful. You may recall that the VeV is a probability function correct? That probability function will have a probability current. The term "expectation" value denotes this. So it has a weighted average that is described by the 246 VeV value. The other important detail is the Higgs field isn't just one field it is an SU(2) doublet. \[\phi=\begin{pmatrix}\phi^+\\\phi^0\end{pmatrix}\] however these are complex fields \[\phi^+=\frac{1}{2}(\phi_1+i\phi_2)\] \[\phi^0=\frac{1}{2}(\phi_3+\phi_4\] now these two statements describe rotations ( matrix, tensor operations) simply put. Yes those two equations do form a matrix but we can ignore that for now. now fermions have a few properties the Higgs mediates with each has a mass contribution the Higgs relation to charge Q, weak isospin eigenvalue \(T_3\), and hypercharge Y is related for the Higgs by \[Q=(T_3+\frac{Y}{2})\phi_0=0\] only the \(\phi_0\) current that gets a VEV...a probability current giving the weighted average likelyhood the last equation directly relates to the W, Z and photons gaining mass or not. Unfortunately this is where I'm going to have to turn it up a notch or a dozen notches quarks and lepton fields are organized in left-handed doublets and right-handed singlets: Matter is left handed, antimatter is right handed the covariant derivative is given as \[D^\mu=\partial_\mu+igW_\mu\frac{\tau}{2}-\frac{i\acute{g}}{2}B_\mu\] \[\begin{pmatrix}V_\ell\\\ell\end{pmatrix}_L,\ell_R,\begin{pmatrix}u\\d\end{pmatrix}_,u_R,d_R\] The mass eugenstates given by the Weinberg angles are \[W\pm_\mu=\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}(W^1_\mu\mp i W_\mu^2)\] with the photon and Z boson given as \[A_\mu=B\mu cos\theta_W+W^3_\mu sin\theta_W\] \[Z_\mu=B\mu sin\theta_W+W^3_\mu cos\theta_W\] the mass mixings are given by the CKM matrix below \[\begin{pmatrix}\acute{d}\\\acute{s}\\\acute{b}\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}V_{ud}&V_{us}&V_{ub}\\V_{cd}&V_{cs}&V_{cb}\\V_{td}&V_{ts}&V_{tb}\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}d\\s\\b\end{pmatrix}\] mass euqenstates given by \(A_\mu\) an \(Z_\mu\) \[W^3_\mu=Z_\mu cos\theta_W+A_\mu sin\theta_W\] \[B_\mu= Z_\mu sin\theta_W+A_\mu cos\theta_W\] \[Z_\mu=W^3_\mu cos\theta_W+B_\mu sin\theta_W\] \[A_\mu=-W^3_\mu\sin\theta_W+B_\mu cos\theta_W\] this is how the mass terms are generated using eh CKMS mass mixing matrix above. Unfortunately this is a stage where I had to resort to under the math to be accurate enough on how the mass terms apply for W,Z, and why photons do not acquire mass. However this table may help visualize what is going on \[{\small\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline Field & \ell_L& \ell_R &v_L&U_L&d_L&U_R &D_R&\phi^+&\phi^0\\\hline T_3&- \frac{1}{2}&0&\frac{1}{2}&\frac{1}{2}&-\frac{1}{2}&0&0&\frac{1}{2}&-\frac{1}{2} \\\hline Y&-\frac{1}{2}&-1&-\frac{1}{2}&\frac{1}{6}&\frac{1}{6}& \frac{2}{3}&-\frac{1}{3}&\frac{1}{2}&\frac{1}{2}\\\hline Q&-1&-1&0&\frac{2}{3}&-\frac{1}{3}&\frac{2}{3}&-\frac{1}{3}&1&0\\\hline\end{array}}\] in the above table you also have Yukawa couplings as well for example for a quark \[\mathcal{L}=q_d\overline{Q}_L\phi d_R+g_\mu \overline{Q}_L\phi_c U_R +h.c\] h.c. is the hermitean conjugate in QM don't worry about the last equation its just to show that the mass terms isn't strictly due to Higgs. Yukawa couplings also contributes and it uses the same table as above. Also I did not show the right handed singlets in the above. for antineutrinos they have different mixing angles as singlets and will involve Majarona what I have shown may likely make your head explode as is lol. oh forgot to add prior to symmetry breaking the SM model uses the Goldstone bosons
  18. A group of metazoans known as Loricifera contain at least three species that live their entire lives without oxygen. They depend on mitochondria like organelles called Hydrogenosomes. These organelles allow the organism to produce energy in the absence of oxygen, they live in anoxic sediments. Not considered uniquely evolved from a new organism but actually degenerate mitochondria. . Spinoloricus cinziae was found in 2014.
  19. The twins paradox typically idealizes the accelerations; the clocks are set equal after the space twin is up to speed, and the turnaround takes negligible time. The only importance of the acceleration is that it shifts the space twin into a different inertial frame. A rotating system is accelerating, and a clock in that system would tick at a rate depending on the instantaneous speed. The same would apply to a clock under continuous linear acceleration.
  20. I think it’s what is the difference between using 1 bomb to kill these people, or using bombs from a few hundred planes. The US had already killed 100k civilians in the raid on Tokyo, and several tens of millions of civilians died in the war, and even more if you include the resulting disease and famine. If the issue is the WMD, then the number of civilian deaths wouldn’t seem to be the issue.
  21. Have to ponder some days or more for to slightly comprehend...
  22. As you were writing that post, you were an accelerating observer, according to the equivalence principle. The ISS, for example, is a nonaccelerating one. Here are all your answers.
  23. We need to stop competing like OTHER animals, and use our competitive nature in ways that complement our high intelligence and our cooperative nature. Our current tribal hierarchies haven't worked for the vast majority for quite a while. But this probably doesn't relate to what the OP wants to talk about. I, for one, would like more clarification about what this speculation is about. Does anyone know what AI is heralding? Lately I lay a lot of the blame at the feet of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, with their emphasis on a paternal moral hierarchy. It could be that these religions are just more tools the wealthiest individuals use against us, but the generational abuse that's been inflicted on the world so an extremely small group could have more wealth than billions of their fellow humans has become part of the false fabric of so many lives. It's a form of slavery that is embraced by the slaves as their salvation.
  24. Of course. But that's not the issue being discussed in this thread. That is the issue of is it okay to kill over a hundred thousand civilians to save soldiers lives, and to initiate the first use of a WMD to do so? I wasn't comparing Truman to Eichmann, just drawing an analogy to say we don't just go by job performance. I'm sure Eichmann held that he was defending Germans from the menace of Jews taking over the economy and Aryan culture. He rated German Gentile lives way above Jewish lives. Every evil has its attendant moral justification. And you are ignoring my other points, which makes me feel I'm just wasting time now. Not a strong analogy. No one is proposing uninvention - an absurd concept. With guns, as with nukes, many propose a ban. The point is not having a gun pointed at everyone's head because it nurtures life and happiness and freedom from chronic fear. These are goals of civilization, or so I've heard. Erasure of knowledge would be a terrible idea - we absolutely need to remember what these weapons are and what they can do.
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