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  1. Past hour
  2. Hi. It is happening now, and would like to know if the host/conductor would be capable to compete with the kids... But, first I must disclose I have never gone to school in U.S. or any other English speaking country and learned English as third language at an academy. So, guilty. What brings me to post is the mystery when the host tells several pronunciations of the subject word. WHAT is the host reading to give different ways to pronounce the word in question ? Is the host reading this senseless <censored> I think is called phonemes ; a few of them to tell the kid the ways it can be pronounced ? And sad to see how the words selection is being shifted to other languages; either because they are running out of words in English or to make it beyond difficult. Today they presented a Japanese word and a Korean something fitted in the contest. Horrible. Does this spelling thing exist in other languages ? Thank you.
  3. I am so sorry, Memsahib! My elephant has been given a stern warning and will avail herself of the proper elephant waterclosets in future.
  4. Today
  5. OP probably lacks sufficient education to avoid such simplistic stereotypes
  6. A poundal is the certain force - or so my dictionary reckoned - to accelerate a pound of weight by one foot per second per second. (written some years ago)
  7. Yesterday
  8. Brave (Chrome variant with Google's tracking elements removed) is my go-to browser with Privacy Badger and uBlock Origin extensions. It has a bult-in optional browser-level VPN. That works pretty well for me. Just got a new i5 Win11 laptop, W11 is a bit of a privacy nightmare in terms of MS putting ads in the new Outlook email, I'm seeing. Seeing the email-tyle ads as the last straw, I've just bought Proton VPN and email app services. It works at whole-system level and, apparently, '5 Eyes spying cartel' snooping resistant as well that US/UK are part of, so hopefully, it's up to the job at the lower level I want it.
  9. I haven't, but I'm very interested in anything you might have to say about it. Not to say I'm not enjoying the discussion on local realism and the concept of reality. (As well as the ongoing intellectual feud between Moontanman and Dim.)
  10. Who cares what you want? Did you check with the African bushmen to see what they want?
  11. Why do you pick on Africans? Their impact on climate change has been negligible in comparison to those accustomed to riding in modern air-conditioned automobiles.
  12. I was thinking about your comment on nitrosamines and had prepared a response to Charon Y containing evidence that mouthwash is detrimental to NO metabolism, and also stating that there is overwhelming evidence on the harmful effects of processed meat and meat consumption in general on health. However, as you indicated, we are far off topic, so I will not post my original text. Thanks for the reminder and for answering the original question.
  13. Is that the causative agent, or just a symptom/side-effect of it? (or both) Education may mean knowing about birth control, but it also might just be an artifact of possibly having a white-collar job, and not needing to pump out a bunch of kids to work the land. Education also might indicate decent health care, so you don’t need a high birth rate because the infant mortality rate isn’t so grim. I think the point is that you haven’t clearly communicated anything specific. You haven’t mentioned contraception, so how does one know you are advocating this?
  14. I figured that, but my navy time pushed the warship designation to the top of the list.
  15. I was there late ‘95 through early ‘98 in the TRINAT group (TRIumf Neutral Atom Trap), which was established around ‘93, I think. They needed an atom trapper, which was outside the expertise of the people there. The other postdoc had learned a lot about it, but their background was nuclear/particle. We trapped some radioactive potassium isotopes, and once that system was running they could focus on the nuclear physics experiments. Since I helped build the apparatus my name was on a half-dozen papers after I left. I think Otto is looking for actual engagement, not rhetorical questions that have only a passing relevance to the issue.
  16. Hehe. Acronym universes collide! (DDG is Duckduckgo.com)
  17. I'm on an older chrome book and the ads are off the hook!
  18. Through worldwide EDUCATION. It does seem that population is declining already in the most developed/educated nations. We need to target other areas of the globe. No living human (man, woman, boy, girl or baby) on this entire earth should ever be deprived of a modern well-maintained home, sufficent nutrition, decent clothing, electricty, clean running water, clean air, proper indoor pluimbing, Internet, necessary means of transportation, modern healthcare, a decent education, a means of making a decent living (including being a housewife) and to live free of squalor, crime, violence, unlawful drugs rodents and pests. I want to see an African bushman type society no more. It's time for those people to throw away their spears and ride in modern air-conditioned automobiles (preferably powered by green sustainable energy) too and on well-maintained paved modern African roads. I want no more elephant feces or garbage littering the streets of India.
  19. The best documented effect of nitrites in the diet is their reaction with secondary amines to produce nitrosamines which are carcinogenic. Meanwhile, back at the actual question, it's ethanol.
  20. Adblock plus seems still to suppress them for me, on iPad with Safari.
  21. I see capocolla = coppa, so we should be OK with that at least. I would be less confident about Carrefour (French hypermarket chain) rosette beng nitrate free though. Saltpetre has been a traditional preservative for centuries, after all, though not nitrites.
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